Once again the Supreme Court fails to block Texas abortion law


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Again, for now at least.

Supreme Court doesn't block Texas abortion law, sets hearing​

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court is not immediately blocking the Texas law that bans most abortions, but has agreed to hear arguments in the case in early November.

The justices said Friday they will decide whether the federal government has the right to sue over the law.

The court's action leaves in place for the time being a law that clinics say has led to an 80% reduction in abortions in the nation's second-largest state. The law bans abortions after cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy. That's before some women even know they are pregnant.

If the bed wetters don't like it, they can move to commiefornia and craft a law that mandates abortions for anyone with an IQ below 70.

That would eliminate half the population of liberals in 2 generations.

They are probably going to decide it in tandem with Mississippi's law. Either way, they set the case early in the docket, so probably not a good sign for Texas.
No one is killing babies. Let us know when you have a utirus. Until then, stfu
I fully believe in abortion, just not for murdering babies like you love to do, I would not hesitate to abort any human who so much as whispers support for murdering a baby, or babies! Thats right, I would be perfectly content to see sub-human filth such as yourself, aborted out of hand! You have proven yourself unworthy of life, you have proven yourself an enemy of the earth and all who walk upon it, you, and all like you, should be subjected to the exact same methods of murder, you perpetrated upon the most defenseless of creation, you all so richly deserve exactly that! :fu:
No one is killing babies. Let us know when you have a uterus. Until then, stfu
I have eyes. From what I have read on Social Media, the vast majority of women who view men as oppressors are pro-choice. That alone should influence men to give full faith and credit to pro-life women.
There's always hope for the babies though.

I am inclined to believe they will uphold the Mississippi law and strike down the Texas law, but who knows with the SCOTUS. One of the problems with the Texas law is that they created a private cause of action for people who are not harmed or anyway affected by any particular abortion as their enforcement mechanism as a way to try to deny the federal courts jurisdiction over the case. If the SCOTUS were to uphold it, it would just create a whole plethora of legal mishaving by the states across any area they wanted just as long as they did it by private enforcement.
Paid for by people trying to violate women's rights you mean, but that's completely beside the point. They are bought and paid for compromised supreme court justices. Doesn't that bother you at all?
Doesn’t it bother you to be a complete idiot? Oh wait, it’s you.....
Paid for by people trying to violate women's rights you mean, but that's completely beside the point. They are bought and paid for compromised supreme court justices. Doesn't that bother you at all?

Doesn't it bother YOU that YOU are ok with women killing their offspring?

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