OWS Protestors Vandalize Obama Campaign Office


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
Randy Fardal

Without mentioning Occupy Wall Street, the Associated Press reported that "protestors" vandalized an Obama campaign office in Oakland, California, Friday evening. Other Big Media outlets, such as the Washington Post, ran the AP version of the story. That's excusable, since the AP made it look like a small story, and it happened on the opposite side of the continent from most WaPo readers. But the local CBS affiliate ran its own version of the story without revealing that the protestors were part of the Democrat-supported OWS movement.

By the time you click those links, the stories might have been updated, but as of 3pm Eastern Time -- fourteen and a half hours after the incident -- they still suppressed the truth about the protestors' affiliation. Unsurprisingly, some reader comments indicted the TEA Party for the vandalism, and cynics might suspect that the AP wanted its readers to jump to that conclusion.

However, in random acts of journalistic integrity, at least two other local TV stations did report the whole story. ABC affiliate KGO wrote, "A group of 100-200 Occupy Oakland protesters began marching down Telegraph Avenue after being denied a permit to protest near the First Friday event at Art Murmur." And Fox affiliate KTVU reported, "Around 9:30 p.m. Friday night, some demonstrators broke away from an Occupy Oakland protest march and smashed the windows of the campaign office on Telegraph Avenue."

Yes, every activist group has its lunatic fringe, but the Democrat sponsored, endorsed, and lauded Occupy movement appears to be comprised of nothing but lunatics. And just months ago, OWS was hailed as the face of the 21st century Democrat Party. Perhaps it is.

Page Printed from: Blog: OWS Protestors Vandalize Obama Campaign Office at August 05, 2012 - 08:49:24 PM CDT

Chickens coming home to roost?
I liked this story much better when Lakotah "filled in the blanks" for us all and stated the GOP were the vandals.

Kind of like the latest abortion clinic "bombing" in which someone set what sounds like a fire cracker on a window sill resulting in a powder burn in the paint and then attempted to claim those crazy Christians had attempted a massacre.


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