*Optimize: THIS !!! *


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,


1. Obama lied after people died.
2. He knew that the Ambassador wasn't killed because of some stupid flick about Mohamed fucking a goat or something.
3. He knew that Stevens death wasn't optimal to him getting re-elected, so they started lying about *everything*.
4. The President was attempting to poo pooh an Ambassadors murder, of course the libnut media has been playing along.
5. Just so his campaign wouldn't be blemished by their own incompetency.
6. The President knew that Stevens wanted more security, and yet did nothing to protect the Ambassador.
7. That alone is reason enough to poo pooh this terrorist attack in order to calm the masses before the election.
8. It has not worked, this has blown up in his face, and is a self made, *October Surprise*.
9. This one mistake should be enough to make Obama lose this election, this is a impeachable offense, in fact.
10 You people are rather stupid really, I will wait for you all to catch up,.....:badgrin:

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,


1. Obama lied after people died.
2. He knew that the Ambassador wasn't killed because of some stupid flick about Mohamed fucking a goat or something.
3. He knew that Stevens death wasn't optimal to him getting re-elected, so they started lying about *everything*.
4. The President was attempting to poo pooh an Ambassadors murder, of course the libnut media has been playing along.
5. Just so his campaign wouldn't be blemished by their own incompetency.
6. The President knew that Stevens wanted more security, and yet did nothing to protect the Ambassador.
7. That alone is reason enough to poo pooh this terrorist attack in order to calm the masses before the election.
8. It has not worked, this has blown up in his face, and is a self made, *October Surprise*.
9. This one mistake should be enough to make Obama lose this election, this is a impeachable offense, in fact.
10 You people are rather stupid really, I will wait for you all to catch up,.....:badgrin:


Chesswars, this isn't a laughing matter and not political.. It's criminal. This is such gross neglec=gligence it should cost him his job. Just add this to his incompetence in the economy and you have the most unsuccssful president we have ever had.

He has been merely incompetent before this incredible negligence in protecting our people around the world. He is supposed to be our Commander-in -Chief and the buck stops with him. He has lied to the press and the American people. There is no excuse for this gross negligence and the people should not stand for this.

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