OMG! Hillary has a paid army of internet shills!

Are you aware, OP, that a Super Pac and the candidate's campaign are not related entities, even though they may deliver comparable or compatible messages?
1. A federal candidate may solicit funds for a super pac (but not ask for unlimited sums).

2. A federal candidate may appear in a super PAC’s ads in a long enough period before the election (this issue is currently before the FEC)

3. A federal candidate may use footage from a super PAC ad in his own ads.

4. A super PAC may be made up of the candidate’s former campaign manager, his father, his best friends, and his former co-workers.

5. A super PAC and candidate may share the same lawyer, and some of the same vendors.

Most of us are aware of this but don't believe a word of it. They coordinate. If you don't think so then you are one naive person.
Rasmussen Reports ‏@Rasmussen_Poll 29m29 minutes ago

#WhiteHouseWatch: No Fallout for #Clinton So Far... #BreakingPoll #Election2016
5:36 AM - 31 Oct 2016

The trolls lie on top of their lies. And fools rush in...No one in prison can use the internet. BUt don't let me confuse you shills with facts. Keep lying, it's what you are paid to do.

Does Trump have Super Pacs?
Great America PAC | Donald Trump Super PA

Trump Super PAC Sting Shows How Citizens United Opened Door to Foreign Money

Jon Schwarz
October 28 2016, 11:24 a.m.
An extraordinary hidden-camera investigation this week by the British newspaper The Telegraph found that a former operative for a pro-Trump Super PAC appeared eager to accept $2 million from a fictitious Chinese donor to support Trump.
Extraordinary only in that it saw a shill paper print it.
Newsweek - in the tank for clinton, just like you. After Trump is in the WH, the next big set of losers will be vast majority of the media scum supporting clinton.
Newsweek - in the tank for clinton, just like you. After Trump is in the WH, the next big set of losers will be vast majority of the media scum supporting clinton.
Rasmussen also in the tank for Hillary Look

Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers

National @Rasmussen_Poll: Clinton 45 (+3) Trump 42 Johnson 5 Stein 2 A 3 point shift toward Clinton in 3 days …

5:45 AM - 31 Oct 2016
Newsweek - in the tank for clinton, just like you. After Trump is in the WH, the next big set of losers will be vast majority of the media scum supporting clinton.
Rasmussen also in the tank for Hillary Look

Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers

National @Rasmussen_Poll: Clinton 45 (+3) Trump 42 Johnson 5 Stein 2 A 3 point shift toward Clinton in 3 days …

5:45 AM - 31 Oct 2016
Yes sir! They poll likely democrat voters. Stop your lying shill, no one believes anything you post except other criminals like you.
The trolls lie on top of their lies. And fools rush in...No one in prison can use the internet. BUt don't let me confuse you shills with facts. Keep lying, it's what you are paid to do.

I am leaning more towards emotional problems than a paid shill with this guy.
The trolls lie on top of their lies. And fools rush in...No one in prison can use the internet. BUt don't let me confuse you shills with facts. Keep lying, it's what you are paid to do.

I am leaning more towards emotional problems than a paid shill with this guy.

Like I said, either a paid shill or an idiot. Either way. No normal person can be this blind as to support the rapists wife after all the evidence of her crimes. No one.
Are you aware, OP, that a Super Pac and the candidate's campaign are not related entities, even though they may deliver comparable or compatible messages?
1. A federal candidate may solicit funds for a super pac (but not ask for unlimited sums).

2. A federal candidate may appear in a super PAC’s ads in a long enough period before the election (this issue is currently before the FEC)

3. A federal candidate may use footage from a super PAC ad in his own ads.

4. A super PAC may be made up of the candidate’s former campaign manager, his father, his best friends, and his former co-workers.

5. A super PAC and candidate may share the same lawyer, and some of the same vendors.

Most of us are aware of this but don't believe a word of it. They coordinate. If you don't think so then you are one naive person.

If you have legitimate reasons, reasons more substantive than pure conjecture, for thinking there is coordination between any given candidate and a Super PAC, you are withholding material evidence about the commission of a crime. Have you more to go on than speculation? If so, by all means, share your information with the FEC and IRS; they are the ones who need it, not us.
They're called "Barrier Breakers"...I was going to expose them but Coyote begged me not to because she is one...or so she claimed...or maybe I made that last part up for revenge on getting tossed into the Rubber Room....I don't recall. I hit my head and don't recall. :eusa_shifty:
If you have legitimate reasons, reasons more substantive than pure conjecture, for thinking there is coordination between any given candidate and a Super PAC, you are withholding material evidence about the commission of a crime. Have you more to go on than speculation? If so, by all means, share your information with the FEC and IRS; they are the ones who need it, not us.
Some methods of classic logic are very legit but not admissible as evidence in a court.

The patterns of behavior involved here demonstrate conspiracy, corruption and collusion across multiple professions and institutions that are supposed to be neutral, objective and primarily purposed to defending the publics interest instead of multinational corporations.

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