One more Russian's here..

You may also compare jets... SU-57 and F-22
Tanks T-14 and M1A2
...and their prices
The difference is the United States has can afford stuff and Russia is on a tight budget.
Yes I've been hearing it for a very long time.
Obama called Russia a regional country, announced our economy is torn into small pieces...several years passed and...

Let's also recall your new LCS who were called a garbage by your specialists.

I like it... a lot of money is spent for someone's wealth. And you say about corruption somewhere?
Corruption is everywhere but unfortunately especially pervasive in Russia.

My great grandfather was a Cossack who was lucky enough to slip away and make his way to the United States with his family before being eliminated. You will find no respect for Russia's continued authoritarian regime from me.
Decossackization - Wikipedia
Most wish to do the same to dark people here in the USA. Undocumented are being arrested every day!
I am well aware that the alt-right admires bolshevik policies.
You may also compare jets... SU-57 and F-22
Tanks T-14 and M1A2
...and their prices
The difference is the United States has can afford stuff and Russia is on a tight budget.
Yes I've been hearing it for a very long time.
Obama called Russia a regional country, announced our economy is torn into small pieces...several years passed and...

Let's also recall your new LCS who were called a garbage by your specialists.

I like it... a lot of money is spent for someone's wealth. And you say about corruption somewhere?
Corruption is everywhere but unfortunately especially pervasive in Russia.

My great grandfather was a Cossack who was lucky enough to slip away and make his way to the United States with his family before being eliminated. You will find no respect for Russia's continued authoritarian regime from me.
Decossackization - Wikipedia
Corruption in Russia exists but not more than in USA and EU as it is described in western mass media.
And of course it is not legalized like in the USA which is supposed to be absolutely normal. I mean lobby.

As for Cossacks, they were the best warriors for centuries and the most loyal to Russian Empire. My ancestors were cossacks drom 2 different branches and even my surname is cossackian.
After the revolution of 1917 they stayed loyal to Tsar and were very dangerous for new authorities so Bolsheviks were afraid of them.

I am monarchist. But I like many ideas of Communist ideology. And there were many great achievements of Soviet Union including its positive fluence on the world in common.
Today cossacks are not official and sometimes those organizations do doubtable things though mostly they act to help people in some accidents or hard situations like volunteers.

There is no authoritarian regime now in Russia as it is said but you won't agree and will start arguing, ok.
And which is more important Russia today is the only world hope in fight against globalists who are nothing but bloodsuckers having the only aim to rule and to have all money.
You may also compare jets... SU-57 and F-22
Tanks T-14 and M1A2
...and their prices
The difference is the United States has can afford stuff and Russia is on a tight budget.
Yes I've been hearing it for a very long time.
Obama called Russia a regional country, announced our economy is torn into small pieces...several years passed and...

Let's also recall your new LCS who were called a garbage by your specialists.

I like it... a lot of money is spent for someone's wealth. And you say about corruption somewhere?
Corruption is everywhere but unfortunately especially pervasive in Russia.

My great grandfather was a Cossack who was lucky enough to slip away and make his way to the United States with his family before being eliminated. You will find no respect for Russia's continued authoritarian regime from me.
Decossackization - Wikipedia
Corruption in Russia exists but not more than in USA and EU as it is described in western mass media.
And of course it is not legalized like in the USA which is supposed to be absolutely normal. I mean lobby.

As for Cossacks, they were the best warriors for centuries and the most loyal to Russian Empire. My ancestors were cossacks drom 2 different branches and even my surname is cossackian.
After the revolution of 1917 they stayed loyal to Tsar and were very dangerous for new authorities so Bolsheviks were afraid of them.

I am monarchist. But I like many ideas of Communist ideology. And there were many great achievements of Soviet Union including its positive fluence on the world in common.
Today cossacks are not official and sometimes those organizations do doubtable things though mostly they act to help people in some accidents or hard situations like volunteers.

There is no authoritarian regime now in Russia as it is said but you won't agree and will start arguing, ok.
And which is more important Russia today is the only world hope in fight against globalists who are nothing but bloodsuckers having the only aim to rule and to have all money.
Tariffs will crush the Bloodsucking Globalist! Hopefully Trump does a 25% across the board import tariff on everything.
You may also compare jets... SU-57 and F-22
Tanks T-14 and M1A2
...and their prices
The difference is the United States has can afford stuff and Russia is on a tight budget.
Yes I've been hearing it for a very long time.
Obama called Russia a regional country, announced our economy is torn into small pieces...several years passed and...

Let's also recall your new LCS who were called a garbage by your specialists.

I like it... a lot of money is spent for someone's wealth. And you say about corruption somewhere?
Corruption is everywhere but unfortunately especially pervasive in Russia.

My great grandfather was a Cossack who was lucky enough to slip away and make his way to the United States with his family before being eliminated. You will find no respect for Russia's continued authoritarian regime from me.
Decossackization - Wikipedia
Corruption in Russia exists but not more than in USA and EU as it is described in western mass media.
And of course it is not legalized like in the USA which is supposed to be absolutely normal. I mean lobby.

