OMG! Biden considering bringing in more antisemites to America

Why doesnt other Middle East countries want them??

Let that digest and get back to us.
And WE are going to have to end up taking in these Jew-haters?

The very fact that Obama chose NOW to announce that we might import the same antisemites who supported the October 7th massacre - and RIGHT IN THE MIDST of rampant antisemitism on campus - is a big FU to Jews.
And WE are going to have to end up taking in these Jew-haters?

The very fact that Obama chose NOW to announce that we might import the same antisemites who supported the October 7th massacre - and RIGHT IN THE MIDST of rampant antisemitism on campus - is a big FU to Jews.
Its a fuck you to America.

Muzzies dont adapt to other cultures. Never have historically
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

Misey loves company....

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Keep projecting.

The Palestinian people are not the sworn enemies of the US.
I'm not so sure about that.

It was the Pal'istanian people who put Hamas into political leadership. You do know that Hamas was an elected entity, right?

What does the Hamas Charter explicitly spell out regarding Jews and Israel?
I'm not so sure about that.

It was the Pal'istanian people who put Hamas into political leadership. You do know that Hamas was an elected entity, right?

What does the Hamas Charter explicitly spell out regarding Jews and Israel?
And they also supported the massacre on October 7th. The libs are trying to paint them as innocent victims, but the vast majority are in favor of hunting down and killing every Jew they can find.

And Jews are just supposed to accept these antisemites being imported here?
Evil is denying desperate refugees asylum because you are a racist bigot. History is full of people like you and you, as Jew, should be particularly aware of this. I’m glad most Jews are NOT virulent racists like you.

What if your family had been refused entry because they were Jewish…the attitude was Jews brought communism…you ok with that?

No. Evil is importing people who are utterly hostile to western norms of civil society, customs and culture.

There's an obvious reason why neighboring Arab-Moslem countries treat the Pal'istanians with revulsion. Many of those Arab-Moslem nations have had experiences with the Pallys they don't want repeated.

Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and other Arab-Moslem nations have no intention of bearing the political and socio-economic burden of their former countrymen. Jordan in particular has a long memory for that Black September dalliance when the Egyptian who invented 'Palestinians' tried to overthrow their government.
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

Shouldn't be surprised.

Biden and the anti Jew movement are funded by George soros.

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Tell me….why would you deny refugees based on religion and ethnicity? I mean…isn’t that why Jews were refused asylum during the Holocaust?
Death to Jews. Death to America. Kill the Jews and Christians is PLENTY of reason to deny these refugees.

Jews weren't denied asylum because of their religion and ethnicity. They were denied asylum due to the presence of Nazi infiltrators. In those days the president didn't import terrorists like democrats do today.

Learn the lessons of Lebanon and Jordan or pay the price.
Some things never change.

Imagine refugees fleeing persecution and violence in their native lands and seeking asylum in the United States. Many self-proclaimed American “patriots” raise their voices in protest, however, and insist that these refugees are undesirables. These foreigners can’t be assimilated into American society, they claim. Their alien customs are inimical to our way of life, and they’re inherently incapable of becoming loyal American citizens. Besides, the religion of these refugees makes them highly suspect and untrustworthy.

Yes, these are some of the very arguments used by those who object to admitting refugees from the war-ravaged Mideast into the United States. Too many Americans, however, are unaware that “patriots” used these same arguments during the 1930s, when Jews began to flee Nazi Germany and sought sanctuary in other nations – including the United States.

You are using the complex history of an entire region under upheaval, conflict and change from 75 years ago, to make your case. Few Palestinians today were alive then. We have a large, integrated, successful Palestinian American community in the US.

Keep your perspective. Oct 7 wasn’t 75 years ago, and it wasn’t 75 years ago that Palestinian groups break every cease fire with rockets. Think why Egypt will not let them in. First of all that tells me , this is not a genocide as Hamas claims.
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

Well why not? He has allowed in, actually invited in, millions upon millions of unvetted migrants and turned them loose in the country on their own recognizance that is rarely if ever enforced. And that doesn't count the hundreds of thousands of 'got-a-ways' that we don't know who they are or what their intentions are.

And he has allowed 400,000 or so more fly into the country 'legally' mostly to Florida and Texas where they absolutely are not wanted These presumably receive work permits and two-year visas and are completely vetted. I would bet a dollar to a donut they aren't at all vetted and won't be and won't be required to leave when their two year visa expires if the current administration is still in power.

So what difference does bringing in a few hundred thousand or millions of radicalized, Jew hating, America hating Palestinians make?

It's all part of a deep state goal of destroying the America we know and love and replacing it with something very very different.
Well why not? He has allowed in, actually invited in, millions upon millions of unvetted migrants and turned them loose in the country on their own recognizance that is rarely if ever enforced. And that doesn't count the hundreds of thousands of 'got-a-ways' that we don't know who they are or what their intentions are.

And he has allowed 400,000 or so more fly into the country 'legally' mostly to Florida and Texas where they absolutely are not wanted These presumably receive work permits and two-year visas and are completely vetted. I would bet a dollar to a donut they aren't at all vetted and won't be and won't be required to leave when their two year visa expires if the current administration is still in power.

So what difference does bringing in a few hundred thousand or millions of radicalized, Jew hating, America hating Palestinians make?

It's all part of a deep state goal of destroying the America we know and love and replacing it with something very very different.
Yup. They’re just using the Jews at first, because they know they can dial in to all the antisemitism. But eventually, and at this rate it will be a matter of months, they‘llstart in with everyone.


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Oh...I a tiny handful of protesters in one protest chant anti-Anerican vitriole and that is representative of the entire ethnic/religious community?

Were they stabbing 6 year old children here? Did they shoot down any college students? Should we allow white rightists into this country? They were chanting "Jews shall not replace us" a nod to the highly antisemitic racist conspiracy theory "the great replacement" so many of you on the right espouse. Maybe these folks should be deported like Lisa558 wants to do with pro-Palestinian protesters?
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

Biden and the left are so stupid. They think these people are innocent civilians. They back Hamas for Christ sake!
Keep your perspective. Oct 7 wasn’t 75 years ago, and it wasn’t 75 years ago that Palestinian groups break every cease fire with rockets. Think why Egypt will not let them in. First of all that tells me , this is not a genocide as Hamas claims.
My perspective is correct.

Germany perpetrated the Holocaust. Why did/do we allow Germans to come here. Many Jews in Europe were communist sympathizers. why did we allow them in? Oh wait...we didn't want them either. We let people in from communist Cuba, China, Russia...we let in countries with a history of violence against others including their minorities...and like the Palestinian immigrant community...doing just fine as Americans.
Yup. They’re just using the Jews at first, because they know they can dial in to all the antisemitism. But eventually, and at this rate it will be a matter of months, they‘llstart in with everyone.
It is fear mongering and scapegoating like that that fuels atrocities.

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