only 22 more days until inaugeration

Katz is a woman? It absolutely blows my mind how many of the shrieking brain dead hacks on this site are chicks. Katz, Stephanie, Sniperfire, bigrebnc1775, Cecille, etc. Is it sexist to assume women can't be so stupid?

Same as Si modo, they are all a bunch of brainwashed morons. They are all likely fat, nasty bitches that blame "da libs" for being ugly slobs that fat bastard from austin powers wouldn't touch.
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Katz is a woman? It absolutely blows my mind how many of the shrieking brain dead hacks on this site are chicks. Katz, Stephanie, Sniperfire, bigrebnc1775, Cecille, etc. Is it sexist to assume women can't be so stupid?

Same as Si modo, they are all a bunch of brainwashed morons. They are all likely fat, nasty bitches that blame "da libs" for being ugly slobs that fat bastard from austin powers wouldn't touch.
Don't worry whiner, I'll neg you again. It's not as if there is a dearth of moronic posts by you.

Enjoy my next automated message to you.
If it was an historic achievement it wasn't his. Maybe those who voted for him but obama the fool did nothing. I'd give him the PT Barnum award for proving that there really is a sucker born every minute.


But getting elected President of the United States is no easy achievement. A black man with the name Barack Hussein Obama was quite an achievement.

Nobel Prize worthy

we went through this topic before matter what anyone threw at you about what Alfred Noble said the peace prize should be did not give a shit.....running a successful presidential campaign does not mean you get a fucking peace prize....brokering a peace between peoples or nations stopping death and destruction warrants a peace prize.....but it doesn't matter anymore....when they gave it to Arafat it became as relevant as the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame has become.....

The Nobel has expanded it's horizon beyond war and peace. It now looks at racism and environmental issues as impediments to peace. Getting 60 million Americans to vote for a mix raced man with a Muslim name is no small achievement in a country where in much of the country they would have lynched his father for marrying a white woman
I didn't vote for him but I wish him the very best being our nation depends upon his ability to lead and get things done which is going to take both houses and this President coming together to compromise. All of the politics of hatred and partisanship need to take a backseat.. We're in trouble.. it's time to do the hard work that MUST be done.
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But getting elected President of the United States is no easy achievement. A black man with the name Barack Hussein Obama was quite an achievement.

Nobel Prize worthy

we went through this topic before matter what anyone threw at you about what Alfred Noble said the peace prize should be did not give a shit.....running a successful presidential campaign does not mean you get a fucking peace prize....brokering a peace between peoples or nations stopping death and destruction warrants a peace prize.....but it doesn't matter anymore....when they gave it to Arafat it became as relevant as the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame has become.....

The Nobel has expanded it's horizon beyond war and peace. It now looks at racism and environmental issues as impediments to peace. Getting 60 million Americans to vote for a mix raced man with a Muslim name is no small achievement in a country where in much of the country they would have lynched his father for marrying a white woman he ran a good campaign.....did he bring this Country together?.....did he stop all this bigotry?....those 60 million Americans you talk of?......many of them were swayed by the fact he was this little ole black guy,and felt guilty and so voted for him.....meaning he ran a good how about the rest of the Country?....did he bring the rest of the 240 million together?
here is the meaning of this prize today.....i dont see were they have expanded it to include being a successful campaigner...

The Nobel Peace Prize
“The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: /- - -/ one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
(Excerpt from the will of Alfred Nobel)
Alfred Nobel was interested in social issues. He developed a special engagement in the peace movement. An important factor in Nobel’s interest in peace was his acquaintance with Bertha von Suttner. Perhaps his interest in peace was also due to the use of his inventions in warfare and assassination attempts? Peace was the fifth and final prize area that Nobel mentioned in his will.

Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, shared the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 with Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist of the time. In addition to humanitarian efforts and peace movements, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control.

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five persons who are chosen by the Norwegian Storting (Parliament of Norway), Oslo, Norway.

like i is going the way of the so called RnR Hall of Fame.....

The Nobel Peace Prize
Unlike you,I don't need to project something I'm not.

You being an ugly fatass bitch try to project to people that you're some hot blonde with your avatar. The smell between your legs goes beyond the internet....

I like to make fun of liberals like you with my avatars.

The OP is insane.

The bad Christmas sales, the Fiscal Cliff mess, etc is all proof Americans don't give a crap about him.

He is going to look like a bigger idiot partying up when most Americans don't care and are actually incensed at such a waste of money when the Govt is broke.

The OP is insane and you are the one with all of the crazy mock ups in your avie and sig.


