Only Fascists Assail Free Speech

the federal government didnt deny them the permits on the basis they were political; they just delayed their message until after the election idiot.
Gee, I want to talk politics. I guess I'd better submit an application to the IRS first. Until they approve I'm not allowed to say anything.
the federal government didnt deny them the permits on the basis they were political; they just delayed their message until after the election idiot.
Gee, I want to talk politics. I guess I'd better submit an application to the IRS first. Until they approve I'm not allowed to say anything.

obama your Messiah pretended to understand it was wrong

was he lying again?
your so-called most transparent administration in history denied them the right to free speech in time for an election
Not possible. No one told them they couldn't shoot their mouths off. No one tells you either, loudmouth.

but that's exactly what happened leftard; being in denial wont help
If you are such pussies that you can't get your message out without permission of the IRS, don't bother, it doesn't that much, obviously.

Bedwetter doesn't realize that he is actually vindicating the IRS by what he's saying.

He's complaining that the IRS interfered with the tea party group's right to get out political messages in the election year.

No, the IRS was doing its job of investigating political groups trying to claim tax breaks by pretending not to be political groups.

Bed has admitted they WERE political groups.

their message opposed your politics leftard. what does that have to do with anything dummy?

They were claiming tax breaks that can only go to non-political organizations. You're admitting they are political organizations.
Not possible. No one told them they couldn't shoot their mouths off. No one tells you either, loudmouth.

but that's exactly what happened leftard; being in denial wont help
If you are such pussies that you can't get your message out without permission of the IRS, don't bother, it doesn't that much, obviously.

Bedwetter doesn't realize that he is actually vindicating the IRS by what he's saying.

He's complaining that the IRS interfered with the tea party group's right to get out political messages in the election year.

No, the IRS was doing its job of investigating political groups trying to claim tax breaks by pretending not to be political groups.

Bed has admitted they WERE political groups.

their message opposed your politics leftard. what does that have to do with anything dummy?

They were claiming tax breaks that can only go to non-political organizations. You're admitting they are political organizations.

no i'm not leftard; you're admitting they were prevented from speaking on that basis
the federal government didnt deny them the permits on the basis they were political; they just delayed their message until after the election idiot.
Gee, I want to talk politics. I guess I'd better submit an application to the IRS first. Until they approve I'm not allowed to say anything.

obama your Messiah pretended to understand it was wrong

was he lying again?
Right or wrong doesn't matter a damn in this case. No one was stopped from saying any goddamned thing they wanted to. You are lying to yourself if you think there were.
if it was the government's position they were political in nature why did they ultimately give them their permits?
the federal government didnt deny them the permits on the basis they were political; they just delayed their message until after the election idiot.
Gee, I want to talk politics. I guess I'd better submit an application to the IRS first. Until they approve I'm not allowed to say anything.

obama your Messiah pretended to understand it was wrong

was he lying again?
Right or wrong doesn't matter a damn in this case. No one was stopped from saying any goddamned thing they wanted to. You are lying to yourself if you think there were.

you're becoming you always do when you know you are lying to yourself
obama just wanted to delay their message; he knew he couldnt ban them; because dozens of left-wing groups were doing the same thing; all but one of them got their permits in time for ads
the federal government didnt deny them the permits on the basis they were political; they just delayed their message until after the election idiot.
Gee, I want to talk politics. I guess I'd better submit an application to the IRS first. Until they approve I'm not allowed to say anything.

obama your Messiah pretended to understand it was wrong

was he lying again?
Right or wrong doesn't matter a damn in this case. No one was stopped from saying any goddamned thing they wanted to. You are lying to yourself if you think there were.

you're becoming you always do when you know you are lying to yourself
Sweetcheeks, you are the one lying to yourself and you sound like an idiot. You don't need the blessing of the IRS to have free speech.
the federal government didnt deny them the permits on the basis they were political; they just delayed their message until after the election idiot.
Gee, I want to talk politics. I guess I'd better submit an application to the IRS first. Until they approve I'm not allowed to say anything.

obama your Messiah pretended to understand it was wrong

was he lying again?
Right or wrong doesn't matter a damn in this case. No one was stopped from saying any goddamned thing they wanted to. You are lying to yourself if you think there were.

you're becoming you always do when you know you are lying to yourself
Sweetcheeks, you are the one lying to yourself and you sound like an idiot. You don't need the blessing of the IRS to have free speech.

yes you do for the type of 501 they wanted

try again
you're the one looking stupid idiot

but you're not enough of a man to admit it and move on
there's no need to take the fifth and lawyer-up if there's nothing there leftard
The thread is about assailing free speech. The only party organized to do that specific thing today is the Republican party in attempting to implement Ag Gag laws. Pure unadulterated confiscation of free speech, and ruled as such as they are challenged in court. Idaho being the last state to have the attempt killed.
Gee, I want to talk politics. I guess I'd better submit an application to the IRS first. Until they approve I'm not allowed to say anything.

obama your Messiah pretended to understand it was wrong

was he lying again?
Right or wrong doesn't matter a damn in this case. No one was stopped from saying any goddamned thing they wanted to. You are lying to yourself if you think there were.

you're becoming you always do when you know you are lying to yourself
Sweetcheeks, you are the one lying to yourself and you sound like an idiot. You don't need the blessing of the IRS to have free speech.

yes you do for the type of 501 they wanted

try again
When your message is of so little value you can't say it without a tax exemption, don't bother...
Obama doesn't run the IRS…

Technically, legally, no. That would clearly violate the separation of powers. All the more reason to be very, very concerned over the growing evidence of collusion between the President and those who do run the IRS.

…and considering the scam organizations the right brings about, i.e. Center for Medical Progress, I'd check them right down to their tighty whities...

You seem, here, to have proven the OP's point, by making the excuse that organizations that exist to put forth a message that contradicts your own ideology are “scam organizations” that ought to be subjected to greater scrutiny than those corresponding organizations that are consistent with your ideology. You've just shown that deep down, you agree with and support the very abuse and corruption that you have been trying to deny exists.
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Obama has committed no crimes.

There is only one crime that is defined as such in the Constitution itself. It is the highest crime that any American can commit, and it is traditionally punished by the use of a firing squad. See Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

President Obama has used the power of his office to give aid and comfort to invading foreign criminals, to take the side of these enemies of our nation and its people, against that of the American people who he is supposed to serve and represent. By any rational view, this certainly constitutes treason, as defined in the Constitution.

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