Palestinian freedom fighters on Oct 7th humiliated Israel

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The brilliant military plan by the inmates of the Gaza concentration camp caught the Israeli IDF prison guards completely by surprise and was an outstanding victory.
Then the terrorist state of Israel, like clockwork, responded with the indiscriminate bombing of hundreds of homes and apartment buildings for days. Resulting in the death of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians.
Which has inflamed the entire world against the barbaric behavior of the Israeli government, and deep-six'ed any normalization negotiations Israel was having with several Arab countries.
This bold gamble by the Palestine leadership, has taken the almost forgotten plight of the imprisoned Palestinian people. To being center stage around the world, and revived the call for a fair and equitable 2 state solution.
Well they sure pissed the Israelis off, and until they release those illegally held hostages and stop sending rockets into civilian areas, the bombings and killing Palestinians will likely continue.
Disagree all you want. What I say is true, you are aiding and abetting war crimes when you call war criminals freedom fighters.
So are all the deluded college students siding with HAMAS savages.
Woe be to unto Muslims who try to quote the Koran to justify their barbarism. Even the great Prophet Mohammad wouldn't do what they just did against those poor Jews on October 7.
Would "Liberation fighters" sound better? .. :dunno:
Sounds better….but not true. They are savages who went house to house to find, torture, and kill every Jewish man, woman, child, and baby.

Jews don’t behave like the Arab monsters you are defending.
The brilliant military plan by the inmates of the Gaza concentration camp caught the Israeli IDF prison guards completely by surprise and was an outstanding victory.
Then the terrorist state of Israel, like clockwork, responded with the indiscriminate bombing of hundreds of homes and apartment buildings for days. Resulting in the death of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians.
Which has inflamed the entire world against the barbaric behavior of the Israeli government, and deep-six'ed any normalization negotiations Israel was having with several Arab countries.
This bold gamble by the Palestine leadership, has taken the almost forgotten plight of the imprisoned Palestinian people. To being center stage around the world, and revived the call for a fair and equitable 2 state solution.
can not argue against any of these talking points.
Woe be to unto Muslims who try to quote the Koran to justify their barbarism. Even the great Prophet Mohammad wouldn't do what they just did against those Jews.
I never thought a massive group of people could be more heartless than the Nazis of the 1940s, but the Muslim savages proved me wrong. I hope they all burn in hell.
I hope this war doesn't expand into a general war between Muslims and the rest of the world, Sunniman. I really don't want to cheer for your demise.
The challenge is Obama is behind the curtain, pulling the strings and siding with the Muslims. Biden is too far gone to even know what he’s doing.

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