Over and over I read Trump's defenders, in effect, justify their continued support.......

You realize even Project Veritas had to admit the diary could not be authenticated, right? But you go right on believing all the right wing media myths your little heart desires.
No we just believe what she said about what she wrote.
It's not delusional that most of the country disapprove of Biden, think the country is going in the wrong direction, Trump is far ahead in swing state polls, and betting venues are predicting a Trump win.
But this thread is about whether you would vote for a convicted criminal in a case about Trump's efforts in subverting democracy.
You had democrats in charge and that is the sole reason Holder got away with defying congress.

"A federal judge has declined a House committee's bid to have Attorney General Eric Holder held in contempt of court — and perhaps even jailed — for failing to turn over documents related to the Justice Department' s response to Operation Fast and Furious.

However, in a ruling Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson also denied Holder's request for an indefinite stay of her prior order that the attorney general must turn over any "non-privileged" documents the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee subpoenaed as part of an investigation into the botched gunrunning investigation. The judge previously ruled that Holder must give the panel any documents that are not both predecisional and deliberative in nature.

Jackson called the House contempt motion "entirely unnecessary" and said it was evident that she was considering the government's motion to lift her prior order. "Under those circumstances, the Court finds no basis to hold defendant in contempt," she wrote."

Have you noticed every time a ruling goes against Trump you folks blame it on bias?
Not true. Many perhaps. But no. Not all.
Do you believe the Orange Messiah is incapable of committing a crime?
If — by your petty name calling — you are referencing President Trump, then the answer is no. Anybody is capable of committing a crime. But that’s the wrong question. The question is whether there s any valid basis upon which to accuse a person in the first place.
All the grand juries who have weighed the evidence do not believe that.
Bitch, please. WHO provides the legal instructions to a grand jury? If you said “the prosecutors,” you’d be correct.

Bury a grand jury with a shitload of official sound papers and allegations And then “instruct” them on “the law” and do so in as significant a case as the first few ever to accuse the prior President of the United States, and you’d know what it’s a truism that a competent prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich.

Oh, and if a grand jury in deep blue NYC has a schmuck like Bragg presenting the “evidence,” the odds of securing an indictment are damn near 100%. Ditto that for a federal persecutor in deep blue DC.
I'm going to support Trump to the very end for no other reason than to make liberal trash cry. This whole silly thing is TDS driven nonsense, endless whining about a little spat years ago is childish and deserves nothing but contempt.
Of course. When you completely lack principles, 'making libz cry' seems like the perfect motivation for voting. :rolleyes:
I'm going to support Trump to the very end for no other reason than to make liberal trash cry. This whole silly thing is TDS driven nonsense, endless whining about a little spat years ago is childish and deserves nothing but contempt.
To the very end. Not a cult, right?
Nobody is crying, filth.
by stating the manifestly accurate observation, "Trump has not been convicted of a crime."

If he is, since I believe the 1/6 trial is first up, convicted in that case of the serious criminal charges brought against him (understanding he will appeal), is that a deal breaker for your support?

It's well understood his moral failings do not persuade you to reconsider him being worthy of the presidency. What about a criminal conviction?

The central draw of MAGA to the many supporters is the lack of consequence. They want to return to an age where you can grab your secretary by the pussy, you can lie, you can cheat, you can inflict violence, you can sexually assault, you can defame, you can defraud, you can demean.

They invest a degree of their identity in Trump's moral failings, because he's doing what they wish they could do....and up until recently, Trump has gotten away with it. He's been an ideal that they want to aspire to.

That's why the react so viscerally to Trump facing consequence. Its the death of their idealization of immorality.

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