Palestinians bring plight of threatened village to US

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
A Palestinian family goes to congress to save their village from Israeli demolition.

It will be interesting to follow this and see where it goes.

The State Department warned this summer that demolition of the village would be "harmful and provocative." Since then the army has been deliberating about the issue, and a deadline has been set for 13 October.

Palestinians bring plight of threatened village to US
I guess some relatives get to visit O'bamba

Smells like another one of his surprise-presents to Israel and the US before he dances out.
The Israeli Defense Ministry unit which oversees civilian Israeli activities in the Palestinian territories has declared that Susiya does not have the appropriate permit. Villagers dispute that and say authorities systematically deny their right to build.

No permit, no village.
Oh, well, the demolition of the village will just have to be 'harmful and provocative', then...

Then again, a good argument can be made that they are merely taking out the trash, as a public service.

Either way, the world continues to turn, and the universe continues to unfold as it should.

The world is tired of this shit, and the sooner it's over, the better.

Time to cheer-on the Winning Team, in support of accelerating the End-Game.

Let's get this over with.


Time to bring in the cheerleaders...

" Push 'em back... Push 'em back... wwwaaaaaaaaayyyyy back !!! "


Go Team Israel !!!
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Originally posted by Delta4Embassy
These the same Palestinians who danced in the street on 9/11/2001 praising ObL?

That was the day the murder of palestinians and the demolition of their homes finally came back "home" to haunt Israel's sugar daddy... like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the back of the head.
Originally posted by Delta4Embassy
These the same Palestinians who danced in the street on 9/11/2001 praising ObL?

That was the day the murder of palestinians and the demolition of their homes finally came back "home" to haunt Israel's sugar daddy... like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the back of the head.
Are you an American, Jose?
Originally posted by Delta4Embassy
These the same Palestinians who danced in the street on 9/11/2001 praising ObL?

That was the day the murder of palestinians and the demolition of their homes finally came back "home" to haunt Israel's sugar daddy... like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the back of the head.
And, afterwards, the United States taught Militant Muslims a very valuable life-lesson...

"Phukk with us at your very great peril."

Knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of your countries...

Kill 3,000 of our people, and we kill 300,000 of yours...

A hundred-to-one Kill-Ratio...

We would have much preferred not to lose a single soul on either side, but, once the decision was taken out of our hands, a 100-to-1 Kill-Ratio is a good consolation prize.

Insanely disproportionate retaliation... the only way to fly, with these Neanderthals.


The United States decides whom it may befriend and whom it may ally with, not Militant Muslim asswipes.
To a certain extent, I feel sorry for America...

If the jumbo jets had been piloted by a bunch of native Americans or Mexicans the world could at least have said that the country paid the price of its own expansionist ideology of manifest destiny...

But the reality check says America paid the price of a foreign "Manifest Destiny"...
And when you take a look at the reasons that led America to support Israel you also find reasons that had nothing to do with America's own historic behavior:

1 - The "guilt" generated by the atrocities of another western country without a
single Jew massacred by America herself.

2 - The pressure put on the country by its jewish minority.

No matter how hard you look... You won't find a single american national interest behind America's support for the state of Israel in 1948.
But the buck has to stop somewhere, people.

I feel sorry for the historic circunstances that led America to support the jewish state (that didn't include a single genuine american national interest) but somewhere along the line, the country has to take responsability for the thousands of natives massacred by american weapons.
But the buck has to stop somewhere, people.

I feel sorry for the historic circunstances that led America to support the jewish state (that didn't include a single genuine american national interest) but somewhere along the line, the country has to take responsability for the thousands of natives massacred by american weapons.

Not a single American interest?

You're really trying too hard it's hilarious...

John Adams (1797-1801)
* "I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize man than any other nation."
(Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson)

"Farther I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites ... and marching with them into Judea and making a conquest of that country andrestoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation. [I believe ... once restored to an independent government & no longer persecuted they [the Jews] would soon wear away some of the asperities and peculiarities of their character & possibly in time become liberal Unitarian christians for your Jehovah is our Jehovah & your God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is our God.]"
(Letter to Mordecai Manuel Noah, 1819)

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
The allied nations with the fullest concurrence of our government and people are agreed that in Palestine shall be laid the foundations of a Jewish Commonwealth.
(Reaction to the Balfour Declaration)

Recalling the previous experiences of the colonists in applying the Mosaic Code to the order of their internal life, it is not to be wondered at that the various passages in the Bible that serve to undermine royal authority, stripping the Crown of its cloak of divinity, held up before the pioneer Americans the Hebrew Commonwealth as a model government. In the spirit and essence of our Constitution, the influence of the Hebrew Commonwealth was paramount in that it was not only the highest authority for the principle, “that rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” but also because it was in itself a divine precedent for a pure democracy, as distinguished from monarchy, aristocracy or any other form of government.

