Orwell Became The Democrat Instruction Manual


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Did you see the NYTimes response to the people of Cuba rejection of the Democrats/Communists????

1. "Critical Race Theory is against free societies.​

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. Since Critical Race Theory exists specifically to agitate for and enable radical racial identity politics, it is therefore against free societies and how they are organized.

Critical Race Theory: “critical race scholars are discontent with liberalism as a framework for addressing America’s racial problems. Many liberals believe in color blindness and neutral principles of constitutional law” The famous “critical whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo (author of the now overwhelmingly famous book White Fragility) puts it even more plainly, writing with a colleague named Ozlem Sensoy in a widely read education book called Is Everyone Really Equal?,

'The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow.'

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

2. Do you hear Orwell in the above:

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

3. "NY Times ripped for equating 'freedom' as 'anti-government slogan'

'Only New York Times commies think freedom is an anti-government slogan.'​

The New York Times faced backlash on Sunday for its framing of recent spontaneous protests occurring in Cuba against the communist government.

"Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years," the New York Times tweeted.

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I'm sure they will get everything they deserve when they achieve their goal.


The left reads Orwell's 1984 and says, hey, why can't we make a society like that! we just will do it better this time.

The left reads Animal Farm, and says...well we can do better then the pigs...but those rules did make sense.
The left reads Orwell's 1984 and says, hey, why can't we make a society like that! we just will do it better this time.

The left reads Animal Farm, and says...well we can do better then the pigs...but those rules did make sense.

Now, just hold on there.....

Never....NEVER.....attribute reading to a Democrat/Leftist.

That is a major reason that they are Democrats/Leftists.


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The left reads Orwell's 1984 and says, hey, why can't we make a society like that! we just will do it better this time.

The left reads Animal Farm, and says...well we can do better then the pigs...but those rules did make sense.

Not fer nuttin'....but I have often offered to post a simple reading curriculum for Democrats to make them more able to compete/debate....

So far..... no takers.
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The left reads Orwell's 1984 and says, hey, why can't we make a society like that! we just will do it better this time.

The left reads Animal Farm, and says...well we can do better then the pigs...but those rules did make sense.

Not fer nuttin'....but I have often offered to post a simple reading curriculum for Democrats to make they more able to compete/debate....

So far..... no takers.
Of course not...they don't actual read, they have Rachael Maddow, Cuomo, or Mika tell them about it, not actual read it for themselves
The left reads Orwell's 1984 and says, hey, why can't we make a society like that! we just will do it better this time.

The left reads Animal Farm, and says...well we can do better then the pigs...but those rules did make sense.

Not fer nuttin'....but I have often offered to post a simple reading curriculum for Democrats to make they more able to compete/debate....

So far..... no takers.
Of course not...they don't actual read, they have Rachael Maddow, Cuomo, or Mika tell them about it, not actual read it for themselves

Mika Brzezinski Our Job Is to Control Exactly What People Think​

Of course not...they don't actual read, they have Rachael Maddow, Cuomo, or Mika tell them about it, not actual read it for themselves


Ah!!! The intellectual geniuses of the progressive journalistic endeavor.



I'd rather listen to Gutfeld
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Did you see the NYTimes response to the people of Cuba rejection of the Democrats/Communists????
Ah the lowest common demonstrator story where alt right wordsmiths insist that the NYT's wording of the Cubans demanding freedom and other anti government slogans was a reference all governments, not just the authoritarian, anti-freedom one in Cuba. Sadly their dim witted flock will parrot the nonsense.
Did you see the NYTimes response to the people of Cuba rejection of the Democrats/Communists????
Ah the lowest common demonstrator story where alt right wordsmiths insist that the NYT's wording of the Cubans demanding freedom and other anti government slogans was a reference all governments, not just the authoritarian, anti-freedom one in Cuba. Sadly their dim witted flock will parrot the nonsense.

As usual, Democrat boot-lickers need to be shown the truth more than once......probably the reason summer school exists.

Critical Race Theory is Democrat policy.

