CDZ Our Ally Israel

Evidently you people need some history lessons.

It's obvious you started this thread to flame.
No problem.
I wish Israel would be left alone to be attacked from all sides and then Israel could release it's several hundred warheads simultaneously, thus causing complete annihilation in the region, including Mecca, Medina and Vatican City.
Then when Jesus doesn't return and the Rapture doesn't occur, the Evangelicals will become sexually impotent and all the Jew haters will finally shut the f*** up.
Until then, stop using all the medical advances and technological gizmos Israelis have given up, including USB, any Intel chip made in the last 10 years and Windows...after all, do we REALLY get any benefits from Israel?
And since it's obvious you're a jerkoff, stop masturbating to anyone born in Israel.

You and Sunni Man are just flip sides of the same coin of stupid.

Stupid, I'm not.
Flaming, you are.
Evidently you people need some history lessons.

It's obvious you started this thread to flame.
No problem.
I wish Israel would be left alone to be attacked from all sides and then Israel could release it's several hundred warheads simultaneously, thus causing complete annihilation in the region, including Mecca, Medina and Vatican City.
Then when Jesus doesn't return and the Rapture doesn't occur, the Evangelicals will become sexually impotent and all the Jew haters will finally shut the f*** up.
Until then, stop using all the medical advances and technological gizmos Israelis have given up, including USB, any Intel chip made in the last 10 years and Windows...after all, do we REALLY get any benefits from Israel?
And since it's obvious you're a jerkoff, stop masturbating to anyone born in Israel.

You and Sunni Man are just flip sides of the same coin of stupid.

Stupid, I'm not.
Flaming, you are.

Did I just flame the whole nation of Israel? Gee whiz, I'm really sorry about that. How do you think this flaming will effect them?
Evidently you people need some history lessons.

It's obvious you started this thread to flame.
No problem.
I wish Israel would be left alone to be attacked from all sides and then Israel could release it's several hundred warheads simultaneously, thus causing complete annihilation in the region, including Mecca, Medina and Vatican City.
Then when Jesus doesn't return and the Rapture doesn't occur, the Evangelicals will become sexually impotent and all the Jew haters will finally shut the f*** up.
Until then, stop using all the medical advances and technological gizmos Israelis have given up, including USB, any Intel chip made in the last 10 years and Windows...after all, do we REALLY get any benefits from Israel?
And since it's obvious you're a jerkoff, stop masturbating to anyone born in Israel.

You and Sunni Man are just flip sides of the same coin of stupid.

Stupid, I'm not.
Flaming, you are.

Did I just flame the whole nation of Israel? Gee whiz, I'm really sorry about that. How do you think this flaming will effect them?

Not at all; but you ARE making a mockery of band width usage.
Wow, Americans complain about spying?....
Israel pursues it's own policies for it's own reasons. They don't mind if those reasons happen to coincide with US policy, but that's about as far as Israel's love for America goes. Just ask the the survivors of the USS Liberty.
And once again that was a case of mistaken identity. could that happen?

An unidentified ship off the coast of Egypt, when Israel wasan inactive war with Egypt, and the tonight before was shelled from that area.
You are obviously completely unfamiliar with the details of the incident.
Actually I am very familiar with the incident.

I also know that a NSA spy plane picked up the transmissions of the Israeli pilots whom stated that they thought it was an Egyptian ship in their radio transmissions.

Also, about 5 official american investigations into the incident all concluded it was an accident.

Yet the lies go on...
If you are familiar with the incident then you must be a liar. You seem to have left out about a thousand details, including the torpedo and gun attack by Israeli naval forces.
Yeah so?

There have been numerous friendly fire situations,

All the us investigations concluded it was an accident.

Cite one US investigation that concluded it wasn't an accident?

All the US naval inquest testimony is public as well as the conclusions. Just google it.

Let me guess everyone is part of the vast zionist conspiracy.
Evidently you people need some history lessons.

It's obvious you started this thread to flame.
No problem.
I wish Israel would be left alone to be attacked from all sides and then Israel could release it's several hundred warheads simultaneously, thus causing complete annihilation in the region, including Mecca, Medina and Vatican City.
Then when Jesus doesn't return and the Rapture doesn't occur, the Evangelicals will become sexually impotent and all the Jew haters will finally shut the f*** up.
Until then, stop using all the medical advances and technological gizmos Israelis have given up, including USB, any Intel chip made in the last 10 years and Windows...after all, do we REALLY get any benefits from Israel?
And since it's obvious you're a jerkoff, stop masturbating to anyone born in Israel.

You and Sunni Man are just flip sides of the same coin of stupid.

Stupid, I'm not.
Flaming, you are.

