Overflow Of Immigrants,Now Winding Up Homeless,Sleeping On Sidewalks.More Are Comming It's Getting Much Colder Soon.No Motel 6's ?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
Somewhere In Florida
I saw this story yesterday, and again on Fox News. They have no temporary housing for the newcomers, just dropping them off in the streets of a few Texas towns. And here comes winter! and it's gonna be a brutal one! Now we really need those solar panels to heat our homes and start our frozen cars! Now, you have to wonder where the next 25,000 immigrants are going to stay. Never mind the long wait for busses in the cold. We have no housing for them! And they are planning to vote Democrat after the hell they are going thru and about to go thru?
Americans voted for an Open Border policy in record numbers in 2020 and confirmed their position in 2022. You and Mexico are becoming one, a seamless nation now.

What this means for the Western World will be debated, but it seems inevitable. Trump was the only President who cared enough to even raise the issue.

Once all these millions of illegal immigrants become desperate, America will see a spike in violent crime it has never seen.
I posted to this effect over a year ago or more.

All these illegals were essentially told by the Left to come here and they will be taken care of.
When this doesn't happen they will become bitter.
Expect street crime, home invasion, robbery, assault, burglary, shop-lifting and even murder to soar.
Women are going to suffer the most. Especially women living alone.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Left is working overtime to raise your taxes, take your guns and unleash the IRS on you.
Still, Americans are waiting on their free freedom, Jesus' return or someone else to fight for their freedom.
America is going to have to burn to the ground and everyone will have to lose everything before there's any motivation to fight back.

Hate to tell ya but there is no upcoming election that is going to resolve all this.
No one is going to do anything until the food runs out and the lights go dark.
These people are escaping from their Brown tyrants.
Why isn't the UN doing anything?
I saw this story yesterday, and again on Fox News. They have no temporary housing for the newcomers, just dropping them off in the streets of a few Texas towns. And here comes winter! and it's gonna be a brutal one! Now we really need those solar panels to heat our homes and start our frozen cars! Now, you have to wonder where the next 25,000 immigrants are going to stay. Never mind the long wait for busses in the cold. We have no housing for them! And they are planning to vote Democrat after the hell they are going thru and about to go thru?
Transport them to the Canadian border.
Start sending them to Washington DC, Chicago and New York. Send them to deep freeze states. Our immigration problem may just take care of itself.

It will be 35 degrees in El Paso tonight. How many of those thousands will be cold, hungry, and terrified?
I saw this story yesterday, and again on Fox News. They have no temporary housing for the newcomers, just dropping them off in the streets of a few Texas towns. And here comes winter! and it's gonna be a brutal one! Now we really need those solar panels to heat our homes and start our frozen cars! Now, you have to wonder where the next 25,000 immigrants are going to stay. Never mind the long wait for busses in the cold. We have no housing for them! And they are planning to vote Democrat after the hell they are going thru and about to go thru?

It isn't about voting democrat. That's just a easy answer whipped up by non democrats.

The real reason is, because it's one of the things the world economic forum demands, and the Biden administration is happy to oblige them.

One of their many goals is to have poor people from poor countries to flood into western countries.
I saw this story yesterday, and again on Fox News. They have no temporary housing for the newcomers, just dropping them off in the streets of a few Texas towns. And here comes winter! and it's gonna be a brutal one! Now we really need those solar panels to heat our homes and start our frozen cars! Now, you have to wonder where the next 25,000 immigrants are going to stay. Never mind the long wait for busses in the cold. We have no housing for them! And they are planning to vote Democrat after the hell they are going thru and about to go thru?
Totally amazes me how the left will bend over backwards, financially supporting illegal immigrants while US citizen homeless are basically given the shaft.

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