Over 200,000 have left California since 2020

They had a chance to get rid of him during the recall and failed....so fuck em.
They're not welcome here in TN.
Fuckers keep moving into Montana, my home state....and driving up the cost of living....so I can't move back there.
I'm stuck here till the socialists get done fucking up the planet.
Tennessee?... :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not familiar with that site but it gave me the figures as to how many have actually moved from CA since the knuckleheads stole the election.

And it will be 300,000 soon because of the stupidity surrounding the electric car/grid problem

Good going, blue state "leaders"

When is the soonest CA can vote for another governor? Actually, I'm not sure it would make a difference bc the state has probably been 2020-ed, if you know what I mean..

In other words, the kind of vote fraud that happened in 2020 nationally probably happened in CA a long time ago.. and "they" kept the system in place so Ds will always win regardless. Reagan won CA but Trump can't? not buying it..

Maybe that is where the dimrats did a test-run for 2020.. (went national w/ the fraud)..

The Democrats don’t need fraud to control California. They have Gerrymandered the state to the point where democrats are running against other democrats for offices rather than against independents or republicans.
Unfortunately, all that garbage leaving Mexifornia is far worse, and more dangerous than the illegals that are slithering across the southern border!!!

Even if the illegal immigrants (aliens) don't vote, they drive up the population count via the census so that the state gets more representatives in congress and more electoral votes for president.

That's part of the Democrat's plan, and why they want open borders. They know illegals are going to concentrate in liberal Democrat-ran cities in Blue states. It's a form of national gerrymandering that gives the Democrats more power.
The state most often chosen by CA people


That tells you everything, doesn't it?


That was a very long time ago. We did not have universal mail in voting. We certainly did not have vote harvesting.
so you're saying that those bogus forms of voting are what caused CA to.. only "pick" Ds? just like the pres election 2020?

I believe that is what is going on

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