Did I just flame the whole nation of Israel? Gee whiz, I'm really sorry about that. How do you think this flaming will effect them?

Not at all; but you ARE making a mockery of band width usage.

Maybe if you said something significant we wouldn't be wasting it.
Israel pursues it's own policies for it's own reasons. They don't mind if those reasons happen to coincide with US policy, but that's about as far as Israel's love for America goes. Just ask the the survivors of the USS Liberty.
And once again that was a case of mistaken identity. could that happen?

An unidentified ship off the coast of Egypt, when Israel wasan inactive war with Egypt, and the tonight before was shelled from that area.
You are obviously completely unfamiliar with the details of the incident.
Actually I am very familiar with the incident.

I also know that a NSA spy plane picked up the transmissions of the Israeli pilots whom stated that they thought it was an Egyptian ship in their radio transmissions.

Also, about 5 official american investigations into the incident all concluded it was an accident.

Yet the lies go on...
If you are familiar with the incident then you must be a liar. You seem to have left out about a thousand details, including the torpedo and gun attack by Israeli naval forces.
Yeah so?

There have been numerous friendly fire situations,

All the us investigations concluded it was an accident.

Cite one US investigation that concluded it wasn't an accident?

All the US naval inquest testimony is public as well as the conclusions. Just google it.

Let me guess everyone is part of the vast zionist conspiracy.
Another liar weighs in. It doesn't matter what the investigations concluded since they obviously colluded to conceal the truth. We only need to talk to the USS Liberty survivors to know that. Now watch some dummy say that the survivors are part of a conspiracy to smear Israel.
We are constantly told by our government and news media that Israel is an important strategic ally of the United States. It's easy to see why this alliance is important for Israel, but what do we get out of this relationship? How is Israel an important ally for us? How do they help us? Do they help us? Or are they more of a liability than anything else?
Guess you never heard of the Mossad?
We gain nothing from it except hatred and animosity from just about every country in the region

This, whilst true for the vast majority of Americans, isn't true for the US arms industry.
The relationship with Israel makes them a fortune every year.
If the US support for Israel stopped, so would most of the arms industry's profits.
Before you dismiss this as a tin foil hat job, consider the massive cost of supplying the arms to that country, then the even greater cost of all the US military activity to secure America from the fallout of that support.
Iran is absolutely no threat to America, only Israel, but the US military build up to encircle that country costs $billions every year.

Joe taxpayer is getting very poor value for his tax dollar, as well as being put in danger by the very silly US government policies in the middle east.
Remember the "liberty".

The Liberty is commonly dismissed as an accidental mass murder, but the Lavon is far harder to lie about.
Whilst the Israeli terrorist activity was detected and destroyed before Israel could murder American and British citizens, the fact the Israelis tried a false flag to kill Americans in order to bring you into their conflict is telling.
I loved when he spoke about the silence of the international community about Iran's threat to annihilate Israel.

but also giving warning he was likely to attack Iran.

Is it any wonder Iran dislikes Israel when the Jewish state, a country with a long track record of mass murder and attacks on its neighbours, threatens a country that has never directly attacked anyone.
He then stopped talking for about one minute and really made his point.

He should immediately back this up with an ever bolder message - stopping talking for 20 years. That'll show those pesky Iranians who the boss is.
I agree that Israel is NOT an asset.

Our support of Israel is the primary issue that the Arab/Muslim world has with US.

All we have to do is withdraw our support, and let the Arabs/Muslims destroy Israel and we will be in a position to greatly improve our image in the Arab/Muslim World.

And history tells US that if you let a genocidal people commit genocide that that generally appeases them and they then settle down.

I personally am anti-genocide, so imo, the Arabs/Muslims can piss off.

to the jews, white christians are "unclean" and "goyim" and "shiksas"...and they openly perceive themselves and their "religion" as superior...
to the muzzies we're "infidels"...
fuckem both...let them work it out among themselves and last man standing great loss for us either way.
Eyes and ears? For who? The Israeli government has been caught spying in this country several times. What makes you think they're working for us?

Wow, Americans complain about spying?....
Israel pursues it's own policies for it's own reasons. They don't mind if those reasons happen to coincide with US policy, but that's about as far as Israel's love for America goes. Just ask the the survivors of the USS Liberty.

What about the survivors of 9/11? I'll be more interested in their opinions, and I don't have to go ages back to get it.

Silly Liberals.
I can well understand why you would prefer to ignore uncomfortable history. You superficiality, hypocrisy, and blatant stupidity prevent you from doing anything else.
When all else fails, beat the USS Liberty to death one more time.

are you saying it didn't happen?

what about the jew spy pollard? One of the worst security breaches in our history...
Wow, Americans complain about spying?....
Israel pursues it's own policies for it's own reasons. They don't mind if those reasons happen to coincide with US policy, but that's about as far as Israel's love for America goes. Just ask the the survivors of the USS Liberty.