To think that I, the son ofthe manse, should be able to help restore the Holy Land to its people.

A Palestinian family goes to congress to save their village from Israeli demolition.

It will be interesting to follow this and see where it goes.

The State Department warned this summer that demolition of the village would be "harmful and provocative." Since then the army has been deliberating about the issue, and a deadline has been set for 13 October.

Palestinians bring plight of threatened village to US

So an illegal camp has been removed once before and the arab muslims have re built it. What would the US government do in the same situation ? What does it have to do with the US anyway, the same people want the US to stop interfering and have threatened to murder American citizens if they don't. Just tell them to get lost and do the only thing that will bring peace, ask for talks and negotiate a peace deal and mutual borders
Originally posted by Delta4Embassy
These the same Palestinians who danced in the street on 9/11/2001 praising ObL?

That was the day the murder of palestinians and the demolition of their homes finally came back "home" to haunt Israel's sugar daddy... like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the back of the head.

So you admit that the Palestinians attacked the WTC and mass murdered 3000 innocent unarmed civilians. You know what the reply to that is don't, BOMB THE MOTHERS INTO OBLIVION
To a certain extent, I feel sorry for America...

If the jumbo jets had been piloted by a bunch of native Americans or Mexicans the world could at least have said that the country paid the price of its own expansionist ideology of manifest destiny...

But the reality check says America paid the price of a foreign "Manifest Destiny"...

NOPE they were islamonazi terrorists and as such they acted on behalf of their religion. This should have immediately resulted in the arrest of all muslims in the west and the destruction of their property prior to deporting them all to Saudi Arabia. Slow the planes down to just above stalling speed and offer them the open doors and a prayer mat as they fly over mecca
And when you take a look at the reasons that led America to support Israel you also find reasons that had nothing to do with America's own historic behavior:

1 - The "guilt" generated by the atrocities of another western country without a
single Jew massacred by America herself.

2 - The pressure put on the country by its jewish minority.

No matter how hard you look... You won't find a single american national interest behind America's support for the state of Israel in 1948.

1 The American government banned the migration of 100's of 1000's of Jews from Europe in the 1930's and 1940's thus being implicit in their eventual mass murder.

2 never yet seen a minority put enough pressure on a country that forced that country to accede to the minorities demands.

The biggest interest is in having a base for future expeditions and also an "on the spot" spy network that can relay information regarding islamonazi actions as it happens. They also supply most of Americas silicon chips, and the code embedded on them, medical instruments for treating heart disease, medication to treat cancer and diabetes and R&D for such things as Iron Dome that save the US $ trillions.

Do you even know when the US started to supply aid to Israel ?
But the buck has to stop somewhere, people.

I feel sorry for the historic circunstances that led America to support the jewish state (that didn't include a single genuine american national interest) but somewhere along the line, the country has to take responsability for the thousands of natives massacred by american weapons.

Read my reply and counter it with proof that it is wrong. Maybe the Jews should do a number on your country and see how it fares in the very near future. Look at Greece for an example of what could happen ...................
Originally posted by Delta4Embassy
These the same Palestinians who danced in the street on 9/11/2001 praising ObL?

That was the day the murder of palestinians and the demolition of their homes finally came back "home" to haunt Israel's sugar daddy... like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the back of the head.
And, afterwards, the United States taught Militant Muslims a very valuable life-lesson...

"Phukk with us at your very great peril."

Knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of your countries...

Kill 3,000 of our people, and we kill 300,000 of yours...

A hundred-to-one Kill-Ratio...

We would have much preferred not to lose a single soul on either side, but, once the decision was taken out of our hands, a 100-to-1 Kill-Ratio is a good consolation prize.

Insanely disproportionate retaliation... the only way to fly, with these Neanderthals.


The United States decides whom it may befriend and whom it may ally with, not Militant Muslim asswipes.
Americans are the Losers

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