

VIP Member
Feb 1, 2004
Washington D.C.
Because i'm a native born Greek I have special concern for this.

Am I the only one who thinks that unless something is done quickly and I mean the next couple of months that we could be looking at a major terrorist catastrophe in Athens this Summer? The Dems and the media have so handcuffed Bush that he can't take a piss without them Monday quarterbacking whether he hit the rim or not. They are playing politics with the welfare of millions of people and all the while Al Qaeda and others are sitting back and licking their chops at the prospect of the Olympics and the damage that could be done.

My fears are: the Olympics are the biggest gathering of folks from around the globe that ever takes place, it is a huge target and there is no way these roaches are going to pass up an opportunity to do damage on this scale. The Dems have not allowed the military the fredom to pursue Al Qaeda as much as it possibly could have thereby giving these guys valuable time to recoup and plan. We hear talk of unprecedented security but the Greek borders are not like America's borders, up north it is mostly mountains and there are thousands of passes which a few guys could get through easy.

I pray to god I am wrong but I do not have a good feeling about this.
As far as security goes the area around Athens is tighter than an 18 year old virgin(just a saying ladies) but it is completely impossible to close down every square foot of border, the country is rough, there are thousands of centuries old trade routes that only the locals would know about and remember 1 thing, there are Albanian muslim terrorist groups operating there that have known ties to Al Qaeda.
Do you think that the terrorists would actually want to piss off the entire world by hitting the Olympics?

It's one thing to screw with the major countries that have their hands tied trying to be politically correct but to really, and I mean really, piss off the whole world might not be in their best interests.

Just a thought.

I know that they couldn't care less about whose cornflakes they pee in but still there is a limit to creating enemies.

I am just surprised they have missed so many chances to hit us the past couple of years. The Super Bowl would've been my pick for a target. The large political conventions upcoming must be awfully tempting also.

Could be they have not scored another large hit since 9-11 because they simply do not have the where-with-all to pull something like that off again. The multiple bombs in Spain last week were actually only several minor, albeit well placed, bombs set off in a nicely coordinated effort. There hasn't actually been another incident with a truly large scale number of casualties since 9-11, thankfully. They frightened a lot of folks and killed 190 at last count, but have they paralyzed Spain?

While it's true that they have the U.S., via the "Homeland Insecurity Dept", jumping through hoops, as terrorists go, they have not actually disrupted the lives of the everyday Americans.

They have demonstrated that they can strike when and where they want when they have the balls to do so, but as far as causing mass pandemonium and fear, I think they are falling short of the mark.
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter
Do you think that the terrorists would actually want to piss off the entire world by hitting the Olympics?

Well they have hit the Olympics before. So why not now?

I really think the Olympics is a likely target. Bush cant really do much to protect it anyway. its in another country. I dont know what we can do to help out.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Well they have hit the Olympics before. So why not now?

I really think the Olympics is a likely target. Bush cant really do much to protect it anyway. its in another country. I dont know what we can do to help out.

They didn't "hit" the Olympics; they merely killed a few jew athletes and demonstrated that they and the ones that support terrorists have absolutely no respect for any warrior's code of ethics and are actually no more than rabid animals that deserve to be hunted down and killed.
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter
They didn't "hit" the Olympics; they merely killed a few jew athletes and demonstrated that they and the ones that support terrorists have absolutely no respect for any warrior's code of ethics and are actually no more than rabid animals that deserve to be hunted down and killed.

one dead athlete is one too many, as is one dead innocent is one too many. and Yes they would "HIT" the olympics. All of their enemys will be there. If you are not Muslem/ Islam fanatic you are infidel and there fore the enemy. and you act as though the killing of a "few" jewish athletes is no big deal. I thought better of you.
I think fears are justified. I heard something on the news about this the other day,about them needing to tie up some loose ends. I think the attacks on Spain are a sign that they getting stronger. Any death is awful,even if it's one person. Would they let the U.S. help,or would we be critisized for asking? i don't know what the general feeling is about the U.S. in Greece. OCA-what's it like?
Originally posted by OCA

Am I the only one who thinks that unless something is done quickly and I mean the next couple of months that we could be looking at a major terrorist catastrophe in Athens this Summer? The Dems and the media have so handcuffed Bush that he can't take a piss without them Monday quarterbacking whether he hit the rim or not. They are playing politics with the welfare of millions of people and all the while Al Qaeda and others are sitting back and licking their chops at the prospect of the Olympics and the damage that could be done.

My fears are: the Olympics are the biggest gathering of folks from around the globe that ever takes place, it is a huge target and there is no way these roaches are going to pass up an opportunity to do damage on this scale. The Dems have not allowed the military the fredom to pursue Al Qaeda as much as it possibly could have thereby giving these guys valuable time to recoup and plan. We hear talk of unprecedented security but the Greek borders are not like America's borders, up north it is mostly mountains and there are thousands of passes which a few guys could get through easy.

I pray to god I am wrong but I do not have a good feeling about this.