What about the survivors of 9/11? I'll be more interested in their opinions, and I don't have to go ages back to get it.

Silly Liberals.
I can well understand why you would prefer to ignore uncomfortable history. You superficiality, hypocrisy, and blatant stupidity prevent you from doing anything else.
When all else fails, beat the USS Liberty to death one more time.

are you saying it didn't happen?

what about the jew spy pollard? One of the worst security breaches in our history...
It happened. I also heard all the Israeli pilot's radio transmissions. It was an unfortunate accident. Pollard was rightly punished.
Israel pursues it's own policies for it's own reasons. They don't mind if those reasons happen to coincide with US policy, but that's about as far as Israel's love for America goes. Just ask the the survivors of the USS Liberty.

What about the survivors of 9/11? I'll be more interested in their opinions, and I don't have to go ages back to get it.

Silly Liberals.
I can well understand why you would prefer to ignore uncomfortable history. You superficiality, hypocrisy, and blatant stupidity prevent you from doing anything else.
When all else fails, beat the USS Liberty to death one more time.

are you saying it didn't happen?

what about the jew spy pollard? One of the worst security breaches in our history...
It happened. I also heard all the Israeli pilot's radio transmissions. It was an unfortunate accident. Pollard was rightly punished.

how do you know you "heard" "everything"?..what you mean to say is you (might have) heard everything that was did you authenticate the audio you heard as the actual transmissions? Who recorded them? Who released them?
Wow, Americans complain about spying?....
Israel pursues it's own policies for it's own reasons. They don't mind if those reasons happen to coincide with US policy, but that's about as far as Israel's love for America goes. Just ask the the survivors of the USS Liberty.

What about the survivors of 9/11? I'll be more interested in their opinions, and I don't have to go ages back to get it.

Silly Liberals.
I can well understand why you would prefer to ignore uncomfortable history. You superficiality, hypocrisy, and blatant stupidity prevent you from doing anything else.
When all else fails, beat the USS Liberty to death one more time.

are you saying it didn't happen?

what about the jew spy pollard? One of the worst security breaches in our history...
What about the spying the US has done to Israel?
Remember the "liberty".

The Liberty is commonly dismissed as an accidental mass murder, but the Lavon is far harder to lie about.
Whilst the Israeli terrorist activity was detected and destroyed before Israel could murder American and British citizens, the fact the Israelis tried a false flag to kill Americans in order to bring you into their conflict is telling.
From the US Naval Inquest



1. Available evidence combines to indicate the attack on
LIBERTY on 8 June was in fact a case of mistaken

2. The calm conditions and slow ship speed may well have
made the American Flag difficult to identify.

3. The ship's westerly heading at the time of attack - in
the general direction of Egyptian ports may have
reinforced elements of doubt in the minds of the several
Israeli pilots who looked the ship over in the forenoon.

4. The colors were shot down early in the action and were
replaced prior to the PT attack.

5. The immediate confusion milling around astern followed
by peaceful


overtures by the attacking surface forces after launching
only two torpedoes of the six presumed available (two on
each PT boat), indicate these craft may well have identified
the colors for the first time when they got in close enough
to see clearly through the smoke and flames billowing, at
times above the mast head.

6. There are no available indications that the attack was
intended against a U. S. Ship.

7. LIBERTY'S position at the time of the attack has been
previously ordered changed farther to seaward by JCS;
however, the messages relating to these changes were not
known to the ship before the attack took place. The reasons
these messages were not known to the ship can be determined
in all instances except for one. Since LIBERTY records and
knowledgeable personnel were lost in the action, it is
impossible to determine the disposition of the message.

8. The communication delays and mis-routing errors which
caused these several non-deliveries combined with delays in
initiating follow-up actions on operational instructions
received, all contributed to the ship itself being unaware
of plans and decisions made for her repositioning. A
detailed accounting of the five pertinent messages are
attached as appendices one through five.

9. The absence of any identifiable threat to the ship
apparently caused the foregoing referred to operational
actions to be taken and implemented in routine manner, i.e.,
without resorting to highest precedence (Flash) traffic.

10. USS LIBERTY was assigned technical research tasks to be
performed in the eastern Mediterranean by the Joint Chiefs
of Staff. LIBERTY first became aware of this new tasking
when she received sailing orders from Abidjan on the Ivory
Coast on the 24th day of May 1967. The precise tasking by
which LIBERTY was ordered to depart Abidjan is significant.
In this tasking language, LIBERTY was directed to proceed to
her new operating area in the eastern Mediterranean via Rota
for pick-up of specifics at "best speed."


