Over at DU


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2004
Just went over to Du to look around and someone has started a thread stating that the Miami Herald has done a recount and Kerry may be winner of Florida. They are all congratulating the thread starter and calling her a genius!!! They don't give up-do they?!!! I think if this were true,it would be somewhere on the news!!!
krisy said:
Just went over to Du to look around and someone has started a thread stating that the Miami Herald has done a recount and Kerry may be winner of Florida. They are all congratulating the thread starter and calling her a genius!!! They don't give up-do they?!!! I think if this were true,it would be somewhere on the news!!!

Actually, the Miami Herald did do a recount in the heavily democratic counties of the panhandle and guess what, they found that those Dixiecrats voted for Bush. Just as they voted for Dole in '96 and Bush in 2000.
Paper's Partial Recount Suggests Bush Fla. Win Was Legit
NEW YORK A recount by reporters for The Miami Herald found that George W. Bush’s victory in three heavily Democratic counties appeared to be legitimate, the paper reported Sunday.

In a story published in the Herald’s Nov. 28 edition, the paper detailed how two reporters conducted a recount of more than 17,000 ballots over three days last week and found that charges of voter fraud were unfounded, at least in those areas.

"Last week, The Herald went to see for itself whether Bush's steamroll through North Florida was legitimate,"the story revealed. The paper picked three small counties "that fit the conspiracy theory profile: staunchly Democratic by registration, whoppingly GOP by voting.”

The newspaper reviewed votes done by optical scan ballots in Suwannee, Lafayette, and Union counties, which showed Bush beating Sen. John Kerry in "a swath of Florida where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 3-1."

The Herald reported finding “minor differences” with the official results in each county, most involving a "smattering of ballots that had been discarded as unreadable by optical scan machines but in which reporters felt the voter intent was clear."

The optical-scan system involves voters filling in an oval or darkening an arrow by a candidate's name on a card. A machine reads the card optically, the paper reported.

The three counties, however, cast only about 15,000 votes total, a tiny fraction of the state vote.

One election supervisor explained why so many Democrats there voted for Bush: "People here are mostly fundamentalist Christians who work in the prisons. Do you think they're going to vote for the liberal senator from Massachusetts?"
What is wrong with these people? They think that somehow the GOP fooled the election officials in Democratic Counties across the country and messed with the votes? They have obviously never been part of an election on the inside. This year I served as an election judge in my county. Even if I wanted to, there are so many checks and balances that I could not mess up the results in my heavily Republican county, imagine if I tried in a Democrat county.

These people need some help. :poke:
A quick glance at the Congressional Almanac indicates that all five counties in Olbermann's conspiracy theory are in the Florida Panhandle, where most people have been registered as Democrats since their grandfathers registered them to vote shortly after the Civil War. This is in contrast to Broward and Dade Counties, where the vast majority of voters entered their party registrations when they moved to Florida from New York a few years ago.

As if anticipating Olbermann's idiotic conspiracy theory two years ago when he wrote the most recent almanac, Michael Barone specifically notes that these Panhandle counties – though still majority Democratic in party registrations – have been voting for Republicans for president for many years. This would include the 2000 presidential election when the three voting districts at the centerpiece of Olbermann's conspiracy theory voted for Bush by 69 percent, 66 percent and 57 percent. The only way Barone could have made this any clearer to the "Countdown" host would have been to begin the chapter, "Dear Keith Olbermann ..."

There's no mystery, no scandal. These are what's known as "Southern Democrats," who have been voting Republican for a very, very, very long time. Most of them probably don't even realize they're registered as Democrats. These people are Democrats like Kevin Phillips is a Republican, like Ashlee Simpson is a singer.

The Duhmocrats can not possible believe the concept that they are not nor ever have been the mainstream of America. They will continue bleating lies under the idea that if the lies are repeated often enough the rest of the sheeple will believe.
I must agree with Michael Savage on this one..... liberalism is a mental disorder.....
These nut-case libs are just toooooo pathetic! Yesterday on Fox's The Big Story with John Gibson, the topic was the changes being made in Bush's cabinet for the second term. The Dems sent that young, blond-haired woman they always send to Fox to represent their views. Well, her take was that the people who served in the cabinet during Bush's first term were "fleeing" from the Bush Administration in great numbers! They just couldn't take it anymore! Finally, she became so ridiculous that John had to tell her to get out of "election mode" and "talking points" and discuss the topic logically. Which, of course, was an impossibility for her, so she didn't have anything worthwhile to add to the conversation. What a waste of time to have her on, but, then again, it gives people an opportunity to see how shallow these people are.
ROFLMAO! These folks are "fleeing' the Bush administration in the same sense that Dan Rather is "fleeing" CBS!

I can understand why someone might feel that he "couldn't take it any more" - especially after his ass gets FIRED!
krisy said:
Just went over to Du to look around and someone has started a thread stating that the Miami Herald has done a recount and Kerry may be winner of Florida. They are all congratulating the thread starter and calling her a genius!!! They don't give up-do they?!!! I think if this were true,it would be somewhere on the news!!!

Must be nice over there in La la land :lalala:

They can make up their own little world of non reality :cof:
krisy said:
Just went over to Du to look around and someone has started a thread stating that the Miami Herald has done a recount and Kerry may be winner of Florida. They are all congratulating the thread starter and calling her a genius!!! They don't give up-do they?!!! I think if this were true,it would be somewhere on the news!!!
What if the Democratic Underground were around when Columbus discovered America?

ChrisC: Hi everyone... guess what? I just came back from the New World! The Earth is Round!

