On this day a Confederate martyr died for his country

How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

If all those traitors didn't die we never would have won. They're all American heroes. :D

How are they all heroes? That statement means absolutely nothing. A better one would have been that they were all victims. Victims of racism, of ignorance, of greed, and of our history.

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How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

You are a traitor and your helicopter ride is in the future. But not Confederates. Not one was ever tried for treason. Not Jefferson Davis, not Robert Lee not even the lowest soldier.
Now I know logic isn't your strong suit but did you notice that Robert Cobb Kennedy was charged and convicted of being a foreign spy...not a traitor. He was convicted of two charges (1) spying and (2) breaking the established rules of war (he was out of uniform).
The Union soldiers and population and the military court that tried Kennedy would have been disgusted and repulsed by you.

Black citizens of this country, held as slaves against their will, beaten, killed, degraded, raped, and disenfranchised for the previous 250 years, would have recognized an oppressor and traitor in Kennedy. If you see a hero in him, what do you see in his black victims.

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.... Not one was ever tried for treason. ......

Thanks only to the magnanimity of President Lincoln.

Lincoln was dead by then....

And had made clear his intentions regarding how the traitorous rebels were to be treated in generously allowing them to live and to rejoin the Union.

And not one red cent, let alone 40 acres and a mule, for the victims of 250 prior years of slavery or honors for tipping the balance of power in favor of the union and supplying black bodies for the war effort that proved to be decisive in the outcome. Nothing, nada, nichts. Just survive as best you can with nothing, not even an apology, to this very day.

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How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

You are a traitor and your helicopter ride is in the future. But not Confederates. Not one was ever tried for treason. Not Jefferson Davis, not Robert Lee not even the lowest soldier.
Now I know logic isn't your strong suit but did you notice that Robert Cobb Kennedy was charged and convicted of being a foreign spy...not a traitor. He was convicted of two charges (1) spying and (2) breaking the established rules of war (he was out of uniform).
The Union soldiers and population and the military court that tried Kennedy would have been disgusted and repulsed by you.

Black citizens of this country, held as slaves against their will, beaten, killed, degraded, raped, and disenfranchised for the previous 250 years, would have recognized an oppressor and traitor in Kennedy. If you see a hero in him, what do you see in his black victims.

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For all of those 250 years that would be the USA who did that. The Confederacy only existed for 4 years. And after the Civil War was over the USA still allowed slavery. But history is heavy. Northern Schools don't carry it.
But thanks for proving Northern ignorance or denial of slavery history.
March 25 1865 Robert Cobb Kennedy was hanged for trying to set fires in New York. He was part of the "Confederate Army of Manhattan". He had been wounded at Shiloh defending his country and twice captured by the United States as part of a Confederate spy ring operating out of Canada.
By some accounts he got too drunk to properly set the fires. Typical Kennedy... but his heart was in the right place.
Confederate Army of Manhattan - Wikipedia
But then he was dead.
How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

If all those traitors didn't die we never would have won. They're all American heroes. :D

How are they all heroes? That statement means absolutely nothing. A better one would have been that they were all victims. Victims of racism, of ignorance, of greed, and of our history.

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If the South had won, we wouldn't have wasted $20 trillion in welfare, our economy would have been run by the talented rather than the quotaed, and our cities wouldn't have been turned into shooting galleries.
How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

If all those traitors didn't die we never would have won. They're all American heroes. :D

How are they all heroes? That statement means absolutely nothing. A better one would have been that they were all victims. Victims of racism, of ignorance, of greed, and of our history.

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If the South had won, we wouldn't have wasted $20 trillion in welfare, our economy would have been run by the talented rather than the quotaed, and our cities wouldn't have been turned into shooting galleries.
No wonder Yankees are still upset about the war...
How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

If all those traitors didn't die we never would have won. They're all American heroes. :D

How are they all heroes? That statement means absolutely nothing. A better one would have been that they were all victims. Victims of racism, of ignorance, of greed, and of our history.

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If the South had won, we wouldn't have wasted $20 trillion in welfare, our economy would have been run by the talented rather than the quotaed, and our cities wouldn't have been turned into shooting galleries.

The traitors were never going to win.
How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

You are a traitor and your helicopter ride is in the future. But not Confederates. Not one was ever tried for treason. Not Jefferson Davis, not Robert Lee not even the lowest soldier.
Now I know logic isn't your strong suit but did you notice that Robert Cobb Kennedy was charged and convicted of being a foreign spy...not a traitor. He was convicted of two charges (1) spying and (2) breaking the established rules of war (he was out of uniform).
The Union soldiers and population and the military court that tried Kennedy would have been disgusted and repulsed by you.

Black citizens of this country, held as slaves against their will, beaten, killed, degraded, raped, and disenfranchised for the previous 250 years, would have recognized an oppressor and traitor in Kennedy. If you see a hero in him, what do you see in his black victims.

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For all of those 250 years that would be the USA who did that. The Confederacy only existed for 4 years. And after the Civil War was over the USA still allowed slavery. But history is heavy. Northern Schools don't carry it.
But thanks for proving Northern ignorance or denial of slavery history.

The 13th Amendment was twice defeated by northern politicians in Congress before the Southern states were readmitted. Only after removing the words “equal before the law” and then removing any enforcement clause did it pass by two votes.
When it went to the states they asked for and received assurances that the Federal government was only asking for abolition...and not planning to enforce equality or voting rights LINK

Never trust a Washington politician.
Yankee supporters are just pissed because they lost 360,000 men and their beloved Tyrant President, fighting for what?

For the Union that the traitorous confederate scum wanted to destroy. They got off with only part of the bitch-slap they deserved.
Yankee supporters are just pissed because they lost 360,000 men and their beloved Tyrant President, fighting for what?

For the Union that the traitorous confederate scum wanted to destroy. They got off with only part of the bitch-slap they deserved.

It’s not a Union when the association isn’t voluntary. It’s an empire of the ruled.
You would have made a better space than you do a citizen.
Yankee supporters are just pissed because they lost 360,000 men and their beloved Tyrant President, fighting for what?

For the Union that the traitorous confederate scum wanted to destroy. They got off with only part of the bitch-slap they deserved.

It’s not a Union when the association isn’t voluntary. It’s an empire of the ruled.
You would have made a better space than you do a citizen.

EVERY so-called confederate state had AMERICANS within fighting on behalf of the Union.
Yankee supporters are just pissed because they lost 360,000 men and their beloved Tyrant President, fighting for what?

For the Union that the traitorous confederate scum wanted to destroy. They got off with only part of the bitch-slap they deserved.

It’s not a Union when the association isn’t voluntary. It’s an empire of the ruled.
You would have made a better space than you do a citizen.

EVERY so-called confederate state had AMERICANS within fighting on behalf of the Union.

Sort of like the leftists today they fidnt respect the rule of law. Their states voted to withdraw and they turned traitor an attacked their own people.

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