- Jan 27, 2008
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Salvete populi,
One of the greatest capitalists in American history, Henry Ford, once said: "It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
In the beginning, there was ignorance. Once they had the America people so dumbed down that they had no voice, they began using their second favorite tool: fear. A good strong foothold in spawning fear was 9/11 (which is a whole other interesting story). Fear is in turn combined with misinformation in the years leading up to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, creating a general atmosphere of panic, which was used to justify plunging the country into two costly (1 trillion dollars a year spent maintaining our empire), ill-advised and completely unjustified wars based on lies and half-truths.
Just to get one thing straight, I don't blame Bush personally for anything that's gone wrong in this country. I pity the moronic speech-impeded man, he has no real power, and is only the mouthpiece of a corrupt government and of the corrupt business interests and bankers that control it. I also don't blame our loyal troops, who believe in what they are fighting for and have sacrificed more than I can imagine in America's misguided wars.
So Bush announces the "War on Terrorism," partially to ease people's fear, partially to create more fear and confusion. First off, how can one conduct a "War on Terrorism"? Terrorism is an idea, a tactic, and cannot be targeted by an army, cannot even be targeted by the smartest bomb in the world. It is, however, useful to say you are fighting a tactic, because one can easily extend this war to other countries under the banner of "Terrorism."
The War on Terrorism was initiated primarily to:
War has, throughout America's past, always been a tool of the rich for extorting money from the poor and middle class. They use the money of the working class to finance their highly profitable enterprises, using their war hawking propaganda to push the country in line behind them. When it's from history its called propaganda, but if it's current it's called news. On top of all this, 99.9% of the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps is from working class backgrounds.
First Afghanistan, now Iraq. What's next, ladies and gentlemen? Iran? Syria? Pakistan? North Korea? All of the above? Wake up, America, and realize you are being told the same bullshit story that has been repeated throughout history!
"There was, and still is, no "war on terrorism". Instead, we have watched a variation of the great imperial game of swapping "bad" terrorists for "good" terrorists, while untold numbers of innocent people have paid with their lives..." - John Pilger
One of the greatest capitalists in American history, Henry Ford, once said: "It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
In the beginning, there was ignorance. Once they had the America people so dumbed down that they had no voice, they began using their second favorite tool: fear. A good strong foothold in spawning fear was 9/11 (which is a whole other interesting story). Fear is in turn combined with misinformation in the years leading up to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, creating a general atmosphere of panic, which was used to justify plunging the country into two costly (1 trillion dollars a year spent maintaining our empire), ill-advised and completely unjustified wars based on lies and half-truths.
Just to get one thing straight, I don't blame Bush personally for anything that's gone wrong in this country. I pity the moronic speech-impeded man, he has no real power, and is only the mouthpiece of a corrupt government and of the corrupt business interests and bankers that control it. I also don't blame our loyal troops, who believe in what they are fighting for and have sacrificed more than I can imagine in America's misguided wars.
So Bush announces the "War on Terrorism," partially to ease people's fear, partially to create more fear and confusion. First off, how can one conduct a "War on Terrorism"? Terrorism is an idea, a tactic, and cannot be targeted by an army, cannot even be targeted by the smartest bomb in the world. It is, however, useful to say you are fighting a tactic, because one can easily extend this war to other countries under the banner of "Terrorism."
The War on Terrorism was initiated primarily to:
- Protect the interests of oil companies, and their rich executives
- Justify taking away American civil liberties and rights guaranteed by the Constitution
- Protect the interests of the defense industry, which has made profits of 100's of billions of dollars off the Iraq War alone
- To lower the value of the currency and create inflation. Through inflation, which causes an increase in America's debt to the Federal Reserve, is money in the pocket for the banking interests that run this nation.
War has, throughout America's past, always been a tool of the rich for extorting money from the poor and middle class. They use the money of the working class to finance their highly profitable enterprises, using their war hawking propaganda to push the country in line behind them. When it's from history its called propaganda, but if it's current it's called news. On top of all this, 99.9% of the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps is from working class backgrounds.
First Afghanistan, now Iraq. What's next, ladies and gentlemen? Iran? Syria? Pakistan? North Korea? All of the above? Wake up, America, and realize you are being told the same bullshit story that has been repeated throughout history!
"There was, and still is, no "war on terrorism". Instead, we have watched a variation of the great imperial game of swapping "bad" terrorists for "good" terrorists, while untold numbers of innocent people have paid with their lives..." - John Pilger