HolierThanThou: You obviously have it wrong! The Earth is Flat!

ChrisC: But.... I have evidence!

HolierThanThou: Well... according to the latest polls from Venice, most people believe that the Earth is flat!

ChrisC: But... I just returned from several ocean voyages over the Atlantic Ocean! The Earth is round!

HolierThanThou: Not true! That's because you lied! You are in league with the Spanish who are trying to get lucrative contracts through that company Haliburton! Anyway, if the Earth were round, why didn't the French find out about it?

ChrisC: Well how about all the other evidence for a round earth like ships disappearing over the horizon?

HolierThanThou: No, that's simply because of fraud perpetrated by you Round Earth types! You obviously have been doing something with mirrors! You are marginalizing and disenfranchising the people that believe in a Flat Earth! You must be more compassionate and realize that there are two truths, a Round Earth for you and a Flat Earth for others! Everyone makes their own truth! Anyway, the UN Security Council voted against a Round Earth back in 1491! Obviously, your expedition was illegal!

ChrisC: That's silly! The Earth can't be round and flat at the same time! You can't vote away truth!Anyway, no one believes in a Flat Earth any longer!

HolierThanThou: Truth is relative! Yes, there are millions of us Flat Earth folks! They just haven't made their views known. It's because of the Right Wing conspiracy known as the Renaissance that is making them afraid to express their viewpoints! In fact, ever since that you came back from your first expedition, many of us Flat Earth people have been in therapy trying to recover from the shock that millions of people could actually be so dumb as to believe in a Round Earth!

ChrisC: If I use the Scientific Method, I come to the logical conclusion that the Earth is Round! You're being closed minded!

HolierThanThou: How dare you doubt my open mindedness!! I am just as logical as you are! Just for that mean spirited remark, I'm going to have you banned from this forum for being such a trouble maker! Then I'm taking this to court and get a judge to rule that the Earth is flat ... and that'll settle the argument!
KarlMarx said:
What if the Democratic Underground were around when Columbus discovered America?

ChrisC: Hi everyone... guess what? I just came back from the New World! The Earth is Round!

HolierThanThou: You obviously have it wrong! The Earth is Flat!

ChrisC: But.... I have evidence!

HolierThanThou: Well... according to the latest polls from Venice, most people believe that the Earth is flat!

ChrisC: But... I just returned from several ocean voyages over the Atlantic Ocean! The Earth is round!

HolierThanThou: Not true! That's because you lied! You are in league with the Spanish who are trying to get lucrative contracts through that company Haliburton! Anyway, if the Earth were round, why didn't the French find out about it?

ChrisC: Well how about all the other evidence for a round earth like ships disappearing over the horizon?

HolierThanThou: No, that's simply because of fraud by you Round Earth types! You obviously have been doing something with mirrors! You are marginalizing and disenfranchising the people that believe in a Flat Earth! You must be more compassionate and realize that there are two truths, a Round Earth for you and a Flat Earth for others! Everyone makes their own truth! Anyway, the UN Security Council voted against a Round Earth back in 1491! Obviously, your expedition was illegal!

ChrisC: That's silly! The Earth can't be round and flat at the same time! You can't vote away truth!Anyway, no one believes in a Flat Earth any longer!

HolierThanThou: Truth is relative! Yes, there are millions of Flat Earth folks! They just haven't made their views known. It's because of the Right Wing conspiracy known as the Renaissance that is making them afraid to express their viewpoints! In fact, ever since that you came back from your first expedition, many of us Flat Earth people have been in therapy trying to recover from the shock that millions of people could actually be so dumb as to believe in a Round Earth!

ChrisC: If I use the Scientific Method, I come to the logical conclusion that the Earth is Round! You're being closed minded!

HolierThanThou: How dare you doubt my open mindedness!! I am just as logical as you are! Just for that mean spirited remark, I'm going to have you banned from this forum for being such a trouble maker! Then I'm taking this to court and get a judge to rule that the Earth is flat ... and that'll settle the argument!

You're a regular riot Karl, what a hoot! Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh. :bow2:
Karl I almost spit my tea at the screen I was laughing so hard............ :beer: Are you a part time comedy writer??
European Civil Liberties Union


Egotisical Clueless Lawyer Uglies

Closely related to the ACLU

A##holes Creating Legal Uproars
Deornwulf said:
European Civil Liberties Union


Egotisical Clueless Lawyer Uglies

Closely related to the ACLU

A##holes Creating Legal Uproars

Oh I see, kinda catchy names there lOL very fitting
Bonnie said:
Karl I almost spit my tea at the screen I was laughing so hard............ :beer: Are you a part time comedy writer??
I'm actually a programmer....

But whenever my coworkers see my code they start laughing hysterically....

So, yes, in a way I am!!!! :) :) :) :)
Deornwulf said:
European Civil Liberties Union


Egotisical Clueless Lawyer Uglies

Closely related to the ACLU

A##holes Creating Legal Uproars

A Fractured Christmas Carol by Karl Marx (sung to the tune of "Santa's Coming to Town!")

Oh... you better watch out, prayer's not allowed
Don't hang out with that religious crowd
The ACLU is coming to town!
They're making a case and a lawsuit too!
They've closed your church, now they're after you!
The ACLU is coming to town!

They see you when you're praying, or go to Sunday school
They know that you're religious, and think that you're a fool!

Take my advice, don't give up all!
Kick those damn Commies in the ........ shins!
The ACLU is coming to town!!!!!!

HO HO HO! Merry Crisp Mix and a Happy Harmonica! :) :) :)

(Oh my! It's time for my medication!)

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