McCain is clearly a disciple of "Republican Free Market" theory. That is to say that the government should stay out of economics entirely and let an economic "free-for-all" go on. The only the Government interaction is in controlling the monetary supply. This allows the economically advantaged to take advantage of the economically disadvantaged in any way they would like. The only time government should interevene is when the "Free Market" backfires on the wealthy and major financial institutions collapse. Then suddenly a government bailout is in order. Socialism for the wealthy. Underlying it all is the belief in an extremely classful society where the wealthy are protected and everyone else be damned.
In short: goverment for the wealthy and by the wealthy. McCain has no economic plan because the wealthy are doing rather well right now. He'll bail out all the Keatings in the world when the time comes.
The Democrats seem to believe in Keynesian theory combined with "Fair Market Theory". That the "General Welfare" clause of the U.S. Constitution makes it the responsibility of the Government to somewhat manage the economy for the benefit of the entire people of the U.S., that financial crisises can be prevented thru judiciuos regulation, taxation, government spending and controlling the monetary supply. While a "Free market" allows for blatant theivery, a fair market protects everyone.
If Government had acted to stop the sub-prime mortgage scam (and yes it was a scam - bait and switch - with they intention of the home owners defaulting from the beginning), there would have been no crises.
The Dems have lots of economic plans because they believe that such is the responsibilty of the Government. McCain has no economic plans because he simply does not believe that it is the government's responsibilty.
But McCain doesn't have the gonads to publicly state what he truly believes: Damn the working class.
I knew, I absolutely KNEW, that when Communist Russia collapsed, it would be hard on the American working class.
You want to know why they've said to hell with Americans, sport?
Because they don't need us anymore to be their bodyguards.
NOW, they don't need to delude us about being free men.
Now they can treat us with the same contempt they have been treating peasants worldwide since the late 19th century.
Our libertopian chums are going to discover what it means to live in a world where money talks and governments balk, and many of them are going to be surprised how easily they can be replaced by some cheaper smarter hungrier third worlder.
The dismantling of the American middle class is about half done/
And it won't be until the average American worker is as hungry and as desperate as the third world workers are that this process of bankrupting the national government and the people of America will be over.
World-wide Neo-feudalism is their goal, and we're but a generation or so from that velvet glove coming completely off.
White mddle class Americans?
We don't need them now, we've got Mexicans, and Chinamen and eventually we'll robots to serve us in the MASTER CLASS.
Oh yeah, barring unforeseeable events, it's coming folks.
You lawyers?
Folks, I think you're next on the neo-cons' hitlist of annoying people they need to neuter.
They've silence the fourth estate by taking ownerhsip of it all; they've destroyed public education; they broke unionism all to hell, they're been eliminating the industrial class workers nearly my entire life; universities either fly right or never get any of the largess of the government, university professors who say the wrong things never get tenure anymore, many of them can't even find work anymore; the medical establishment is being allowed to help them setroy the scoial service safety net, but as soon as that's done, they've seeded the ground with their own destruction; they OWN every police force in thenation, now thanks to HSA and other ffederal programs; they're sitting back and watching one state government after the other go broke trying to take us the slack they've put into social services...
the hell is left?
A load of noble sounding slogans and of course, the right we all have to bear arms which is, without a doubt, going to be completely worthless to helping us keep our way of life.
But hey, I'm not bitter or anything.
This is how the elite classes have destroyed expensive empires that they no longer needed for a mighty long time.
They use that empire to fund the next and they leave the people of that empire with the debts.
It's called