Over 40 million americans living in extreme poverty.

This is roughly 13% of our population. Why does 17% of the population of the UK live in poverty?

Twice as many americans live in extreme poverty (as a percentage of the population) as any other developed nation on earth. Plucking a 17% out of thin air...is hardly the behaviour of an educated fellow, now is it James?
Twice as many americans live in extreme poverty (as a percentage of the population) as any other developed nation on earth. Plucking a 17% out of thin air...is hardly the behaviour of an educated fellow, now is it James?

I plucked that number from here.

United Kingdom Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in United Kingdom

Granted, the UK doesn't have a definition of poverty, but I believe they define it pretty well here. So why does the Jolly Ol' UK have a larger percentage of poverty stricken citizens than the US?
No rebuttal from Collins. Confronted by facts, he runs. Maybe he is actually French. :eusa_whistle:
The US and Uk have very similar social models... the very low safety net approach.

I am certainly a proponent of the European models ...with their massively higer standard of living for all.

ps.. I am not british.

take care now ...

US bottom of all developed nations poverty tables.

I think this is highly unfair..as we all know that the Southern and midwest US states are Albanianly third world.
Why is that?
I heard the number is closer to 500 million. That's why we need to elect Barack Obama now so he can raise taxes and pay for all kinds of government programs that will get rid poverty once and for all!
Source please. 'Extreme poverty?' hmm, even this dyed in wool liberal doubts that! Social services are bad but no that bad and unemployment moderate.
Cause they don't work and do what is necessary to take care of themselves

Pretty easy answer to a pretty stupid troll's stupid question

Fucking far right nujob answer coming also from complete ignorance about the problem. You're right, all poor people don't wanna work.

Another example of the ignorance in this country
This is roughly 13% of our population. Why does 17% of the population of the UK live in poverty?

Way to rationalize our problem by focusing on someone else's ause thats really gonna help with ours. 2 wrongs make a "right" wing
Way to rationalize our problem by focusing on someone else's ause thats really gonna help with ours. 2 wrongs make a "right" wing

Michealcollins has another leftwing defender. Who would of thunk it.

He is from England and so the question is VALID. His entire point is to bash America so the question is VALID and on point. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Michealcollins has another leftwing defender. Who would of thunk it.

He is from England and so the question is VALID. His entire point is to bash America so the question is VALID and on point. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Pull your head out of a war and into the real world and you might see. Lets take the goggles off Sarg cause this isn't Vietnam.

Exactly why I don't want anyone in the military anywhere near the oval office, very little concept of domestic issues
Pull your head out of a war and into the real world and you might see. Lets take the goggles off Sarg cause this isn't Vietnam.

Exactly why I don't want anyone in the military anywhere near the oval office, very little concept of domestic issues

Just admit you are wrong and move on. The point was valid.
Just admit you are wrong and move on. The point was valid.

The point was very far from valid.

Whilst the UK is permenantly the sick man of europe...following the anglo-saxon socio-economic model..like the US... it has NOWHERE near the levels of EXTREME poverty that the US suffers.

NO ONE is denied healthcare.... and the percentage in third world poverty ...re UN standards just isnt in the same league as the US.

The US likes to think that it is a meritocracy......that the American Dream exists outside movies.... the trouble is.... for millions of americans..they are excluded and shunned from the dream and from society and basic human needs.

Shame on the massive inequalities of the US>

In so many ways the US reflects a third world nation;

1. Inequality of wealth.... it is as extreme as third world nations.

2. Religious fundamentalism... apart from the US...only exists in third world nations.

3. Lack of education for the masses.... great education for the elite.... the masses are kept purposely DUMB... and it sure shows on this forum

4. Healthcare JOKE.... UTTER JOKE ...the insurance companies ensuring that healthcare is an embarassment in the US.

Ok..things will change now after the OBVIOUS crash of the economy...that anyone with 2 working braincells predicted.... but its taken a long long time for americans to realise how retarded and selfish their economic policy was.

Enjoying the $9 trillion debt? LMAO
Cause they don't work and do what is necessary to take care of themselves

Pretty easy answer to a pretty stupid troll's stupid question

None of the 40 million work? That is a partisan statment backed up without any data and a troll like response.

50% of the bankruptcies in this country are because of catastrophic medical costs. This includes people who had medical insurance.

In any group there will be the bell shaped curve. This isn't righ or left, but plain old number.

There will be a small group who are lazy bastards. A small group. I guess it's right or wrong, with us or against us. Always the simple answer that leads us right back into the problem we thought we fixed.

Americans are divided over the causes of poverty. About half the public says the poor are not doing enough to help themselves out of poverty, and the other half says that circumstances beyond their control cause them to be poor. Low-income Americans — that is, those making less than twice the federal poverty level, or about $34,000 per year for a family of four — are only slightly more likely than other Americans to feel it is due to circumstances. But when asked about specific causes of poverty, low-income Americans are significantly more likely than other Americans to name drug abuse, medical bills, too few jobs (or too many being part-time or low-wage), too many single-parent families, and too many immigrants. When asked what is the No. 1 cause of poverty, low-income Americans are much more likely to name drug abuse, and the poorest Americans — those living below the federal poverty level — are nearly twice as likely as middle- and upper-income Americans to rank drug abuse so high. The non-poor are more likely to say that the No. 1 cause of poverty is poor-quality public schools, but, as noted in the chart below, both groups are equally likely to name schools as a major cause.

Poverty Poll
Where do you get this 40 million figure from?

How is "extreme poverty" defined?

It is a UN calculation ...which considers the cost of living in the particular nation and the income of those people.

Although the cost of living is pretty low in the US... the wages are also extremely low....

Also healthcare is so appalling in the US... like a nightmare scenario that fortunately would never occur in Europe...where we have some sense of decency and justice.
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over 13 Million American Children Live In Families With Incomes Below The Federal Poverty Level, which Is $21,200 A Year For A Family Of Four In 2008. the Number Of Children Living In Poverty Increased By 15 Percent Between 2000 And 2007. There Are 1.7 Million More Children Living In Poverty Today Than In 2000.

Not Only Are These Numbers Troubling, The Official Poverty Measure Tells Only Part Of The Story – It Is Widely Viewed As A Flawed Metric Of Economic Hardship (see Box). research Consistently Shows That, On Average, Families Need An Income Of About Twice The Federal Poverty Level To Make Ends Meet.

Children Living In Families With Incomes Below This Level – For 2008, $42,400 For A Family Of Four– Are Referred To As Low Income. thirty-nine Percent Of The Nation’s Children – More Than 28 Million In 2007 – Live In Low-income Families.
Yeah, but Editec, these children should have chosen to be born to wealthy parents. It's their own damn fault for being stupid and lazy and making poor choices.
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