As for Cossacks, they were the best warriors for centuries and the most loyal to Russian Empire. My ancestors were cossacks drom 2 different branches and even my surname is cossackian.
After the revolution of 1917 they stayed loyal to Tsar and were very dangerous for new authorities so Bolsheviks were afraid of them.

I am monarchist. But I like many ideas of Communist ideology. And there were many great achievements of Soviet Union including its positive fluence on the world in common.
Today cossacks are not official and sometimes those organizations do doubtable things though mostly they act to help people in some accidents or hard situations like volunteers.

There is no authoritarian regime now in Russia as it is said but you won't agree and will start arguing, ok.
And which is more important Russia today is the only world hope in fight against globalists who are nothing but bloodsuckers having the only aim to rule and to have all money.
I would like to say first I have no ill will for Russians, I am part Russian myself. I am glad for you your Cossack ancestors survived the Bolsheviks.

You know the Putin regime is as globalist as the US and other nations? Putin has become very rich from "globalists". Our country has issues with corruption like all but does not allow someone to become almost a dictator and abuse power to become a billionaire.

I disagree with your sentiment that Russia is not authoritarian. Are gay people allowed to march in your country?
I can but why shall I lie?

I figured that would be your answer. Do you think Putin is wrong to support Assad?
Assad is legally chosen president of Syria.
Under his ruling his country was o e of the most developed in the region and it was secular, where different confessions could live in peace. Until fed by USA and their allies Saudi started wave of middle eastern revolutions which led to millions of suffering people, Iraq and Lybia collapse...
Of course I do like Russia supporting Syria.
All those lies about Assad and Putin is nothing but propaganda.

Well don't blame us. Syria didn't turn into a war zone until Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton got into power. Their inept leadership allowed ISIS to form and spread throughout Syria and Iraq. It wasn't until Trump was elected that we put a stop to them.

Our troops are not over there to depose Assad, we went there for the sole purpose of eradicating ISIS which we've pretty much done, with or without the help of the Russians.

Unfortunately for Assad, he thinks that using chemical weapons against civilians is acceptable, which no country on this earth will stand for.
While USA "fought" ISIS it grew until got 70% of Syrian territory.
After Russia was officially asked by Syria to help it was almost terminated within a year.
USA declare they are fighting ISIS but support ISIS affiliated terroristic organizations and strike against Syrian army.
If USA which is an occupant in Syria left the country Syria would be cleared of terrorism in a month.

Well, that I can agree with you on, but don't go around dissing our rights, which you apparently have a poor understanding of to begin with.
Most of these Arab countries in the ME have no idea what "democracy" means. They don't know how to get along without a dictator dictating to them because that is all they know. A lot of them are not very well educated and are very poor and very religiously preoccupied.
I can but why shall I lie?

I figured that would be your answer. Do you think Putin is wrong to support Assad?
Assad is legally chosen president of Syria.
Under his ruling his country was o e of the most developed in the region and it was secular, where different confessions could live in peace. Until fed by USA and their allies Saudi started wave of middle eastern revolutions which led to millions of suffering people, Iraq and Lybia collapse...
Of course I do like Russia supporting Syria.
All those lies about Assad and Putin is nothing but propaganda.

Well don't blame us. Syria didn't turn into a war zone until Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton got into power. Their inept leadership allowed ISIS to form and spread throughout Syria and Iraq. It wasn't until Trump was elected that we put a stop to them.

Our troops are not over there to depose Assad, we went there for the sole purpose of eradicating ISIS which we've pretty much done, with or without the help of the Russians.

Unfortunately for Assad, he thinks that using chemical weapons against civilians is acceptable, which no country on this earth will stand for.
While USA "fought" ISIS it grew until got 70% of Syrian territory.
After Russia was officially asked by Syria to help it was almost terminated within a year.
USA declare they are fighting ISIS but support ISIS affiliated terroristic organizations and strike against Syrian army.
If USA which is an occupant in Syria left the country Syria would be cleared of terrorism in a month.

Bullshit. We made very little headway in defeating ISIS under the previous President Obama. They even spread throughout Iraq while Obama was President. But after Donald trump was elected and In only one short year, ISIS was all but eradicated in both Syria and Iraq. Were there any Russian troops in Iraq, fighting ISIS? None that I know of.

These maps show how drastically ISIS territory has shrunk since its peak


If you look at the map, you'll see how the Syrian city of Raqqa was once an ISIS stronghold. It was US-backed troops with our resources that eliminated them and freed the city.

U.S.-Backed Forces Begin Assault on Raqqa, ISIS Stronghold in Syria

The problem with this concept is that you are not killing them all because there are new ones born every day.
What a pity to see nice face at the avatar and to realize that this person is being killed with own bile from inside.

That's exactly typical behavior of an American as I supposed. Thanks for proving my assumption.

