'One shot at the queen': FBI, AG intensify focus on Clinton email probe


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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The FBI gets its opportunity to question Hillary Clinton, but Obama's hand-picked Atty General is doing her best to ensure the short leash is applied to Comey and the limits and restrictions are firmly in place.

Lynch is staying CONSTANTLY in Comey's back pocket, up to her neck in this investigation rather than allowing the investigation to go forward and be briefed of its findings at the end.

Is Hillary getting special political treatment? You better believe it:
"In a case like this you get one shot at the queen,” the source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, said referring to Clinton, the former secretary of state and current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. “The pressures are enormous on the agents, as the case has to be airtight and perfect.”

Umm, who decides if you get 'one shot' at Hillary? Obviously Loretta Lynch. If it were anyone else the FBI would be free to call the person in for questioning as they saw fit, not any of this 'You get 1 shot' crap!

“This in an incredibly high stakes, high-wire act,” Hosko said. “Timing is of the essence, but being right is absolutely critical. Comey must be the one to make the case that the law has been broken and a prosecution is recommended.”

The stakes are high and the timing is critical NOT because of how Hillary's private server usage and extremely classified e-mails sent over unclassified means put national security in jeopardy - not that's not the primary focus at all. Hillary Clinton's freedom, her chance to be President, the entire democratic party's 2016 Presidential nomination / nominee is at stake. To hell with national security and what laws may have been broken - this is about high-stakes POLITICS, baby!

“The authority for these formal interview requests by the Bureau is granted by the Attorney General,” the source added."

This has led many to believe that a Grand Jury may have already met regarding this case. Usually subpoenas and immunity are not handed out for 'security reviews', as the State Department and the WH have called what's going on.

"High-profile names convicted of violating Section 1001 include Martha Stewart, as well as former CIA Director David Petraeus."

As experts have already outlined, what happened in this case far surpasses what led to Stewart and Patraeus being arrested.

Does that mean Hillary will be charged/convicted. Make no mistake about it, this FBI questioning is not going to be about 'Guilt' or 'Innocence' but rather if Hillary is charged with a crime or not. You can bet Loretta Lynch will insist on beig right there I nthe same room when Hillary is interviewed and will not hesitate to step in if she feels the need to do so for Hillary's sake. After all, before even being fully briefed on the facs both she and the WH declared Hillary was not the subject of an investigation and they saw no reason why she should / will be charged in the future.

Hillary's testimony, still, my not be as important as that of Pagliano:

"Former Clinton campaign staffer and State Department information technology specialist Bryan Pagliano, who installed Clinton’s private server, was granted immunity by the Justice Department and is cooperating with the FBI."

'One shot at the queen': FBI, AG intensify focus on Clinton email probe | Fox News
one shot minus nine ...

I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?

Bill's BJ still isn't dead ... Hillary, Benghazi, and Email will be doing a RW threesome from now til eternity or they die of old age ... which ever comes first.

They haven't got the sack to 86 themselves. They all have a yellowback gene.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?

Bill's BJ still isn't dead ... Hillary, Benghazi, and Email will be doing a RW threesome from now til eternity or they die of old age ... which ever comes first.

They haven't got the sack to 86 themselves. They all have a yellowback gene.
Sadly, I think you're right.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?

Bill's BJ still isn't dead ... Hillary, Benghazi, and Email will be doing a RW threesome from now til eternity or they die of old age ... which ever comes first.

They haven't got the sack to 86 themselves. They all have a yellowback gene.
Sadly, I think you're right.
and sadly republicans will never be out of shit to throw against the wall,,,Their supply is unlimited
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

Can an AG jail someone who has been cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI? Is that legal?

Here NLT write this number down somewhere. You'll be needing it soon:

1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

Can an AG jail someone who has been cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI? Is that legal?

Here NLT write this number down somewhere. You'll be needing it soon:

1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
I dialed that number and got through to a call center in Pakistan. I asked the guy if this was the number to call if you thought about committing suicide. He said it was and then got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck. I told him no and he hung up.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?

I'm sure not too many people feel anything will happen to Hillary.
If you are a Hillary lover you know she can do no wrong so there wont be any charges....

If you don't like Hillary you know enough that even though she did quite a few things
that would land anyone in a shitload of trouble we knew going in to this they
would never charge someone in their party that is so close to being the nominee for President.

Hillary will get a scolding but no charges...
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?

Bill's BJ still isn't dead ... Hillary, Benghazi, and Email will be doing a RW threesome from now til eternity or they die of old age ... which ever comes first.

They haven't got the sack to 86 themselves. They all have a yellowback gene.
Sadly, I think you're right.
and sadly republicans will never be out of shit to throw against the wall,,,Their supply is unlimited
Republicans will never run out of lies.
there was no law regarding email records until 2014 ... so nothing will happen.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?

I'm sure not too many people feel anything will happen to Hillary.
If you are a Hillary lover you know she can do no wrong so there wont be any charges....

If you don't like Hillary you know enough that even though she did quite a few things
that would land anyone in a shitload of trouble we knew going in to this they
would never charge someone in their party that is so close to being the nominee for President.

Hillary will get a scolding but no charges...
you know rozman if republicans didn't throw so much shit up against the wall we might be concerned But they are not to be trusted ,,,vindictive liars and republicans ,,,but I repeat myself
Oh my stars….what ever will we do?

Good to see you place partisan behavior above national security concerns...

She hasn’t been SoS in 4 years, they’ve been investigating the shite for nearly as long….if anything were to come out, it would be out by now. This is why I mock these threads.
Oh my stars….what ever will we do?

Good to see you place partisan behavior above national security concerns...

She hasn’t been SoS in 4 years, they’ve been investigating the shite for nearly as long….if anything were to come out, it would be out by now. This is why I mock these threads.
really doesn't matter candy if not bashing her for years about these trumped up charges these sleezes would find something else
Haha, Carly Fiorina stated months ago that Clinton wouldn't be charged for any crime, so just keep on beating this dead horse.
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