Once again, the left invokes Alinsky's Rule #4


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

It seems like that's the only tactic they have left against Donald Trump, because they seem to rely on it so much. This time it's over Trump's perceived association with neo-Nazi and white-supremacist groups.

Idiots. Ten bucks says they still won't be happy after he denounced them.
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An in a related thread, there IS NO ANSWER that Trump can give to make the Left like him or see him in a good light! So why should he jump to please them or answer their questions? Had Trump been the first to denounce the Virginia Nazi's, he STILL would have been attacked and blamed and criticized for it.

The Media sit down and they map out their questions with every conceivable answer on a chart, then how each different answer can be spun into bashing Trump for something. That is why it is all fake news.

The funny thing is that the Virginia Nazi's weren't so much hateful on their own, but were more redirecting the hate constantly launched at them back at the people who were always vilifying them. Had the cops kept the counter-protesters apart, there probably never would have been a problem.
Timing is everything. Trump changes tune after looking at the reaction? Marks of a political move .
Timing is everything. Trump changes tune after looking at the reaction? Marks of a political move .

No, probably Chief of Staff Kelly told him to say it just to try the bury the media frenzy lapping at the non-issue like a bunch of piranhas. If the Left thought that David Duke liked or wore the same brand tie or wristwatch as Trump, they'd be jumping on him for that. The Left and MSM are only concerned about ONE THING, their own power. If it happens to always be hurting the nation, well, that is just too bad.
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

It seems like that's the only tactic they have left against Donald Trump, because they seem to rely on it so much. This time it's over Trump's perceived association with neo-Nazi and white-supremacist groups.

Idiots. Ten bucks says they still won't be happy after he denounced them.
"Perceived?" LOL
An in a related thread, there IS NO ANSWER that Trump can give to make the Left like him or see him in a good light! So why should he jump to please them or answer their questions? Had Trump been the first to denounce the Virginia Nazi's, he STILL would have been attacked and blamed and criticized for it.

The Media sit down and they map out their questions with every conceivable answer on a chart, then how each different answer can be spun into bashing Trump for something. That is why it is all fake news.

The funny thing is that the Virginia Nazi's weren't so much hateful on their own, but were more redirecting the hate constantly launched at them back at the people who were always vilifying them. Had the cops kept the counter-protesters apart, there probably never would have been a problem.
lol. virginia nazis and trump are just misunderstood.
When you belong to a movement that believes lying & dishonesty are virtues, and you have a goal of removing, impeaching or assassinating a president before he even swore the oath of office, you belong to a fanatical group that is intellectually dishonest.

Every single Leftist Poster I have had the displeasure of reading here is intellectually dishonest.

They have no credibility. They are fascists, but cannot even be honest fascists nor can they be honest with themselves. They are Little Tyrants with a Napoleon Mentality but without the Mental Toughness of Napoleon and only possessing the Intellect of a Child.

They want to "win at all cost" because winning is the only thing they have. 70% of Liberals are divorced. Their kids hate them. And of the 47% of Americans that pay no taxes, the overwhelming majority of them are Leftists, who do nothing but complain about the Government and The Taxpayer who won't give dem Mo Money, and Mo Food stamps. That is the reality we live in now. America used to be a Working Man's paradise, but these Son Of A Bitches Don't want to work, and want America to be a Socialist Hell Hole.

To Hell With them, and To Hell with that shit. The only peace we will get, and the only way you will ever be free of them is on Judgment Day where Liars Are Barred from entering The Kingdom of Heaven.

When their LIES FAIL, they make up New Lies. We are in an age where Slothfulness, Hatred of God, Hatred of American Culture, and Hatred of Ethics is THE NORM

Especially Troubling is The Left's Hatred of the Work Ethic, Ethical & Moral Standards, and their love of Sexual Perversions, Child Abuse, Lies, False Accusations, and Violence, These are the sins that plagued Sodom and Gomorrah, and unless we turn from those, America will fall in to Social Decay, and NO, Socialism, and a LEFTIST TYRANNY cannot save America.

You cannot save a Free Nation by Enslaving them.
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"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

It seems like that's the only tactic they have left against Donald Trump, because they seem to rely on it so much. This time it's over Trump's perceived association with neo-Nazi and white-supremacist groups.

Idiots. Ten bucks says they still won't be happy after he denounced them.

Putin is behind it all.
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

It seems like that's the only tactic they have left against Donald Trump, because they seem to rely on it so much. This time it's over Trump's perceived association with neo-Nazi and white-supremacist groups.

Idiots. Ten bucks says they still won't be happy after he denounced them.

He's been denouncing Duke for months. Here's a CNN link to Trump specifically denouncing David Duke and white supremacists, and pointing out that he's already done so a dozen times. It's very specific.

Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
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