1. "Critical Race Theory is against free societies.​

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. Since Critical Race Theory exists specifically to agitate for and enable radical racial identity politics, it is therefore against free societies and how they are organized.

Critical Race Theory: “critical race scholars are discontent with liberalism as a framework for addressing America’s racial problems. Many liberals believe in color blindness and neutral principles of constitutional law” The famous “critical whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo (author of the now overwhelmingly famous book White Fragility) puts it even more plainly, writing with a colleague named Ozlem Sensoy in a widely read education book called Is Everyone Really Equal?,

'The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow.'

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

2. Do you hear Orwell in the above:

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

3. "NY Times ripped for equating 'freedom' as 'anti-government slogan'

'Only New York Times commies think freedom is an anti-government slogan.'​

The New York Times faced backlash on Sunday for its framing of recent spontaneous protests occurring in Cuba against the communist government.

"Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years," the New York Times tweeted.
NY Times ripped for equating 'freedom' as 'anti-government slogan'

'Only New York Times commies think freedom is an anti-government slogan.'​

The New York Times faced backlash on Sunday for its framing of recent spontaneous protests occurring in Cuba against the communist government.

"Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years," the New York Times tweeted.

Please explain why shouting "We want Freedom" to an anti-freedom government such as exists in Cuba should not be combined rhetorically with anti-government slogans shouted from the same crowd.

The alt right wordsmiths thinks the Neo-GOP base is as dumb as dirt.
NY Times ripped for equating 'freedom' as 'anti-government slogan'

'Only New York Times commies think freedom is an anti-government slogan.'​

The New York Times faced backlash on Sunday for its framing of recent spontaneous protests occurring in Cuba against the communist government.

"Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years," the New York Times tweeted.

Please explain why shouting "We want Freedom" to an anti-freedom government such as exists in Cuba should not be combined rhetorically with anti-government slogans shouted from the same crowd.

The alt right wordsmiths thinks the Neo-GOP base is as dumb as dirt.

This boot-licker is sooooooo dumb, he needs three repeats of the facts.

As usual, Democrat boot-lickers need to be shown the truth more than once......probably the reason summer school exists.

Critical Race Theory is Democrat policy.

1. "Critical Race Theory is against free societies.​

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. Since Critical Race Theory exists specifically to agitate for and enable radical racial identity politics, it is therefore against free societies and how they are organized.

Critical Race Theory: “critical race scholars are discontent with liberalism as a framework for addressing America’s racial problems. Many liberals believe in color blindness and neutral principles of constitutional law” The famous “critical whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo (author of the now overwhelmingly famous book White Fragility) puts it even more plainly, writing with a colleague named Ozlem Sensoy in a widely read education book called Is Everyone Really Equal?,

'The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow.'

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

2. Do you hear Orwell in the above:

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

3. "NY Times ripped for equating 'freedom' as 'anti-government slogan'

'Only New York Times commies think freedom is an anti-government slogan.'​

The New York Times faced backlash on Sunday for its framing of recent spontaneous protests occurring in Cuba against the communist government.

"Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years," the New York Times tweeted.
NY Times ripped for equating 'freedom' as 'anti-government slogan'

'Only New York Times commies think freedom is an anti-government slogan.'​

The New York Times faced backlash on Sunday for its framing of recent spontaneous protests occurring in Cuba against the communist government.

"Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years," the New York Times tweeted.

Please explain why shouting "We want Freedom" to an anti-freedom government such as exists in Cuba should not be combined rhetorically with anti-government slogans shouted from the same crowd.

The alt right wordsmiths thinks the Neo-GOP base is as dumb as dirt.


Democrat Critical Race Theory casts freedom as oppression, slavery

Democrat NYTimes reminds all that 'freedom' is an anti-government slogan.

When will you admit this:



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This boot-licker is sooooooo dumb, he needs three repeats of the facts.
The fact is that shouting “freedom” is anti-government if you’re government is anti-freedom.

Dope. You are told what to believe.

"....your government..."

Not "...you're government..."

That's your first lesson of the day.

The second: you are low-life scum: stop addressing me.....I want nothing to do with you.

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