Out-of-control woke leftism and cancel culture from the U.S is a threat to FRANCE


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
How far out-of-control is the Looney Left in this country...when the French...the sissified leftist French...are complaining about it?


"Politicians, prominent intellectuals, and academics in France have voiced concern that 'out-of-control leftism and cancel culture' from the United States is threatening French identity.

They are arguing that American ideas on race, gender, post-colonialism – especially those coming from U.S. universities – are undermining French society and are an attack on French heritage."


The French! They invented Communism in their 1790's Revolution (Communism comes from the French "Communes" that were in vogue back then while they were killing Sane People, and fell out of favor when they started guillotining each other.)

But the Bolsheviks loved the example and copied them; and now the Democrats are copying the Bolsheviks. And even the French are disgusted.


In other news, Sniffy Biden has reversed a Trump policy that was at least making these Looney Left Universities reveal how much the Chinese are paying them to push their propaganda through their Confucius Scams. Wonder how much Hunter made on that deal.


Can I still call him Sniffy or is that Hate Speech now?

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How far out-of-control is the Looney Left in this country...when the French...the pussified leftist French...are complaining about it?


"Politicians, prominent intellectuals, and academics in France have voiced concern that 'out-of-control leftism and cancel culture' from the United States is threatening French identity.

They are arguing that American ideas on race, gender, post-colonialism – especially those coming from U.S. universities – are undermining French society and are an attack on French heritage."


The French! They invented Communism in their 1790's Revolution (Communism comes from the French "Communes" that were in vogue back then while they were killing Sane People, and fell out of favor when they started guillotining each other.)

But the Bolsheviks loved the example and copied them; and now the Democrats are copying the Bolsheviks. And even the French are disgusted.


In other news, Sniffy Biden has reversed a Trump policy that was at least making these Looney Left Universities reveal how much the Chinese are paying them to push their propaganda through their Confucius Scams. Wonder how much Hunter made on that deal.


Can I still call him Sniffy or is that Hate Speech now?

All of that garbage started over there in Europe.
They aren't even left. They are loonies trying to inflict their weird ideas on the human population. I think we have to understand that even a normal liberal don't think like these people. These are beyond left.
The French invented the idea "no enemies on the Left" --- meaning that all leftists hang together, no matter how wildly radical and far left any element may be.

So the Left just gets lefter and lefter, because there is no check on the slide into radicalism.

That's what is happening here.
How far out-of-control is the Looney Left in this country...when the French...the sissified leftist French...are complaining about it?


"Politicians, prominent intellectuals, and academics in France have voiced concern that 'out-of-control leftism and cancel culture' from the United States is threatening French identity.

They are arguing that American ideas on race, gender, post-colonialism – especially those coming from U.S. universities – are undermining French society and are an attack on French heritage."


The French! They invented Communism in their 1790's Revolution (Communism comes from the French "Communes" that were in vogue back then while they were killing Sane People, and fell out of favor when they started guillotining each other.)

But the Bolsheviks loved the example and copied them; and now the Democrats are copying the Bolsheviks. And even the French are disgusted.


In other news, Sniffy Biden has reversed a Trump policy that was at least making these Looney Left Universities reveal how much the Chinese are paying them to push their propaganda through their Confucius Scams. Wonder how much Hunter made on that deal.


Can I still call him Sniffy or is that Hate Speech now?


If Biden sees this, he's going to start bombing France.
France is continuing the pressure. I am willing to wager everything that the rejection of this division and destruction of citizens is rampant among many U.S allies.

France rejects American 'woke' culture that is 'racializing' country​

Some prominent French figures, including President Emmanuel Macron, are rejecting "woke" ideology that has been imported from the United States amid a breakdown in relations between the two nations.

A cover story by Le Spectacle Du Monde, one of France's leading magazines, recently ran a piece titled "The Suicide of America" in which it blames the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan on a "woke dictatorship" and questioned whether the American "empire was collapsing," Zenger News reported.

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