One rule for thee, but not for me

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.
The Liberal Elites in America have largely ignored the lockdown here. Gov. Pritzker in Illinois sent his old lady to Florida, and Mayor Lightfoot got a haircut in violation of the edicts.

Its crazy in America because buying lottery tickets, cigarettes, booze and grass are all essential. So are Abortions.

But worshipping Almighty God "non essential". AA meeting are "non essential".

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
The Liberal Elites in America have largely ignored the lockdown here. Gov. Pritzker in Illinois sent his old lady to Florida, and Mayor Lightfoot got a haircut in violation of the edicts.

Its crazy in America because buying lottery tickets, cigarettes, booze and grass are all essential. So are Abortions.

But worshipping Almighty God "non essential". AA meeting are "non essential".
I would argue that worship is essential to people and AA meetings. Piling into a building with many other folk isnt essential and should be avoided. Over here we have these things called Zoom and Meetings which enable us to carry on much as before.

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

No it is not a huge stretch. The Church is in the forgiveness business, not in the demanding political resignations business. The Supreme Governor should have a cleansing of her ranks.

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

No it is not a huge stretch. The Church is in the forgiveness business, not in the demanding political resignations business. The Supreme Governor should have a cleansing of her ranks.
After she has sorted out her paedo son ?

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

No it is not a huge stretch. The Church is in the forgiveness business, not in the demanding political resignations business. The Supreme Governor should have a cleansing of her ranks.
Here are members of his own party demanding action.
The Liberal Elites in America have largely ignored the lockdown here. Gov. Pritzker in Illinois sent his old lady to Florida, and Mayor Lightfoot got a haircut in violation of the edicts.

Its crazy in America because buying lottery tickets, cigarettes, booze and grass are all essential. So are Abortions.

But worshipping Almighty God "non essential". AA meeting are "non essential".
Since Christianity is dead or dying in england I would not worry too much about the bishops

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

No it is not a huge stretch. The Church is in the forgiveness business, not in the demanding political resignations business. The Supreme Governor should have a cleansing of her ranks.
Here are members of his own party demanding action.

Members of his own party aren't BIshops in her Majesty's Choir.

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

No it is not a huge stretch. The Church is in the forgiveness business, not in the demanding political resignations business. The Supreme Governor should have a cleansing of her ranks.
After she has sorted out her paedo son ?

Dom was at Pizza Express in Woking too.

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

No it is not a huge stretch. The Church is in the forgiveness business, not in the demanding political resignations business. The Supreme Governor should have a cleansing of her ranks.
After she has sorted out her paedo son ?

Dom was at Pizza Express in Woking too.
Hes just been live on every channel explaining himself. Apparently the day trip to a well known beauty spot was a test run to see if it was safe to drive. You always take your kids on those. There are three people in the UK who dont want the lying c.unt sacked.
Boris , himself and me. He is the epitome of tory values and is pissing everybody off. We cant lose him.

Church of England bishops have fired a volley of unprecedented criticism at Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings. One suggested the church could decline to work with the government during the coronavirus crisis “unless we see clear repentance, including the sacking of Cummings”.

More than a dozen bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishops said Johnson’s defence was “risible”, that he had “no respect for the people”, “lacked integrity”, and risked undermining the trust of the public. Pete Broadbent, the bishop of Willesden, tweeted: “Johnson has now gone the full Trump.”

C of E Bishops are generally a supine establishment group of individuals who rarely challenge the government of the day. So this is pretty unprecedented.
Yes, once again conservatives elites show that they are above the laws that we live by. As a decent and respectable socialist I cannot believe that these corrupt fucks are behaving like this.
The government has a large majority and a few years to run but it has lost any authority and even tories are incensed by this high handed behaviour
The response to the lockdown has been very good and there are heart wrenching stories of people dying alone and then being buried without family present. They are not impressed by this elitest ,above the law behaviour.

I think this creatures sacking is inevitable despite the wagons being circled around him. I will be sorry to see him go because his presence is a living, breathing example of conservative corruption.

The Church of England Bishops largely tend over a flock of ghosts so this is little more than a ploy intended to lure people back into the dusty pews as a political statement against the man once things are back to normal.
Thats a huge stretch. The Bishops are a small portion of right thinking people who are disgusted by this.

No it is not a huge stretch. The Church is in the forgiveness business, not in the demanding political resignations business. The Supreme Governor should have a cleansing of her ranks.
After she has sorted out her paedo son ?

Dom was at Pizza Express in Woking too.
Hes just been live on every channel explaining himself. Apparently the day trip to a well known beauty spot was a test run to see if it was safe to drive. You always take your kids on those. There are three people in the UK who dont want the lying c.unt sacked.
Boris , himself and me. He is the epitome of tory values and is pissing everybody off. We cant lose him.

Just think. If you had shown that sort of love for Mrs. May, BJ wouldn't be your prime minister.

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