Omar Meltdown Continues: Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Witness For Peace Group


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group
The more damning information that keeps coming out on her .... the more and more she is looking like Democratic Party Presidential Nominee material, a fitting follow-on after Hillary.

All she and the DNC have to do now is F* Over Bernie one more time in 2020 and GIVE Omar the nomination...

"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group

It all clings to the Democratic Party.
Duly elected or not, traitors in the US still need to hang or face firing squad.
Now, now...just because she hung around the wrong people doesn't mean she is a traitor.

I mean, look at Obama - Tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alensky, taught by crooked Tony Rezko, Mentored by racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, best buds with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, photo-posing pals with Muslim Anti-Semite Luis Farrakhan, ..... ummm, never mind.

"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group
I fail to see anything traitorous in the stances you have listed that Rep. Ilhan Omar stands for?? .. :cool:
"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group
I fail to see anything traitorous in the stances you have listed that Rep. Ilhan Omar stands for?? .. :cool:
That's because you are Muslim first, American second.
"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group
Putin is anti-American. And Trump works for Putin. I don’t see any comments on that.
People just don't want to seem to give up Jihad no matter what we do for them, or how good they have it.

Well, there is something to be said for the life / way of life they advocate -- Living in mud huts, not allowing women to work or go to school, having sex with small boys...and camels, wanting everyone in the world to convert to Islam or be enslaved or killed....-- and that would be that this philosophy / ideology / way of life BLOWS!

I always thought the best way to bring about peace in the Middle East would be to give everyone free air conditioning, satellite TV, and a fridge stocked with beer. THINK ABOUT IT:

You're a man in the ME, it is hot as hell, your wife is covered head to toe in a hot hot she is miserable, which means she is not 'putting out' have nothing cold to drink, and the only thing to watch in 2 camels humping the thought of blowing yourself up is not that bad.

AC makes the inside comfortable, your wife in a better mood (and if mama ain't happy no one is happy), you have a cold beer, TV....screw 'jihad'!

"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group
Putin is anti-American. And Trump works for Putin. I don’t see any comments on that.
Your ignorance never ends
"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group
Putin is anti-American. And Trump works for Putin. I don’t see any comments on that.
Rumor has it that Mueller might not release the report. I guess he doesn't want to embarrass himself.
Putin is anti-American. And Trump works for Putin. I don’t see any comments on that.
That's because you are not paying attention. Here's a comment for you:

STFU, you deranged TDS-suffering, emotional, easily-manipulated, Trump-Hating, got-no-evidence, butt-hurt snowflake Mueller / Comey knob-polisher!


(Of course, I am just making a joke. Sorry. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how f*ed up it is, and has every right to voice it. :p )
"Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is again inviting questions over the political company she keeps.

Omar traveled as a delegate with the left-wing Witness for Peace group. The group was formed to oppose President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies in Central America.

Since then, it has built relations with Cuba’s communists and stood in solidarity with Venezuela’s economic chaos,
opining that “Venezuela is not alone” and defending the country’s “legitimate” president. The group also seeks to remove the United States from Guantanamo Bay while one of its board members has called for the “eradication of Israel”

A quick perusal of the Witness for Peace website reveals an organization that remains firmly rooted in the Cold War — on the Soviet Union’s side.

She recently accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of buying support for Israel from members of Congress.

She is also scheduled to fundraise for the pro-Hamas group Council for American-Islamic Relations in March.

Omar also pleaded for leniency for individuals who were caught joining ISIS.

Omar has been publicly rebuked by fellow Democrats and Democrat Pary leaders, as well ,for her anti-Semitic comments and actions.

This latest revelation, however, may cost her the spot she holds on the Foreign Relations Committee:

“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I’ve returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017. The latest revelation might affect Omar’s membership on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Traveled With Pro-Communist, Anti-American Peace Group
Speaking of being on Russia/s side, how is Trump these days. You love Trump.

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