OMG!,The Crowd Sizes For Warren In DC&New York!,That's It.She Beats Trump In 2020! Woo Hoo !!!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Why is this such a big story in the MSM? Why are they gloating over the enormous crowd sizes Poker Hontas has been getting latley in places like DC/NY/Maybe Washington State?
Whoopy Doo! Right?
Hey Warren, when are you going to head for the swing states? you know, the ones where the majority of the voters are racists, deplorables, bigots, anti everything, etc. etc. ??
You probably wont hear them talking about this on MSNBC/ABC/CNN and the rest. No, just that Poker Hontas has suddenly been getting these huge crowds of about 2000 screaming fans!

And ah,,what is the average size of a Trump Rally?
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024:
Why is this such a big story in the MSM? Why are they gloating over the enormous crowd sizes Poker Hontas has been getting latley in places like DC/NY/Maybe Washington State?
Whoopy Doo! Right?
Hey Warren, when are you going to head for the swing states? you know, the ones where the majority of the voters are racists, deplorables, bigots, anti everything, etc. etc. ??
You probably wont hear them talking about this on MSNBC/ABC/CNN and the rest. No, just that Poker Hontas has suddenly been getting these huge crowds of about 2000 screaming fans!

And ah,,what is the average size of a Trump Rally?
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024:
Yep, FAUXCAHONTAS pulls in a MEASLY 2,000 compared to Trump, who EASILY pulls in over 10,000 people.
hey poker hontas! we are all waiting for you on Marco Island !!!!
I read the other day that Warren over-estimated the size of her crowd in NY. I'll try to look for the link later.
It was the same with hilary vs. trump..... few people showed up to hear her but she won the popular vote by several million. Probably the class of people that show up at rallies. Most at the trump rallies were hee haws and half wits with their stupid made in china maga hats chanting whatever trump told them to chant. Like robots.
It was the same with hilary vs. trump..... few people showed up to hear her but she won the popular vote by several million. Probably the class of people that show up at rallies. Most at the trump rallies were hee haws and half wits with their stupid made in china maga hats chanting whatever trump told them to chant. Like robots.
He had a crowd that a jet airliner hangar couldn't contain, and traffic on the 494/Cedar Ave. interchange backed up for an hour, the Sunday before the election in Minneapolis....A state he narrowly lost.

BTW, your virulent liberoidal snobbery is duly noted.....No wonder you fuckchops keep losing.
It was the same with hilary vs. trump..... few people showed up to hear her but she won the popular vote by several million. Probably the class of people that show up at rallies. Most at the trump rallies were hee haws and half wits with their stupid made in china maga hats chanting whatever trump told them to chant. Like robots.
I...AM...ROBOT...made in Russia-not China
It was the same with hilary vs. trump..... few people showed up to hear her but she won the popular vote by several million. Probably the class of people that show up at rallies. Most at the trump rallies were hee haws and half wits with their stupid made in china maga hats chanting whatever trump told them to chant. Like robots.
Half of Hillary votes were cast by Illegals and the nonliving
Warren may get the same level of support Hillary got....if she gets the nomination.
Whoever gets the Dem nomination will get every Snowflake vote available.

Imbeciles are determined to turn the US into Cuba or Venezuela at any cost.
Trump will be so crestfallen because the slime in DC aren't going to vote for him.
i wonder what gifts warren is giving away at the door. native indian smoking pipes?
Why is this such a big story in the MSM? Why are they gloating over the enormous crowd sizes Poker Hontas has been getting latley in places like DC/NY/Maybe Washington State?
Whoopy Doo! Right?
Hey Warren, when are you going to head for the swing states? you know, the ones where the majority of the voters are racists, deplorables, bigots, anti everything, etc. etc. ??
You probably wont hear them talking about this on MSNBC/ABC/CNN and the rest. No, just that Poker Hontas has suddenly been getting these huge crowds of about 2000 screaming fans!

And ah,,what is the average size of a Trump Rally?
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024:
Yep, FAUXCAHONTAS pulls in a MEASLY 2,000 compared to Trump, who EASILY pulls in over 10,000 people.
is this true? the 20,000 crowd was actually closer to 500? :auiqs.jpg:

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