"handcuffed?" I am sure you said the same thing about Clinton, who might have spent the last two years of his administration focused more on Al-Qaeda than the impeachmet. After 9/11 I believe everyone might agree that paralizing the president over a blow-job was not in the security interests of the united states.

As far as your statement that "the Dems have not allowed the military the fredom to pursue Al Qaeda..." That is simply bizaar. The military is this country is part of the executive branch of government. To the extent that Congress plays a role, you can blame the Rep. majority in the House and Senate if you like.

When I got past are political bias ... you even managed to blame the media lol ... your concerns about the games seem real and justificed. Two points on that. Will any level of security or preparedness be sufficient to thwart an attack? Perhaps not. In that respect your concerns seem very justified but raises the question, what should be done? Cancel the games?

You raise a good point but I'm not sure what should be done that isn't already.
Originally posted by krisy
I think fears are justified. I heard something on the news about this the other day,about them needing to tie up some loose ends. I think the attacks on Spain are a sign that they getting stronger. Any death is awful,even if it's one person. Would they let the U.S. help,or would we be critisized for asking? i don't know what the general feeling is about the U.S. in Greece. OCA-what's it like?

America is not #1 on their list at the moment and for some very good reasons. The CIA in 1968 engineered a coup which brought abot a military junta from 68-74. Then there is Cyprus, it is very well documented how the Turks invaded the island and took over half of it even though there had never been any problems there between the Greek majority and the Turkish minority. All this bloodletting and civil war was engineered by none other than Henry Kissinger who was, in his paranoia, afraid that communists would take power there and that the Soviets would base tactical nukes there to be used against Israel. All this was wildly far fetched and only led to innocent deaths and a now 30 tr long stalemate.

Then there is money, the Greeks who are closer religiously and socially to America then Turkey recieve squat from America compared to Turkey but only because Turkey allows American air bases. Not saying that is right but that is their view. Also Kosovo and the criminal Albanians who are now overrunnung the country thanks to Bubba and his illegal bombing of Kosovo and Serbia. Milosevic was on the right track with these roaches and got a raw deal. That is fresh in their minds as crime is up tenfold thanks to the Albanians.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
"handcuffed?" I am sure you said the same thing about Clinton, who might have spent the last two years of his administration focused more on Al-Qaeda than the impeachmet. After 9/11 I believe everyone might agree that paralizing the president over a blow-job was not in the security interests of the united states.

As far as your statement that "the Dems have not allowed the military the fredom to pursue Al Qaeda..." That is simply bizaar. The military is this country is part of the executive branch of government. To the extent that Congress plays a role, you can blame the Rep. majority in the House and Senate if you like.

When I got past are political bias ... you even managed to blame the media lol ... your concerns about the games seem real and justificed. Two points on that. Will any level of security or preparedness be sufficient to thwart an attack? Perhaps not. In that respect your concerns seem very justified but raises the question, what should be done? Cancel the games?

You raise a good point but I'm not sure what should be done that isn't already.

So you think that tactically undermining the president for no other reasons than political is helpful to the war effort? The media isn't overwhelmingly liberal and doesn't only focus on negative aspects in a coordinated effort to undermine and oust Bush? Is it hard to sleep under the rock you live?

Also if you seriously believe that if Bubba wasn't getting his knob polished that he would've been focused 100% on OBL you are delusional. The evidence stand on its own, 3 OFFERS TO BUBBA FROM THE SUDAN AND HE FUCKED UP EVERY ONE OF THEM. 9/11 IS SQUARELY ON HIS SHOULDERS! He was possibly the worst and most damaging leader this country has ever or might ever see.

P.S. The impeachment wasn't about a bj, it was about him being a lying sack of shit under oath and his pattern if subborning the justice system, get your facts straight.
Also if you seriously believe that if Bubba wasn't getting his knob polished that he would've been focused 100% on OBL you are delusional. The evidence stand on its own, 3 OFFERS TO BUBBA FROM THE SUDAN AND HE FUCKED UP EVERY ONE OF THEM. 9/11 IS SQUARELY ON HIS SHOULDERS! He was possibly the worst and most damaging leader this country has ever or might ever see.

First, i totally agree with you. Except on two points. I think 911 is on Osamas shoulders. although Clinton should take alot of responsibility for doing jack squat.

Second, I while i think he was one of the most damaging leaders this country has ever seen. i am not sure he beats Carter. without Carter there would be no axis of evil to deal with.
Originally posted by OCA
So you think that tactically undermining the president for no other reasons than political is helpful to the war effort?

P.S. The impeachment wasn't about a bj, it was about him being a lying sack of shit under oath and his pattern if subborning the justice system, get your facts straight.

You are so blindly partisan that you miss the obvious. It is clearly not helpful to undermine the president for political gain when either the republicans OR the democrats do it.

Your assertion that is is okay for the republicans to do it, and then in a leap of hypocracy of monumental proportion, still manage to blame clinton for 9/11 defies reason.

Blaming the "liberal media" is such a tired, discredited, whiney excuss for everything wrong in the world that I think you might be a closet liberal. Blame everyone take no responsibility. You should work here in Washington, at least they pay well for that type of meaningless spin.

