Opponent to Brexit is the New UK Prime Minister After Multinationals Run off Everyone lese


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Multinational Corporate Crony Network (MNCCN) in the UK has successfully run off every proponent of Brexit by threats, artificial scandals and bribery.

Farrage had two assassination attempts on his life and threats against his family that the police failed to move on.

The last Brexiteer, Andrea Leadson, was forced out after saying that she thinks raising children has helped her to better understand politics and to prepare to be Prime Minister.

This leaves only a pro-Sharia, anti-Brexiteer left to become Prime Minister.

This is how the MNCCN works folks, They protect their own puppets, like they did over here by shielding Clinton from charges for her violations of classified document laws, she even keeps her clearances, lol, and if the MNCCN still loses the elections, they threaten, black mail, bribe and corrupt anyone they can to win their way any how, as they did in Australia recently by replacing a solid conservative PM (Tony Abbott) with a pro-gay marriage, pro Global Warming, pro-Islamic, pro-free trade Malcolm Turnbull.

People when we win our elections against the MNCCN, we need to go in ready for war, bloody, burn-down-everything civil fucking war.

These criminal MNCCN fuckers have no shame, no loyalty and no self control over their own greed, lust for power and tendencies toward violence if they cannot have their own way.
This is how the multinational corporations fix lost elections.

We need to be vigilant.

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