Americans don't take insults well, Ivan. Maybe you should take that into consideration in future posts.

Russians aren't half as good as North Koreans as far as insulting Americans ... :thup:
It must suck to come in so far behind the Rocket Man and a country of peasants.


I thought it seemed more like HE was insulted by my comments. :D Lol.
Besides that, you aren't a citizen of THIS country, you little shit. I don't go telling YOU what to do in your country, do I? Maybe us Americans should be more concerned about what you are doing over there in your little shit hole?
What a pity to see nice face at the avatar and to realize that this person is being killed with own bile from inside.

That's exactly typical behavior of an American as I supposed. Thanks for proving my assumption.

Americans don't take insults well, Ivan. Maybe you should take that into consideration in future posts.
Eugene, be nice to the Americans, don't make them cry.

I think I was the one who insulted him. Hence my apology. I get it though. Everything is backwards and bizarro in liberal la-la land. :D
Besides that, you aren't a citizen of THIS country, you little shit. I don't go telling YOU what to do in your country, do I? Maybe us Americans should be more concerned about what you are doing over there in your little shit hole?
What a pity to see nice face at the avatar and to realize that this person is being killed with own bile from inside.

That's exactly typical behavior of an American as I supposed. Thanks for proving my assumption.

Americans don't take insults well, Ivan. Maybe you should take that into consideration in future posts.
Eugene, be nice to the Americans, don't make them cry.

Does this mean you are not an American? Good to know. ;) I will remember that for future reference.
I thought it seemed more like HE was insulted by my comments. :D Lol.

His comments were an attempt to insult you.
That's what I meant ... They really suck at insulting Americans.
It's kind of like the way some Germans have difficulty with abstract humor at times.

At least the North Koreans show a great deal more creativity in their insults.

I disagree with your sentiment that Russia is not authoritarian. Are gay people allowed to march in your country?
Authoritarian regime and gay march do not lay in the same plane. You may face authoritarian gay regime somewhere sometime, aren't you?

And gay marches in Russia are not forbidden but our society doesn't accept them and it may be dangerous for gays.
I thought it seemed more like HE was insulted by my comments. :D Lol.

His comments were an attempt to insult you.
That's what I meant ... They really suck at insulting Americans.
It's kind of like the way some Germans have difficulty with abstract humor at times.

At least the North Koreans show a great deal more creativity in their insults.


Well, they must because I wasn't even aware that he was trying to insult me. :dunno:
I thought it seemed more like HE was insulted by my comments. :D Lol.

His comments were an attempt to insult you.
That's what I meant ... They really suck at insulting Americans.
It's kind of like the way some Germans have difficulty with abstract humor at times.

At least the North Koreans show a great deal more creativity in their insults.

You are so narrow minded that cannot realize that English is not well understood by some of your opponents. I can understand the main idea but I don't feel some emotions...sarcasm, humor, etc

Вы же, дебилы ни хрена не поймёте, если я вам нормальным языком объясню, куда идти, как долго и зачем... Поэтому глумитесь, животные, пока русский не стал всемирным...недолго вам, убогим осталось - века полтора максимум!
I thought it seemed more like HE was insulted by my comments. :D Lol.

His comments were an attempt to insult you.
That's what I meant ... They really suck at insulting Americans.
It's kind of like the way some Germans have difficulty with abstract humor at times.

At least the North Koreans show a great deal more creativity in their insults.

You are so narrow minded that cannot realize that English is not well understood by some of your opponents. I can understand the main idea but I don't feel some emotions...sarcasm, humor, etc

Sucks to be you or someone who hangs out with you, I suppose.
Well, they must because I wasn't even aware that he was trying to insult me. :dunno:

Ah ... You'll pick up on it after a little while.

Just think crusty old cold war 70's mentality ... With strong male influence.
It's like a bunch of guys from a nerd frat sitting around with their underwear on their head and thinking their jokes are funny.

You are so narrow minded that cannot realize that English is not well understood by some of your opponents. I can understand the main idea but I don't feel some emotions...sarcasm, humor, etc

Whatever Arnold Horshack ... :21:

I thought it seemed more like HE was insulted by my comments. :D Lol.

His comments were an attempt to insult you.
That's what I meant ... They really suck at insulting Americans.
It's kind of like the way some Germans have difficulty with abstract humor at times.

At least the North Koreans show a great deal more creativity in their insults.

You are so narrow minded that cannot realize that English is not well understood by some of your opponents. I can understand the main idea but I don't feel some emotions...sarcasm, humor, etc

Вы же, дебилы ни хрена не поймёте, если я вам нормальным языком объясню, куда идти, как долго и зачем... Поэтому глумитесь, животные, пока русский не стал всемирным...недолго вам, убогим осталось - века полтора максимум!

It's okay dude ... More like a cultural thing.

You have to remember we have already advanced past the point where you are culturally in insults.
I mean damn ... We made leaps with ... "your mama wears combat boots" ... Way back in the 80's or something.

You'll get there ... Try harder ... :thup:


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