One year later, the war in Ukraine plugs along, Biden shows up to promise to give US money to help in the war. Yet the US border remains open.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Joe Biden made a daring, unannounced visit to Ukraine, a show of support the White House once considered too risky to attempt
He said in a statement that he was meeting with Zelenskyy and his team "for an extended discussion on our support for Ukraine." He added that he will "announce another delivery of critical equipment, including artillery ammunition, anti-armor systems, and air surveillance radars to help protect the Ukrainian people from aerial bombardments."
Biden announced half a billion dollars of assistance and said that details would be given in the next few days, per The Wall Street Journal.

Congress. before any more money goes to Ukraine, should put stipulations (That means terms and conditions) on securing the southern border, by finishing the wall and having more BPA(border patrol agents) hired, so the invasion of the US can stop. Once this is done, then they can appropriate monies that can help Ukraine beat Mother Russia. Until that happens, no more money.....
The Trump wing of the republican party has occupied themselves with one mission these days. It's not electing Trump. They are pushing the narrative that Ukraine must be abandoned as hard as any election campaign.
The Trump wing of the republican party has occupied themselves with one mission these days. It's not electing Trump. They are pushing the narrative that Ukraine must be abandoned as hard as any election campaign.
Seems to me when a Ukrainian Pres. can afford to buy a $30,000,000.00 estate in Florida.....he's not in a war. He's making money.

Maybe you don't even know you are consuming Russian war propaganda. Maybe you do. Either way you've demonstrated the right's willingness to be used.
Not one mention from Fox News about Biden showing up in Ukraine when he should be in Palestine Ohio.


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Seems like you would want to avoid looking like the right is in Putin's pocket. Too late for that now.
That's as big a lie as every other hoax you bastards keep swallowing...including the fake insurrection and Russian Collusion.
You MoFos never learn.
Biden went to Kyiv to hook up with his money launderer.

Why did Demar Hamlin have a heart attack?

Why can't Demar Hamlin discuss the cause of his heart attack?
Because it was vaccine induced.

Keep getting your booster shots, you gullible fucks.
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That's as big a lie as every other hoax you bastards keep swallowing...including the fake insurrection and Russian Collusion.
You MoFos never learn.
Biden went to Kyiv to hook up with his money launderer.
View attachment 758736

Why did Demar Hamlin have a heart attack?
View attachment 758734View attachment 758735

Why can't Demar Hamlin discuss the cause of his heart attack?
Because it was vaccine induced.

Keep getting your booster shots, you gullible fucks.
Hating Biden to the point you would cheer Russia murdering an entire country is shameful and unAmerican. You are giving aid and comfort to our enemies in your small sad, silly way. Get your priorities in order. Putin is not your friend.
Hating Biden to the point you would cheer Russia murdering an entire country is shameful and unAmerican. You are giving aid and comfort to our enemies in your small sad, silly way. Get your priorities in order. Putin is not your friend.


Putin is a POS and Biden is an even worse POS.
Being against one doesn't automatically mean you support the other.

I have a suggestion; If you love Ukraine so much....volunteer to go over there and fight....and STFU.
I don't support going trillions of dollars in debt to prop up a government that's kicking back billions to support Democrats in our elections. It takes money to rig elections, and the bill is being paid using our tax money. Bribes to politicians, election officials, judges, poll workers. It takes money to buy their support.

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As Republicans scramble to support Putin

Pay no attention to Ukraine
What about those Mexicans!
As Republicans scramble to support Putin

Pay no attention to Ukraine
What about those Mexicans!
I could give two shits about what goes on between Little and Great Russia and I damn sure don't want to pay for it.....Talks for a peaceful partition should have already been insisted on and taken place. But no, too much money being made.

Conversely I damn sure care about our open borders and if you don't I can't think of something that is more un-American than that......Perhaps you need to get your priorities straight.
I could give two shits about what goes on between Little and Great Russia and I damn sure don't want to pay for it.....Talks for a peaceful partition should have already been insisted on and taken place. But no, too much money being made.

Conversely I damn sure care about our open borders and if you don't I can't think of something that is more un-American than that......Perhaps you need to get your priorities straight.
Biden will stick his tongue up Zelensky's ass, and then turn around and tells us to go fuck ourselves.
The only reason he cares so much about Ukraine is because of the money they bring into the DNC's coffers.
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The Trump wing of the republican party has occupied themselves with one mission these days. It's not electing Trump. They are pushing the narrative that Ukraine must be abandoned as hard as any election campaign.

Its a rather staggering and bewildering reversal is it not? I don't get the upside for the GOP on this outside of somehow they think this tarnishes Biden if Ukraine falls so, therefore, it must fall.

Afghanistan fell (as we all knew it was going to) and the only people who talk about Afghanistan are butt-hurt blob supporters who begrudgingly acknowledge their guy signed the surrender papers. Afghanistan falling has no traction outside of their world. Why they believe that Ukraine falling will somehow be different is anyone's guess. The hilarious thing is that the moment the hammer and sickle is unfurled above the presidential palace in Kyiv, they're going to say, "Why didn't Biden stop them?"

Of course the undertone to all of this is the rather sad job they have done in hiding their support of Trump's buddy Putin. It's common knowledge that Russian intel helped Trump win the 2016 election through it's hacking of the DNC and it's affiliates. It's equally as common knowledge that Trump defended Russia in front of the world press when he took Putin's word for it when he said he didn't hack the DNC and their affiliates--taking his word over his own intel agencies.

At the end of the day, if Ukraine falls, Russia will be in a stronger position than it was the day before. Why this is the goal of the GOP and the Trump supporters should be sickening to any observer who claims to love the USA.
Biden will stick his tongue up Zelensky's ass, and turns around and tells us to go fuck ourselves.
The only reason he cares so much about Ukraine is because of the money they bring into the DNC's coffers.
The reason he cares about Ukraine is they will destroy the Putin regime without us having to send troops
Democrats said that we could not afford to finish the border wall, so they defunded it. But we have $billions$ to fund the Ukraine Nazis?
Democrats are screwed up.
ukrainegfch hhjgjnk.JPG


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