11. LIBERTY received her basic operational and mission
guidance from the JCS through her new operational chain in
JCS 011545Z. LIBERTY proceeded to comply.

12. The Commanding Officer, USS LIBERTY conducted the
operations of his ship in accordance with the intent of
directives received by him. The operating area of LIBERTY on
8 June was in accordance with the announce- ments of
intended movement promulgated by the Commanding Officer USS
LIBERTY. Such operating areas were normal to the
accomplishment of LIBERTY's mission. These announcements
were addressed to, and presumably received, by all seniors
in the chain of LIBERTY's operational command. LIBERTY
received no directive, prior to the attack, that higher
authority desired that the ship operate at least 100 miles
from the coastline of the UAR.

13. LIBERTY responded to her newly assigned mission by
departing Abidjan promptly within some four hours from the
time of receipt of her sailing orders. LIBERTY experienced
minor engineering difficulties enroute Rota which caused
her arrival there somewhat later than originally planned.
On departure Rota, LIBERTY filed her movement report and
declared therein her intention to make best speed in
compliance with the JCS detailed tasking assignments set
forth in JCS message dtg 011545Z June 1967. It is
significant to note that in this JCS tasking, two time
frames were identified, one covering the period between 1
June through 8 June, the second covering the period 9 June
to 30 June. During the first period (1 through 8 June),
LIBERTY's movements were prescribed by the JCS to cover her
transit along the north African littoral; and therein were
prescribed minimum closest points of approach allowed to
national maritime boundaries. The terminal point in this 1
through 8 June time frame was to be a navigational position
at latitude 32 North, longitude 33 East. The second time
frame addressed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assigned
LIBERTY an operating area bounded on the North by latitude
32 North, the north African/Israeli littoral on the south
and between longitudes 33 East and 34 East. It might well
occur to some that LIBERTY's attack occurred on 8 June,
which would have placed her considerably farther to the
North of the African coast, had she conformed explicitly
with the aforementioned JCS directive. However, as LIBERTY
proceeded eastward through the Mediterranean from Rota, she
filed three separate messages


reports of position and intent which advised superiors of
her plans to anticipate arrival on station - that is, to
arrive somewhat earlier than prescribed by the Joint Chiefs
of Staff. Moreover, LIBERTY advised superiors of her
specific intentions to proceed to and operate in the closer
of the two areas to the north African coast - that is south
of latitude 32 north. Finally in this regard, LIBERTY
reported her arrival at her final destination to appropriate

14. It is understood from representatives of the JCS Fact
Finding Group that it was receipt of LIBERTY's 7 June
SITREP/POSIT report which stated her final destination which
prompted concern in the JRC as to her proximity to the
African coast on the night of June 7th. This concern by
responsible authorities, who initially has tasked LIBERTY,
resulted in follow-on actions and directives to the ship
which were either never received or were transmitted on the
fleet broadcast from NAVCOMMSTA Asmara after the attack has
taken place.

15. Pertinent to the findings of fact is the matter of
communication conditions regarding USS LIBERTY during the
period of 1 and 8 June. The ship is known not to have
received at least five messages sent prior to the attack,
each of which was not only important but, in that respect,
critical to the events which terminated in the aggravated
attack on this ship on June the 8th.

16. Higher authority modified LIBERTY's original
operational guidance between June first and the attack on
the eighth, which, if she had received it, would have
resulted in her being further off shore.

17. Combination and compounding of many delayed
communication deliveries related to LIBERTY incident denied
the ship the benefit of command decisions actually made
prior to the attack which, among other things, would have
caused the ship, as a minimum, to be heading further
off-shore from her 081200Z actual position.

18. Pre-attack overflights of LIBERTY: (First air attack
occurred at 1403 local) Unidentified aircraft circled


0850 ( 5 hours 13 minutes prior to attack) (080742Z refers)
1056 ( 3 hours 7 minutes prior to attack) 1126 ( 2 hours 37
minutes prior to attack) 081022Z refers

Hull markings were clean and freshly painted - ensign was
flying from foremast halyard.

19. Aircraft attack on LIBERTY Attack initiated by single
aircraft, making a run similar to previous overflights.
First warning that this aircraft had attacked ship was a
rocket explosion abaft the bridge, port side. In five of
six attacks, from various angles, two or more jet aircraft
at a time conducted strafing, rocket and incendiary attack
I loved when he spoke about the silence of the international community about Iran's threat to annihilate Israel.

but also giving warning he was likely to attack Iran.

Is it any wonder Iran dislikes Israel when the Jewish state, a country with a long track record of mass murder and attacks on its neighbours, threatens a country that has never directly attacked anyone.
Israel has no such track record.

Just about every arab country in the middle east does have such a record.

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