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Carlson Asked Hunter Biden for Help Getting Son Into College—Leaked Email
The QAnon-supporting lawyer Lin Wood, who is threatening to sue the Fox host, shared what he said was a 2014 exchange between Carlson and the president's son.

"Attorney Lin Wood has shared a screenshot of an email exchange that appears to show Tucker Carlson thanking Hunter Biden for writing his son a letter of recommendation for college. Wood posted the apparent email exchange on Telegram, where he has more than 758,000 followers, claiming it demonstrated that the Fox News host and the president's son have a "buddy buddy" relationship. In the messages Carlson wrote, "Hunter! I can't thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Buckley's behalf. So nice of you. I know it'll help -- Hope you're great and we can all get dinner soon. Tucker."
If the exchange is verified, Carlson and Biden's friendship would appear to have faltered, given the smear campaign that the Fox News host orchestrated against Joe Biden's son -- including promising to reveal "authentic, real and damning" documents regarding his business dealings in China and the Ukraine, which Carlson later claimed were lost in the mail. Buckley Carlson did not end up going to Georgetown and instead enrolled at the University of Virginia."
Now you can say Lin Wood is just lying...but that would be hard to claim because after all; Lin Wood was Trump's personal election fraud attorney..and Trump is known for only hiring the best people....You can also say that back in 2014; Hunter wasn't all that evil and corrupt like he is now -- and plus Tucker didn't have his own show -- so it wasn't really a big deal if he and Hunter were friends...
Or maybe Tucker's whole act is just a WWE role playing thing...where he pretends to all out hate his "opponents" when the cameras are on...but is all buddy buddy with those same folks when the cameras are off....and his fans are too stupid to know any better...or maybe they know its all bullshit and they enjoy being full of crap....However, his promise to reveal all of that damning laptop evidence and then claiming to have lost it in the mail does make more sense now....maybe he was too good of a friend to actually release any of the laptop stuff.....