I would think that states with the highest prices will run out last. I I was selling gas, that's where I would send what I had to sell.
If those states pay more for gas to cometo their states, it's because the cost of getting it to them Is higher.
And once again almost all of the stations in central Wyoming are again out of fuel.

As of 10:00 AM MST all of the local Loaf & Jug stores and Pilot Truck stops were out of motor fuels.

View attachment 665605
Note the bags over the pump handles.

This was the scene repeated over and over again while I went looking for fuel. The Truck stops were out. The local convenience stores are out. I finally found gas at a grocery store (Albertson) fuel station who told me that they are near the bottom and expected to be out within the hour.

People with RV's are panicking. This kind of thing will destroy our states tourism in short order.

Happy Fourth of July weekend courtesy of JOE BIDEN and Democrats...
Oh give me a home/
Where them Winnybeggars roam/
And the gas is all gone to---day
Well done, you found a way to blame it on Obama!

That is awesome!
Actually, it isn't about, "blame," it is about empirical evidence. This is a well known agenda of the left, you only need logic and a little research. Stop with your partisan antics, you are above that.

White House presses for new climate, wilderness protections​

". . . The two decisions were unrelated and are in their initial stages. But both could have broad ramifications, and both sparked an immediate outcry from key GOP lawmakers and some affected industry groups.

EPA officials said they would set new performance standards requiring stricter pollution technology for electric utilities and oil refineries, which together account for almost 40 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. . . . "


"You will see measurable reductions," she said. "It's way too early in the game right now to talk about what the standards will look like."

Power plants account for 35 percent of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions while oil refineries account for 3 percent; combined with an earlier EPA rule targeting cars and light trucks, the agency is poised to regulate sectors accounting for more than 55 percent of the nation's total greenhouse gas emissions.

According to an analysis by the World Resources Institute, the new rules could deliver about one-third of the carbon cuts the United States has pledged to make by 2020. "By focusing on the largest polluters, EPA can take a big bite out of U.S. emissions," said WRI senior fellow Franz Litz.

The EPA's McCarthy said the agency would require that existing and new utilities and refineries use only "what technologies are available." It would not set an overall limit on greenhouse gases such as one that was included in the cap-and-trade bill passed by the House in 2009 but that died in the Senate. . . . "

They made it exponentially more expensive to produce gas, hence no upgrades were allowed, and no new refineries were brought on-line. Those are just the facts.

Everything about this is INTETNTIONAL... Thats what scares me... What are they setting us up for?
Controlled Demolition of everything we have known before. . . surely you have heard the term, "Great Reset?" :dunno:

I somehow, have the impression, that if he had done nothing at all, when he came into office, and left everything as it was, things would have been better. But if you are all aware of why he was put there in the first place? That was never the plan.

IMO? This is a controlled demolition.

The Controlled Demolition of the Economy

The Corbett Report
Jun 19

by James Corbett
June 19, 2022

"In case you haven't noticed, the wheels are falling off the global economy right now.

We've all started to feel the pinch of supply chain disruptions and rising energy costs and economic uncertainty and inflation—not to mention stagflation and shrinkflation and deflation—but this past week has really hammered home the extent of the crisis we are facing. It seems every single day brings with it the news of some fresh five-alarm financial fire.

The Dow is sinking. The loonie is falling. Japan is cracking. Global stocks are plunging. Eurozone inflation is spiking. The Fed is hiking. Builders are slashing. Crypto is crashing. Treasuries are tanking.

And that's just this week! As I'm sure you've seen, there have been many, many such stories circulating in the financial press in recent months, all touting similarly bleak numbers.

But it's important to keep in mind that these numbers are just that: numbers. The real question is what these numbers actually mean.

Today, let's answer that question by drilling down on the narrative behind the numbers and discover what that story tells us about the bars of the financial prison that are locking into place around us. . . .


" . . . . It's no surprise, then, that the post-Bretton Woods era has been defined by a series of increasingly brazen attempts by the financial elite to cash in on the public's gullibility.

There was Kissinger's brokering of the petrodollar system, by which the Saudis price oil in dollars and launder those dollars back through the American financial system.

There was the Black Monday stock market crash of 1987, which led to the creation of the Plunge Protection Team, a group of high-ranking banksters and government officials that admittedly works to rig the stock market at the behest of the oligarchs.

And there was Greenspan's housing bubble in the early 2000s, which led to the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and which was in turn papered over with a "jobless recovery" and the normalization of central bank intervention in the markets.

And now here we are at the end of the Longest Bull Run in History!!! (What Could Go Wrong???) with the wage slaves still being asked to Worship the Stock Market and pretend that it isn't commonly understood that The Markets Are Manipulated, that The Financial Press Now Admits the Markets are a Sham and that The Central Banks Have Engineered This Collapse.

. . . But the tide of the last 80 years of monetary history is turning. People are finally waking up to the fact that the emperor is indeed naked, and many are finally questioning their confidence in the system that the central bankers have created.

The (Engineered) Crisis of Confidence​

That the entire economic order is one giant confidence game will come as no surprise to my regular readers or anyone else who has been paying attention to such matters. What is surprising is that the mainstream financial press aren't even attempting to hide this fact anymore. . . . "

I think the SCOTUS negated this ruling last week--at least on existing plants.
Possibly, I haven't read either the ruling or any articles on it. I have only heard some radio commentary on a ruling, that the government cannot use the EPA to use CO2 as an emission to regulate industry. I am not sure it will matter though, if it did, then the ruling would not have been made, obviously.

Either way, it does little to help us now, and? If you understand the global government, the ruling makes very little difference at this late stage in the game. Now the hydrocarbon multinational corporations will not build new refineries, because of the World Economic Forum, and their global oligarch, "stake holder capitalism."

Most of the market is controlled by the top 5 to 1% of the world's elites, and they are playing by that new ESG investing index now, so government regulations? Mean next to nothing now. We are entering technocratic global fascism. These international elites will decide what is best for you, not market forces.

THESE FOLKS ARE the market now, why do you think they can lock-down businesses and cull hundreds of millions of chickens based on a test that is not meant for diagnostic purposes? How do you think they can engineer wars and famines? All for profit and control.

ESG Scoring Drives Companies Into Sustainable Development, Aka Technocracy​

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In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if, that is what this all comes down to. . . Wyoming, its people and businesses have a low ESG index score.

If they want to raise that score up, they had best elect Liz Cheney in their Primary, and in the general.

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