Omicron has ALREADY PEAKED in S Africa less than a month from initial detection!!

You really think getting a vaccine mutates the virus ? That's not how it works, when viruses mixed with the same and other viruses a mutation is always a possibility.
Two questions must be answered. 1. Do you become infected post vaccine? YES 2. Do you become infective post vaccine? Yes

This means your 'vaccine" is not stopping infection and is allowing a viral load to form in those vaccinated sufficient to infect others. This allows MUTATION of the virus in a vaccinated host.
Gee, who to believe... people who have dedicated their lives to the fields of virology, epidemiology, etc...

Or, uneducated slobs who have spent two years gobbling and regurgitating every embarrassing lie that came down the pike.

Tough call!
IT sure as hell isn't you.. You wouldn't know science if it hit you in the damn head. Fauci is a liar, a political whore... You're striking out cupcake...
This is great news! Not only has Omicron peaked far earlier than the previous Delta wave, only 1.9% of the Omicron cases required hospitalization. Certainly no guarantee that the virus will follow suit here, but it is very encouraging nonetheless.

heys lets all make up a new name for the next wave of covid i nominate shittazrro
Two questions must be answered. 1. Do you become infected post vaccine? YES 2. Do you become infective post vaccine? Yes

This means your 'vaccine" is not stopping infection and is allowing a viral load to form in those vaccinated sufficient to infect others. This allows MUTATION of the virus in a vaccinated host.
So this plannedemic goes on forever. As they make Billions and go Full NAZI on the entire world.
This is great news! Not only has Omicron peaked far earlier than the previous Delta wave, only 1.9% of the Omicron cases required hospitalization. Certainly no guarantee that the virus will follow suit here, but it is very encouraging nonetheless.

Only 1.9% BUT it is up to 44 × more transmissible and infectious. So the end result is a lot more cases that very well could overwhelmed the hospital system. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
So this plannedemic goes on forever. As they make Billions and go Full NAZI on the entire world.
That was the plan until Omicron decided it could evade the Modified messenger RNA shots and allow natural infection. Once that happened those shots became useless as they can no longer block natural immunities from forming. The burn rate of this variant is astounding. 8 different African countries are now "burned out" and they had vaccinated populations of less than 10%. It is now 96 days since the first infection in those countries were seen. They now show greater than 91% antibody formation in their populations.
That was the plan until Omicron decided it could evade the Modified messenger RNA shots and allow natural infection. Once that happened those shots became useless as they can no longer block natural immunities from forming. The burn rate of this variant is astounding. 8 different African countries are now "burned out" and they had vaccinated populations of less than 10%. It is now 96 days since the first infection in those countries were seen. They now show greater than 91% antibody formation in their populations.
MOTHER NATURE is a bad ass bitch. She's screwing up their plans.

Only 1.9% BUT it is up to 44 × more transmissible and infectious. So the end result is a lot more cases that very well could overwhelmed the hospital system. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
NO on overwhelming the hospitals. Rates even in Wyoming are showing rapid decline in severity of cases even as positive tests dramatically increase. The severity has diverged from the case count. This pandemic is coming quickly to a close.
Two questions must be answered. 1. Do you become infected post vaccine? YES 2. Do you become infective post vaccine? Yes

This means your 'vaccine" is not stopping infection and is allowing a viral load to form in those vaccinated sufficient to infect others. This allows MUTATION of the virus in a vaccinated host.
No, it's human messenger RNA, our own RNA, not from the virus. It's been modified so it could detect the COVID virus without having to come in contact with the disease. Natural immunity to come at a very high cost. Besides the immediate possibility of superior illness hospitalization and death there are long-term effects to it too. That is why the experts are pushing this vaccine. All vaccines wane given enough time, the time varies with vaccines. That's why we get a flu shot every year and that shot is only 50% reliable because depending on which strain of the virus hits us it gives you protection against one or the other not both. The COVID vaccine is quite remarkable and it's effectiveness in preventing severe illness and death. Being brand new we don't know about the longevity of it. That's why they're still working on it. This thing isn't over, in fact I bet it's far from over. We are in dangerous territory at this time; having a very infectious variant and a very deadly variant occurring at the same time. Let's hope they never meet and mutate together.
NO on overwhelming the hospitals. Rates even in Wyoming are showing rapid decline in severity of cases even as positive tests dramatically increase. The severity has diverged from the case count. This pandemic is coming quickly to a close.
Wait a week or two.

Check that out badger2 This is one of the documents as India Sues and tries criminal charges against the WHO.
But this report is deliriously inaccurate for hydroxychloroquine. By the time they used it, it was (already too late [italics]), as Kennedy has pointed out in his book.
But this report is deliriously inaccurate for hydroxychloroquine. By the time they used it, it was (already too late [italics]), as Kennedy has pointed out in his book.
All the studies say it needs to be done EARLY. Why the FDA drones use the studies after the Cytokine Storm has hit the lungs where Ivermectin only gives a little more hope. That is how they try to discredit it.

India is the example of IT WORKS.

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