Over a Million Died in Vietnam for Nothing


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Right coast, classified
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why
Well in your article for one they are still in the honeymoon phase

Of course, capitalism is always easier to love during an economic expansion

Problem is instead of the government providing, the wealthy do, and the wealthy are greedy, the US is a developed country which has become plutocratic. Vietnam will also in due time, once the few elitist rule all and dictate and buy those in power , will see what happens when the poor in their country become even more poor and the rich , richer.
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
Shoot them. ?
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The left control the education system, the younger generation knows nothing about the horrors of socialism or Communism.
The OP is very simplistic in the analysis of Vietnam's past and people.

Reading a couple of history books on Vietnam would help immensely. ....... :cool:
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The left control the education system, the younger generation knows nothing about the horrors of socialism or Communism.
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The left control the education system, the younger generation knows nothing about the horrors of socialism or Communism.
Plagerized a 2012 fox piece for that little gem.?
Well in your article for one they are still in the honeymoon phase

Of course, capitalism is always easier to love during an economic expansion

Problem is instead of the government providing, the wealthy do, and the wealthy are greedy, the US is a developed country which has become plutocratic. Vietnam will also in due time, once the few elitist rule all and dictate and buy those in power , will see what happens when the poor in their country become even more poor and the rich , richer.

Of course, capitalism is always easier to love during an economic expansion

And socialism during an economic contraction.
They're lovin' some socialism now in Venezuela, eh comrade?

I'll bet a capitalist could make some good money providing toilet paper down there today.

Vietnam will also in due time, once the few elitist rule all and dictate and buy those in power

Um, the Commies are the elites who rule all and dictate. Durr.
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The left control the education system, the younger generation knows nothing about the horrors of socialism or Communism.
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The left control the education system, the younger generation knows nothing about the horrors of socialism or Communism.
Plagerized a 2012 fox piece for that little gem.?
Your hysterical childish rants are boring.
Well in your article for one they are still in the honeymoon phase

Of course, capitalism is always easier to love during an economic expansion

Problem is instead of the government providing, the wealthy do, and the wealthy are greedy, the US is a developed country which has become plutocratic. Vietnam will also in due time, once the few elitist rule all and dictate and buy those in power , will see what happens when the poor in their country become even more poor and the rich , richer.

Yes...the government believes that taxing you at 50% in state, local and federal taxes while you are alive is fine....and then coming back in for another 25-50% after you die.......and those who actually make the money by working for it are the greedy ones?

Please...do some thinking before you post.
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The left control the education system, the younger generation knows nothing about the horrors of socialism or Communism.
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

Why can't we convince our Progressive of the same, are they THAT dense that they cannot be educated?
The left control the education system, the younger generation knows nothing about the horrors of socialism or Communism.
Plagerized a 2012 fox piece for that little gem.?
Your hysterical childish rants are boring.
I'll take that as a yes.
The Communist aggressors invaded in order to spread their glorious Communist beliefs upon others. 40 years later, the Vietnamese people are the highest ranking believers of a free market on the planet.

One of the greatest tragic comedies in world history.
View attachment 73768

Communist Vietnam just adores global capitalism—and it’s easy to see why

I know, begun by a Democrat and ended by a Republican.
Speaking of a simplistic view of history, damn.
I wrote about Vietnam's complete rejection of progressive economics in 2011

US Democrats are to the Left of Communists

"The ChiComs recently pilloried Democrats older brothers in economic faith, the European socialists for being lazy, indolent, unproductive slugs; and they were right.

In an article on Cargill, even the Vietnamese are turning away from the American Democrat economic model with phenomenal results!

"Cargill was one of the first U.S. multinationals to return to Vietnam when President Bill Clinton normalized relations with the government in Hanoi in 1995. Today it is the country's largest domestic producer of livestock feed and a central player in Vietnam's fast-moving shift from a state-controlled agricultural economy to one where small farmers are encouraged to work private plots for private gain. The effect of that shift has been transformative. Not long ago, Vietnam was importing a million tons of rice a year. Last year it became the world's second leading rice exporter. "Same people, same land," Vietnam's director of crop production, Dr. Nguyen Tri Ngoc, told me in his Hanoi office, speaking through a translator. "Before, farmers were not really farmers. They were workers in the fields, and they worked under the supervision of the government." And the difference now? "Free markets!" he says in English."

Cargill: Inside the quiet giant that rules the food business - Oct. 27, 2011

American Democrats are to the Left of Chinese and Vietnamese Communists, then you wonder why they keep saying there is no such thing as a "Far Left"? It's because you can't get any further Left than an American Democrat. Not even Communists believe in the Democrat economic model any more..."
"Not long ago, Vietnam was importing a million tons of rice a year. Last year it became the world's second leading rice exporter. "Same people, same land," Vietnam's director of crop production, Dr. Nguyen Tri Ngoc, told me in his Hanoi office, speaking through a translator. "Before, farmers were not really farmers. They were workers in the fields, and they worked under the supervision of the government." And the difference now? "Free markets!" he says in English."

Cargill: Inside the quiet giant that rules the food business

Why don't Progressives know this?
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