Our President telling the press what to report

Wouldn't that make him the Seran Wrap president? It's pretty obvious that most of the media can see not wrong with the administration and when you have members of the media making statements like " it's my duty to make sure this president succeeds" why then would it be surprising that the same media would never question this president? In fact NBC/Universal is nothing but a corporate marketing lobby group for G.E. , thus the reason why you would never hear anything bad from them about the administration. Why would they, when this company stands to make billions and billions of dollars on cap and trade, healthcare, and even convinced congress to actually almost fund a second engine for the F-35 that they would build even though P&W has developed the engine from the beginning and has over 100,000 test flight hours on it. So I don't find it surprising at all that this president has little if any media blockage to any of his agenda and in fact it's more likely they act as marketing arms for White House poicy rather than the lost 4th estate.
Navy1960 that is why msnbc canceled their message boards. thhay started to get to many people critiisizing Dingle Barry and his administration and his Obama care program
The President did not tell the press what to report. If he did, you didn't get that from the article you linked to.
That's the truth, he won't complain when it's positive news about him, what he does not seem to realize is that the campaign is over, and he actually got elected.

He lets Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid write the bills, and now he's wondering why there is so much opposition to these bills. One word - socialism and we Americans, dems, independents and republicans do not like socialism . We just don't, it's the precurser to communism.
The President did not tell the press what to report. If he did, you didn't get that from the article you linked to.

You are correct, but Obama is setting a dangerous precendent by "denouncing the news media's emphasis on angry protesters at town hall meetings."

Dangerous precedence? He may get the media at large ticked off at him some more. He may tick of some more of the public at large. I don't see that as dangerous for him. If you mean politically speaking, I don't see that happening. As a whole, the American people have shown they rather be treated like employees, than the employers they are.
The President did not tell the press what to report. If he did, you didn't get that from the article you linked to.

You are correct, but Obama is setting a dangerous precendent by "denouncing the news media's emphasis on angry protesters at town hall meetings."

I don't know . . . it seems to me that the media was only reporting on the 'angry mobs' and I didn't hear or see much on the well-run meetings. From what I saw I got the impression that every meeting was ah, tumultuous - and I don't think that's true, is it? Even Fox kept repeating the footage of the one guy from Specter's Lebenon meeting who was all pissed and was eventually taken out of the meeting, when the rest of the meeting was cordial and as a town hall meeting should be. But I didn't see much coverage of that (the cordial stuff) . . . anywhere.
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Notice how when the press is reporting things he likes he never complains?

I think this should be an encouraging sign if you are of the opinion that Obama has the press in his pocket.

If he had control over the press, why would he need to state something like this publicly and open himself up to the exact criticism you have voiced? He would just send a private correspondence to the mainstream media outlets that he puppeteers and tell them to how he wants their coverage to be.

Personally I don't have a problem with a president criticizing the media. When push comes to shove, the media will do what is best for the media. Which means that they will do whatever gets them the ratings required to stay in operation. Of course the political bias of the reporters always plays some factor in how the news is covered, but if it gets to a point where they lose credibility with the public and they being to tune out, they will either be forced to straighten up or disappear. If the public doesn't tune out, then it's the public's fault.

I think that if he does it too often he is more likely to create a backlash against him than he is to convince them to see it his way.
Where is Helen Thomas? get her up and straiten his ass out. She is still pissed off at how he runs his townhall meeting with all the pre arranged questions and questioners!!!
A lot of them didn't even bother to have meetings others went the teleconferencing route. I was involved in one of the latter. No one at the one I got called for had anything good to say about Obama Care.
Navy1960 that is why msnbc canceled their message boards. thhay started to get to many people critiisizing Dingle Barry and his administration and his Obama care program

They took the board down because it had become a scream-fest, like all the others. AOL has had to take down its political message boards at least 3 times, and probably more. I never went back after the last time it was closed. People forget that the difference between a message board like USMB and those found at MSNBC and AOL is that those are NEWS outlets foremost, not private domains established solely for public forums.

Back to the OP, Chuck Todd (MSNBC) said this morning that MSNBC had looked at the tapes of 23 Town Hall meetings in the last week and 17 of them were not unruly. So it's the same old story. It it isn't sensational, it isn't newsworthy.
That's the truth, he won't complain when it's positive news about him, what he does not seem to realize is that the campaign is over, and he actually got elected.

He lets Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid write the bills, and now he's wondering why there is so much opposition to these bills. One word - socialism and we Americans, dems, independents and republicans do not like socialism . We just don't, it's the precurser to communism.

Oh please...Obama has gotten more bad press than any president I can recall in recent history. News outlets are always picking apart his every utterance and can't WAIT to report on any gaffs. When there are none, then they go hunting for something obscure and pounce on that. I believe the cable channels are doing that in order to keep ALL their audience happy, since they had been accused of favoritism toward Obama during the campaign. So now they're out to prove that isn't true and need to come up with at last one negative story per news segment. CNN has noticeably been doing this, with Wolf Blitzer and Lou Dobbs constantly poking the hornest's nest looking for negative sensationalism that will stick. MSNBC not so much. I don't think they even pretend to be right-leaning, just as FOX doesn't pretend to be left-leaning. But we all know that.
Where is Helen Thomas? get her up and straiten his ass out. She is still pissed off at how he runs his townhall meeting with all the pre arranged questions and questioners!!!

Helen's problem since she got old is that she knows that out of respect for her age, that somehow entitles her to have a one-on-one with any president standing before her. She tried to pull the same thing with Bush, if you recall, and he allowed her to do it. But press conferences obviously can't go on forever, so the only way to deal with that is not to select her if possible. And she doesn't like that.

I like Helen. She's a brilliant reporter, but she's had her day in the sun and it's time to retire and write more books.

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