Palin Slams ‘DC Assclowns’ At White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin on Saturday issued a fiery rebuke the White House Correspondents' Dinner, taking to Twitter and Facebook to disparage the "pathetic" annual event and the "DC assclowns" who were in attendance.

More: Palin Slams 'DC Assclowns' At White House Correspondents' Dinner | TPM LiveWire

Once again, Palin adds her immense "intellect" to the political process. Go Sarah!!!!!

Now Now the WASILLA HILLBILLY, queen of the crackers does have a following in inbred, slack-jawed, bible-thumping, gun clutching, trailer dwelling, white trash way in jesusland:eusa_whistle:

Remember this headline?


The Washington Monthly
Palin tried her hardest to be a DC Assclown.

Agreed. Republicans have themselves to blame for Palin. They nominated the idiot, McCain and then he opened up Pandora's box.

Palin is such a idiot she got elected governor of a state, and you have done that when?

Palin won by taking on the entrenched old boys club politicians in Alaska from BOTH people all sit here and DEFEND IT and put her down instead..

we see just who the idiots are
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Palin is an idiot. But if she were a black liberal, the media would be shrugging off her lameness and kissing her ass. Sound familiar?

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin on Saturday issued a fiery rebuke the White House Correspondents' Dinner, taking to Twitter and Facebook to disparage the "pathetic" annual event and the "DC assclowns" who were in attendance.

More: Palin Slams 'DC Assclowns' At White House Correspondents' Dinner | TPM LiveWire

Once again, Palin adds her immense "intellect" to the political process. Go Sarah!!!!!

Guess she was not invited.
Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin on Saturday issued a fiery rebuke the White House Correspondents' Dinner, taking to Twitter and Facebook to disparage the "pathetic" annual event and the "DC assclowns" who were in attendance.

More: Palin Slams 'DC Assclowns' At White House Correspondents' Dinner | TPM LiveWire

Once again, Palin adds her immense "intellect" to the political process. Go Sarah!!!!!

It is a joke , Even Liberal Tom Brokow and Barbara Walters think so~~

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