Palestinian Public Opinion and the Peace Process

Palestinian Public Opinion and the Peace Process

Coyote, et al,

Posting #1 of this Thread, is more than a mouth full; with a wide and very dynamic range of interests and issues.

I can only address chunks of this poll which is unsurprisingly critical of Israel and their intentions.

• 65% believe the two state solution is no longer practical due to settlement construction and 75% believe that the chances for the creation of a Palestinian state during the next five years are slim to non-existent.

Once the majority of the Arab Palestinians start to believe that a two-state solution (Arab State - Jewish State) become unattainable --- THEN it will be a hopeless cause. No cause can be championed successfully unless the people (on both sides) are overwhelmingly in support of it (wanting the same things).

(6) ISIS, Paris attacks, and waves of refugees:
  • 88% believe that ISIS does not represent true Islam.
  • An overwhelming majority opposes ISIS attacks in Lebanon, Sinai, and Paris.

I thought this was interesting. DAESH is about 150 miles away from Lebanon. Daesh on the border of Jordan.

• 82% believe that Israel’s long term aspirations are to extend its borders to include all territories occupied in 1967 and expel the Palestinian inhabitants or deny them their political rights.

Israel does not want the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. That is simply impractical and essentually dangerous to the regional peace and security. If the Arab League were to ever mount a combined effort against Israel as they have done in the past, they do not want Arab Palestinians behind defense forces. The IDF would rather have them to the front, ass the demonstrated threat they pose.

Additionally, why would Israel want the West Bank or the Gaza Strip? They cannot contribute one once of a boost to the economy, and virtually nothing to the Gross National Product. It would not be a wise investment.

• 51% believe that Israel plans to destroy al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock and build a Jewish temple in their place.

This is ridiculous. Maybe the Arab Palestinian associates from DAESH might do that. But there is no appreciable history of Israel, destroying Islamic National Shrines, Religious artifacts, Mosques or places of significant Islamic importance. While there have been sporadic complains by the Arab Palestinians in 5 major areas, you will not that Israel is not the destroyer of Islamic artifacts or mosques. In fact, the radical Islamic DAESH has destroyed more items and locations of Islamic significants that Israel every has.

Denial of access
Atmosphere of intimidation
Holy Places Put to Sacrilegious Use
Holy Places Taken Over by Jewish Extremists
Official Threats to Arab Citizens Reclaiming Sites
Take careful note that the greater Islamic community in the Middle East Region has not contributed one-tenth of the effort to combat DAESH. Nor have the Islamic Leaders condemned DAESH in any significant way for the sex slave trade, the destruction of monuments and religious artifact, or places of cultural significants.

These are very powerful beliefs about the other's intentions. How well are they supported by facts and, how can a peace process develop?

There is actually no real reason to criticize the Arab Palestinian; with one notable exception: The Arab Palestinian will continue along the path that it has chosen until such time that they might come to the negotiation table in good faith.

Most Respectfully,
After reading your post I think what we can truly conclude is that the Palestinians are still unwilling to actively change their course, it's like they're being dragged by media (note the difference between those in Gaza, the WB, and outside.

Time to wake up this is always the exact same patterns prior to any large scale tragedy we've seen.
The cult of Palestinianism is certainly an interesting phenomenon.

If well over half the people of South Carolina supported the indiscriminate murder of blacks, would we be experiencing similar reams of sophistry defending the attitudes? Were poll after poll to reveal that Greeks had such ethnic hatred for Turks that most supported killing them on sght, would it be defended? If the population of Oklahomans elected a group of people who promised the genocide of the Shawnee, would people be so eager to throw in their lot?

I doubt it. For some reason, however, radical leftists support the most revolting attitudes imaginable if they arise from an Arab. The cult mentality simply runs too strong in them to ever notice what they actually support.

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