So you're saying you really look like that and you accept it? Good on you psycho loser.
Oh, the OP might want to learn how to spell....but then again being an idiot is his mission in life in addition to sucking O's cock.

Not good to grade the OP's spelling in today's outcome-based lib World. May harm their fragile self-esteem. Just give him a trophy for trying... In fact, give everyone here a trophy, lest anyone's false self-esteem be harmed.
tumblr_mbre5waho21qcgszdo1_500.jpg know the voting is done, right?
Katz is a woman? It absolutely blows my mind how many of the shrieking brain dead hacks on this site are chicks. Katz, Stephanie, Sniperfire, bigrebnc1775, Cecille, etc. Is it sexist to assume women can't be so stupid?

Same as Si modo, they are all a bunch of brainwashed morons. They are all likely fat, nasty bitches that blame "da libs" for being ugly slobs that fat bastard from austin powers wouldn't touch.
Don't worry whiner, I'll neg you again. It's not as if there is a dearth of moronic posts by you.

Enjoy my next automated message to you.

The idiot thinks I am a woman? :badgrin:
No wonder he confuses rifles with dicks.
we went through this topic before matter what anyone threw at you about what Alfred Noble said the peace prize should be did not give a shit.....running a successful presidential campaign does not mean you get a fucking peace prize....brokering a peace between peoples or nations stopping death and destruction warrants a peace prize.....but it doesn't matter anymore....when they gave it to Arafat it became as relevant as the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame has become.....

The Nobel has expanded it's horizon beyond war and peace. It now looks at racism and environmental issues as impediments to peace. Getting 60 million Americans to vote for a mix raced man with a Muslim name is no small achievement in a country where in much of the country they would have lynched his father for marrying a white woman he ran a good campaign.....did he bring this Country together?.....did he stop all this bigotry?....those 60 million Americans you talk of?......many of them were swayed by the fact he was this little ole black guy,and felt guilty and so voted for him.....meaning he ran a good how about the rest of the Country?....did he bring the rest of the 240 million together?
here is the meaning of this prize today.....i dont see were they have expanded it to include being a successful campaigner...

The Nobel Peace Prize
“The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: /- - -/ one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
(Excerpt from the will of Alfred Nobel)
Alfred Nobel was interested in social issues. He developed a special engagement in the peace movement. An important factor in Nobel’s interest in peace was his acquaintance with Bertha von Suttner. Perhaps his interest in peace was also due to the use of his inventions in warfare and assassination attempts? Peace was the fifth and final prize area that Nobel mentioned in his will.

Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, shared the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 with Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist of the time. In addition to humanitarian efforts and peace movements, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control.

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five persons who are chosen by the Norwegian Storting (Parliament of Norway), Oslo, Norway.

like i is going the way of the so called RnR Hall of Fame.....

The Nobel Peace Prize

"bring the country together" you say?

The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

he coulda stopped a school bus full of cub scouts from going over a cliff & the rw' basers, which seemed to be becoming the rw mainstream, STILL woulda' hated his guts.
The Nobel has expanded it's horizon beyond war and peace. It now looks at racism and environmental issues as impediments to peace. Getting 60 million Americans to vote for a mix raced man with a Muslim name is no small achievement in a country where in much of the country they would have lynched his father for marrying a white woman he ran a good campaign.....did he bring this Country together?.....did he stop all this bigotry?....those 60 million Americans you talk of?......many of them were swayed by the fact he was this little ole black guy,and felt guilty and so voted for him.....meaning he ran a good how about the rest of the Country?....did he bring the rest of the 240 million together?
here is the meaning of this prize today.....i dont see were they have expanded it to include being a successful campaigner...

The Nobel Peace Prize
“The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: /- - -/ one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
(Excerpt from the will of Alfred Nobel)
Alfred Nobel was interested in social issues. He developed a special engagement in the peace movement. An important factor in Nobel’s interest in peace was his acquaintance with Bertha von Suttner. Perhaps his interest in peace was also due to the use of his inventions in warfare and assassination attempts? Peace was the fifth and final prize area that Nobel mentioned in his will.

Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, shared the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 with Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist of the time. In addition to humanitarian efforts and peace movements, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control.

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five persons who are chosen by the Norwegian Storting (Parliament of Norway), Oslo, Norway.

like i is going the way of the so called RnR Hall of Fame.....

The Nobel Peace Prize

"bring the country together" you say?

The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

he coulda stopped a school bus full of cub scouts from going over a cliff & the rw' basers, which seemed to be becoming the rw mainstream, STILL woulda' hated his guts.
when the RIGHT WINGERS win a Noble let me know Dot.....and then we will talk about them....but right now we were talking about Obama and his....

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