

Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
A good part of me is indian. My grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee. At the age of 5 a White farmer told my grandmother he would give her a baby pig if she would burn off the farmer's field. He knew a 5 year old girl would love a baby pig. He also knew a 5 year old would know nothing about burning off a field. My grandmother would become trapped in that fire and was burned so badly she went the next 96 years in a wheel chair.It didn't make me a racist because every race has it's share of these people with no morals and willing to do anything to save a buck. These sub humans and everyone else believes in the saying 'birds of a feather stick together'. Boy Scouts all like camping, church groups like religion, criminals like crime, and democRats like control, total control. They have shown over the years they don't care if you are homeless, striped of your rights, beat, disfigured, or murdered as can even be seen by the actions of even a mindless one. They would steal the coins from a dead man's eyes. To see this for your self all you need to do is open your eyes.

First see how every time they write a bill it is always called exactly what the bill is not. A few examples: 'Crime Bill'. put half the Blacks in this country in prisons for long terms. Thank Clinton and China Joe for that one. Patriot Act. What is patriotic about taking our freedom and security using government agencies to spy on citizens? Thank RINO GWB. Affordable Care Act What's affordable about the price of your insurance over doubling for half the coverage with a yearly out of pocket cost you will never reach? Do I have to remind who lied to us every time he opened his mouth to get this bill shoved on us? Just take any bill you wish weather written yesterday or 75 years ago, These criminals must really think the people are stupid and it seems to me a lot of us are. Hell even Joe, who knows next to nothing, knows if you don't know your rights you have none. In other words pull your head out of that polluted place and breath a little oxygen for once. If reality is to hard on you re-install it and enjoy the stank.


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A good part of me is indian. My grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee. At the age of 5 a White farmer told my grandmother he would give her a baby pig if she would burn off the farmer's field. He knew a 5 year old girl would love a baby pig. He also knew a 5 year old would know nothing about burning off a field. My grandmother would become trapped in that fire and was burned so badly she went the next 96 years in a wheel chair.It didn't make me a racist because every race has it's share of these people with no morals and willing to do anything to save a buck. These sub humans and everyone else believes in the saying 'birds of a feather stick together'. Boy Scouts all like camping, church groups like religion, criminals like crime, and democRats like control, total control. They have shown over the years they don't care if you are homeless, striped of your rights, beat, disfigured, or murdered as can even be seen by the actions of even a mindless one. They would steal the coins from a dead man's eyes. To see this for your self all you need to do is open your eyes.

First see how every time they write a bill it is always called exactly what the bill is not. A few examples: 'Crime Bill'. put half the Blacks in this country in prisons for long terms. Thank Clinton and China Joe for that one. Patriot Act. What is patriotic about taking our freedom and security using government agencies to spy on citizens? Thank RINO GWB. Affordable Care Act What's affordable about the price of your insurance over doubling for half the coverage with a yearly out of pocket cost you will never reach? Do I have to remind who lied to us every time he opened his mouth to get this bill shoved on us? Just take any bill you wish weather written yesterday or 75 years ago, These criminals must really think the people are stupid and it seems to me a lot of us are. Hell even Joe, who knows next to nothing, knows if you don't know your rights you have none. In other words pull your head out of that polluted place and breath a little oxygen for once. If reality is to hard on you re-install it and enjoy the stank.

What freedoms have you lost?
What freedoms have you lost?
OK I'll bite but only after I tell you you need to go find other freedoms we have lost. The Patriot Act was only the first of what turned into a pile of laws that followed. Each one taking a bite out of the 4th and 5th amendment. Every day Joe giving himself power he never had to begin with chips at our 2nd amendment. The words "not to be infringed" makes every gun law ever written against my freedoms. Here this should explain it faster. We still hold on to the third Amendment. The rest have slowly been gutted over the years. I'm still wondering why you asked it to begin with especially with all the violation in DC and lawless imprisonment of ones that marched on January 6th. What happened to speedy trial? It been almost a year and they haven't even been charged but still set in Solitaire confinement What happened to no excessive bail and nocruel and unusual punishment AGAIN, HAVING A HARD TIME YOU HAVING TO ASK THAT. You think it might have something to do with ones like you the reason they get away with it. When ever anyone wants to violate any of my freedoms I write my elected officials asking them what are they trying to pull as you do nothing being clueless . Maybe if you read the documents that founded this nation it would motivate you to action.
OK I'll bite but only after I tell you you need to go find other freedoms we have lost. The Patriot Act was only the first of what turned into a pile of laws that followed. Each one taking a bite out of the 4th and 5th amendment. Every day Joe giving himself power he never had to begin with chips at our 2nd amendment. The words "not to be infringed" makes every gun law ever written against my freedoms. Here this should explain it faster. We still hold on to the third Amendment. The rest have slowly been gutted over the years. I'm still wondering why you asked it to begin with especially with all the violation in DC and lawless imprisonment of ones that marched on January 6th. What happened to speedy trial? It been almost a year and they haven't even been charged but still set in Solitaire confinement What happened to no excessive bail and nocruel and unusual punishment AGAIN, HAVING A HARD TIME YOU HAVING TO ASK THAT. You think it might have something to do with ones like you the reason they get away with it. When ever anyone wants to violate any of my freedoms I write my elected officials asking them what are they trying to pull as you do nothing being clueless . Maybe if you read the documents that founded this nation it would motivate you to action.

I haven't lost any freedoms. You made the statement. What freedoms have you lost, wiggle worm?

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