CDZ Overly aggressive causes


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Use to be, when a "call to action" was brought up, if it didn't pertain to you, or many many others, the idea just faded away like the morning fog.
Other causes, that actually meant something to many people, like women's rights & desegregation, were fought and won because they were actually needed.
Now a days, it's like a hobby to protest stuff, even if it doesn't affect most people. Like the rebel flag being protested on the west coast.
Or even better, black lives matter. Seems BLM have killed more innocent people, including cops, than cops unjustifiably killed black unarmed people. In fact, it's become such a "fad" to support BLM, that you'll get bashed if you say "all lives matter."
I watched a video the other day where a guy, not white or black, held up a sign in a black neighborhood that said "All Lives Matter," and he was chased out of the neighborhood by some thugs.

IMO, this who current culture is like the covid epidemic. Not in terms of people dying. But more like "when is all this BS going to die down, so we can get back to normal?"
All the big issues, race, unions, social security, have been dealt with back in the 50s and 60s.

All that's left are trivial issues.
All the big issues, race, unions, social security, have been dealt with back in the 50s and 60s.

All that's left are trivial issues.

Agreed. And causes that don't really affect most of us.
So this begs the question, why so many people now getting involved in things that don't pertain to them in any way, shape or form?
I think it's like a fad.
Sort of like all the new supposed Christians that started coming out of the wood works during the W. Bush administration. People that clearly never read enough of the bible, still didn't go to church, or even pray, were calling themselves Christians. Why? Because the right made it the new fad. Luckily all that faded away once Bush's lies started coming out.

Maybe it's just me, but when I looked at bottle of Aunt Jemima, I just thought she was a good cook.
We now longer live in a culture that places any value on BEING virtuous -- just mouthing the appropriately insincere words necessary in order to be regarded as such by other insincere people.

People are increasingly just play actors standing on the street corner wanting to be praised by others.

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