Oscar America: Media/Terror (Dionysus?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should the Oscars remind you of Dionysus, 9/11, or WikiLeaks?


A couple of idealists, from another dimension, named Alan and Medusa, decided to visit TrumpUSA and attend the Academy Awards in California, an iconic culturally-symbolic event honoring achievements in cinema and acting. Alan was a Centurion with an interest in terrorism-analysis, while Medusa was a snake-headed deity of hypnosis. Alan disguised himself as a radical Algerian-American journalist blogging on the Internet about pornography/censorship in the age of media. Medusa disguised herself as a journalist from Vanity Fair, a recent hire, interested in Academy Awards ("Oscars") fineries. Alan and Medusa were both invited to attend the 2019 Oscars.


This year, the Marvel Comics adapted heroism fantasy-film Black Panther became the first comic book film ever to be nominated for Best Picture and since it features a full African-American cast, Oscar journalists are buzzing about the democracy symbolism on Black History Month (February!). Alan and Medusa wanted to see if such a comics-themed film featuring an ethnic-minority cast could grab the Oscar for Best Picture, sending the message to kids around America that ethnic superheroes are cool too(!). Alan/Medusa then considered the threat of terrorism at the Oscars which might subvert all this 'democratic flowery.'


Alan and Medusa were both followers of the god Dionysus, gatekeeper of pleasure and pearls. Dionysus was a messenger of euphoria and sweet delight, and Alan/Medusa wanted to see if the Oscars this year would toast Dionysus in some way, since the democracy/race-politics overtones would color the audience's perspective on human relations during media/social events in TrumpUSA. Would the Oscars honor the beautiful African-American actresses whose work on Black Panther lifted the ethnic superhero to mythic proportions? Alan/Medusa wanted to witness all this 'consumerism' imagination with political tones(!).


The Oscar auditorium featured an incredible stage ornamentation with immaculate set-designs made to make each performance and award-presentation something to toast. Everyone wanted to see if Black Panther would grab the big prize --- Best Picture of the Year. There would of course be many iconic movie-stars, media-moguls, and society-journalists on hand to record this important media event, and it would certainly aid Netflix sales and box-office profits in the coming months. Comic book fans simply wanted to see a comic book film finally win the ultimate honor.


The pre-Oscar 'Red Carpet' welcome mat featured great celebrities in terrific tuxedos and evening-dresses ideal for magazine photos and tabloid fun. This was California sushi at its best. The after-Oscar atmosphere would see various L.A. parties for celebrities and people linked to Hollywood in some way or another. What would the dytopian writer George Orwell make of all this 'camera hypnosis' in TrumpUSA? Alan/Medusa continued to wonder if the threat of anti-American terrorism subverted all this consumerism/media flair.


In years, past, we've seen various shimmering/gifted actors/actresses gather great trophies/Oscars for their astounding performances in unforgettable films such as The English Patient, The Revenant, The Accused, and The Grapes of Wrath. The Academy always sought to ensure that those who made the highest-quality and most entertaining films would be recognized for their efforts and creativity. The Oscars had become media symbols for American lifestyle in the same way that the Statue of Liberty had become an American symbol of immigration-hospitality(!). Alan/Medusa wondered what anti-American terrorists would say about all these camera-friendly 'figurines' reaping the prizes of this great 'cultural contest.'


Super Bowl legend Tom Brady, QB of the champion New England Patriots, would attend with his supermodel wife Gisele. So would other media captains and dolls such as Leo DiCaprio, Anne Hathaway, and Meryl Streep. Alan/Medusa wondered if the Oscars had become a 'target' for anti-American terrorists seeking to plant 'seeds of paranoia' in pedestrian thoroughfare, to make the world more 'anxious' about the commercial ramifications of Israel-Palestine unrest in this new age of explosive/globalized capitalism and consumerism (e.g., Wall Street). What would the NSA/CIA do to ensure that American events of great media proportions (such as the Super Bowl and the Oscars!) were not destroyed by 'political discomfort'?


The after-Oscar party that Alan/Medusa decided to attend was in an L.A. nightclub owner's newly-purchased 'party warehouse' which was refurbished to look like a giant hall of glitter and lights and music. Attractive actresses and media titans were present at the party and so were Alan and Medusa. They took photos with their iPhones and wondered if American consumerism was a thing of pure joviality. However, something soon disrupted this otherwise 'smiley party.'


A bunch of mechanized toy robots that transformed into mechanical insects were seen scurrying onto the party dance-floor of the L.A. warehouse Oscar after-party. These 'Insecticon' robots were fitted with deadly explosives and also with fitted radio-speakers which emanated the recording of the terrorist who sent these terror-toys. The recording voiced, "These 'Insecticons' will remind you childish Americans that Oscar frivolity does not undermine the gravity/realism of anti-traffic terrorism yearnings in this modern age of great capitalism vanity! You're destroying this planet, and these Insecticons will remind you of the terror." Alan/Medusa used their superhuman powers to swiftly cloak themselves and move around the warehouse panicked Oscar after-party crowd to scoop up the Insecticons and throw them out the windows of the warehouse, where they exploded harmlessly in mid-air.


No one knew who performed the heroic deed of scooping up and throwing the terrifying Insecticons out the warehouse window during that otherwise memorable Oscar after-party. Reporters suggested that it must have been a pair of party-attendees who simply performed the heroic deed and then vanished back into the crowd, not seeking publicity during this traumatic memory. Black Panther did manage to win Best Picture, thrilling African-American race-rights groups as well as legions of comic book fans. Emily Blunt won a Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal of Mary Poppins. Alan/Medusa wondered what people would remember most about this Oscar year --- humanity...or confusion?


After 9/11, when anti-American terrorists destroyed the commercially-symbolic World Trade Center in NYC (by crashing two passenger airplanes into the cherished skyscrapers), people had become very pensive/cautious about the security/safety of media and society events on the modern 'stage.' Would the Oscars be venerated just as the Statue of Liberty had been --- symbols/trophies of traffic idealism? Would terrorists succeeded in planting ominous 'seeds of doubt' towards our new age 'magazine consciousness' (e.g., People Magazine)? Alan/Medusa were relieved they saved lives during the Oscar after-party by hoisting those detonating Insecticons out the window of that L.A. warehouse(!).


TRUMP: Are you watching the Oscars, Carter?
CARTER: I've invited the Saudi Arabian prince to watch with me.
TRUMP: At the White House?
CARTER: Of course, Mr. President!
TRUMP: I'll join you...perhaps we can chat about Netflix/Amazon.
CARTER: This is the age of great consumerism/media!
TRUMP: Thank God those two unknown heroes salvaged that Oscar after-party.
CARTER: One New Yorker magazine writer wrote, "The heroes were Dionysus/Medusa."
TRUMP: Maybe that New Yorker writer was thinking about 'American media mythology.'
CARTER: Every optimist wants to toast Hollywood, sir.
TRUMP: That's why Homeland Security must make traffic/customs feel safe again.
CARTER: Maybe someday people will see the 'deliciousness' of People Magazine.
TRUMP: Here's to 'sane propaganda.'



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