Only A Few More Days Until Title 42 Expires

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Not like this will change anything though. The Biden Harris Administration hasn't done a single thing to manage our border since taking office anyways.

Not like this will change anything though. The Biden Harris Administration hasn't done a single thing to manage our border since taking office anyways.

Is it true that the Trump administration presided over the largest flows of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border since the mid-2000s?
The jump in migration of Trump’s final months continued accelerating during Joe Biden’s first two months in office. This is happening even as Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) keeps in place “Title 42,” a probably illegal Trump-era pandemic provision that expels most migrants within hours, regardless of their protection needs.
Not like this will change anything though. The Biden Harris Administration hasn't done a single thing to manage our border since taking office anyways.

Gosh, the more I read about this the more it seems like a nothing burger.

Of the 114 months since October 2011 for which WOLA has detailed monthly data, February 2021 saw the third-most Border Patrol encounters with migrants. (The actual number of people was probably much lower since, as noted below, many migrants expelled under Title 42 attempt to re-enter shortly afterward.)

While third-most sounds like a lot, the impact on border authorities’ workload is minimal because Title 42 persists. Of the 96,974 migrants whom Border Patrol “encountered” in February, it quickly expelled 72 percent—down only slightly from the end of the Trump administration, which expelled 85 percent in December and 83 percent in January. The remainder whom Border Patrol actually had to process last month—26,791 migrants—was the 77th most out of the past 114 months. Being in 77th place hardly constitutes a crisis.
In February, Border Patrol apprehended 9,297 unaccompanied children, the most since May 2019. To put it another way, in terms of apprehensions at the border, February was the fourth-largest month for unaccompanied kids in the last 114 months for which we have data—possibly ever. Arrivals of unaccompanied children continue to increase,averaging 400 per day so far in March.

Now this is a problem.
Not like this will change anything though. The Biden Harris Administration hasn't done a single thing to manage our border since taking office anyways.

Unaccompanied children are the only migrant population that the Biden administration is refusing to expel. (The Trump administration was using Title 42 to expel them until a judge stopped the practice in November. While that judge got overruled on appeal in late January, the incoming Biden administration refused to expel vulnerable children alone back to their countries.)

And you say you care about what I do with the seed in my womb? I don't believe you.
This is interesting. Because Trump shut down asylum at the border, it is driving up border crossings
Not like this will change anything though. The Biden Harris Administration hasn't done a single thing to manage our border since taking office anyways.

It's Trump's fault.

In February, most children apprehended originate from Guatemala and Honduras, two countries still reeling from the impact of two record-breaking hurricanes in the fall, economic inequalities worsened by COVID-19, and persistent violence.

What’s behind this increase? The backlog of asylum seekers—a humanitarian disaster created by the Trump administration—who have been waiting, in some cases for years, at the U.S.-Mexico border. At the moment, unaccompanied children (apart from unaccompanied Mexican children) are the only population that stand a 100 percent chance of being released into the United States to start an asylum process while living with relatives.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs to build up its capacity to process asylum seekers. No one should have to feel like their only fair shot at entering the asylum process is to climb walls or risk drowning in the Rio Grande. There should be no need for asylum seekers to seek out smugglers to cross the border—they should be able to show up to a designated location and go through an administrative process.
Seems to me if we are letting in a lot of people this way, we probably aren't accepting a lot of applications for immigrants from South America to come in the normal or usual way. Slow down immigration if we need to. Stop taking people from England right now if it's people from Guatamala that need to come here. Love this country.
Seems to me if we are letting in a lot of people this way, we probably aren't accepting a lot of applications for immigrants from South America to come in the normal or usual way. Slow down immigration if we need to. Stop taking people from England right now if it's people from Guatamala that need to come here. Love this country.
Why do you hate America?
Maybe you shouldn't bother posting altogether if it bothers you.

Why not take your own advice and fuck off? You're clearly far more sensitive than I am or will ever be and your TDS is WAY out of control too.
Gosh, the more I read about this the more it seems like a nothing burger.

Of the 114 months since October 2011 for which WOLA has detailed monthly data, February 2021 saw the third-most Border Patrol encounters with migrants. (The actual number of people was probably much lower since, as noted below, many migrants expelled under Title 42 attempt to re-enter shortly afterward.)

While third-most sounds like a lot, the impact on border authorities’ workload is minimal because Title 42 persists. Of the 96,974 migrants whom Border Patrol “encountered” in February, it quickly expelled 72 percent—down only slightly from the end of the Trump administration, which expelled 85 percent in December and 83 percent in January. The remainder whom Border Patrol actually had to process last month—26,791 migrants—was the 77th most out of the past 114 months. Being in 77th place hardly constitutes a crisis.
The ambulance chasing lib lawyers are making great use of the refugee and unaccompanied minor loophole
Why do you hate America?
You mean the country that is made up of immigrants? The country that took my immigrant family in? I believe one of my grandfathers was an illegal. I believe Melania was an illegal. I love America. So do they. It's why they want to come here.
Not like this will change anything though. The Biden Harris Administration hasn't done a single thing to manage our border since taking office anyways.

The scum will continue to walk into our country.
The ambulance chasing lib lawyers are making great use of the refugee and unaccompanied minor loophole
What would you do?

I'm assuming

1. Have Mexico keep them. A part of me agrees. See, I'm a moderate.

2. Stop taking in refugees?
What would you do?

I'm assuming

1. Have Mexico keep them. A part of me agrees. See, I'm a moderate.

2. Stop taking in refugees?
Yes, although that will get the US in trouble with the globalists in Geneva

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