You wrote: "Also if you seriously believe that if Bubba wasn't getting his knob polished that he would've been focused 100% on OBL you are delusional."

I have never heard anyone, from the most liberal to most conservative make that case. I didn't. Clark said that Clinton paid more attention to OBL than Bush. If you disagree with that, take it up with Clark.

Finally, we all know what the impeachment was about. The difference is that when Clinton lied, nobody died. Bush, on the other hand lied about the reasons to go to war.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
Bush, on the other hand lied about the reasons to go to war.

And yet I'm willing to bet you can't back that up. How about you give proven facts that he lied.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
I am sure you said the same thing about Clinton, who might have spent the last two years of his administration focused more on Al-Qaeda than the impeachmet.

Do you realize how asanine a statement that is? Part of those 2 years was 1998, the year he turned down multiple offers to have Osama tirned over. This is at least the 6th time you ignored what Clinton DIDN'T do. Your rose colored glasses fit you well.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
First, i totally agree with you. Except on two points. I think 911 is on Osamas shoulders. although Clinton should take alot of responsibility for doing jack squat.

Second, I while i think he was one of the most damaging leaders this country has ever seen. i am not sure he beats Carter. without Carter there would be no axis of evil to deal with.

Correct on OBL. My point is though if Bubba had done his job and not shirked responsibility by wasting time with a 23yr old slut than 9/11 wouldn't have happened. 3 OFFERS! I find it completely outrageous even bordering on treason that he didn't bring a person in known to have committed crimes against the U.S. when offered.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
You are so blindly partisan that you miss the obvious. It is clearly not helpful to undermine the president for political gain when either the republicans OR the democrats do it.

Your assertion that is is okay for the republicans to do it, and then in a leap of hypocracy of monumental proportion, still manage to blame clinton for 9/11 defies reason.

Blaming the "liberal media" is such a tired, discredited, whiney excuss for everything wrong in the world that I think you might be a closet liberal. Blame everyone take no responsibility. You should work here in Washington, at least they pay well for that type of meaningless spin.

You wrote: "Also if you seriously believe that if Bubba wasn't getting his knob polished that he would've been focused 100% on OBL you are delusional."

I have never heard anyone, from the most liberal to most conservative make that case. I didn't. Clark said that Clinton paid more attention to OBL than Bush. If you disagree with that, take it up with Clark.

Finally, we all know what the impeachment was about. The difference is that when Clinton lied, nobody died. Bush, on the other hand lied about the reasons to go to war.

The Republicans did it because, and listen good, HE LIED IN A COURT OF LAW AND SHOWED A PATTERN OF OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. These things are unarguable. These things cannot be said about Bush and if Democrats can get together on the capitol lawn and sing god bless America but when election time comes around they are bashing the president for no other reason than politics and undermining the troops while doing it than I don't see where this country has really any use for them.

Call me a partisan doesn't bother me when its says i'm standing up for what is right. Also slick, I live in Montgomery County. Don't tell me to come to D.C, that is of course you are inside the beltway which would mean you have no idea how America really thinks.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Do you realize how asanine a statement that is? Part of those 2 years was 1998, the year he turned down multiple offers to have Osama tirned over. This is at least the 6th time you ignored what Clinton DIDN'T do. Your rose colored glasses fit you well.

I am not ignoring what Clinton didn't do. I am ignoring your unsubstantiated claim of what you say Clinton did not do. To be sure, Both Clinton and Bush underestimated OBL. Neither the Congressional nor "independent" panel investigations into the pre 9/11 intel supports your claim. Write something that is credible and you have a better chance of not being ignored.

Regarding the substance of the posts, I remind you that in short, OCE wrote that the dems and media had "handcuffed" Bush. I responded that the R's Handcuffed Clinton. You then jump in and say I'm wrong, becaue of what (you claim) Clinton did not do. Your proving my point. Clinton was 'handcuffed.". Although I would probably use the term "distracted" by the impeachment when he, as the leader of the free world, had better thing to focus on.

But thanks for backing me up on this one.
Originally posted by OCA
...undermining the troops

"Bring 'em on" undermined our troops. Lying to the troops about why he was asking them to sacrafice their lives and limbs undermined our troops.

When Clinton Lied, Nobody Died. Bottom line.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
I am not ignoring what Clinton didn't do. I am ignoring your unsubstantiated claim of what you say Clinton did not do.

Bullshit, try reading for once instead of spouting! I posted the Clinton's own words on here via audiotape. I know you have serious trouble with comprehension, do you have hearing problems too?

Regarding the substance of the posts, I remind you that in short, OCE wrote that the dems and media had "handcuffed" Bush. I responded that the R's Handcuffed Clinton. You then jump in and say I'm wrong, becaue of what (you claim) Clinton did not do. Your proving my point. Clinton was 'handcuffed.". Although I would probably use the term "distracted" by the impeachment when he, as the leader of the free world, had better thing to focus on.

Because he was busy being interviewed and testifying he couldn't make a proper decision regarding OBL? That has to be the most pathetic man that has ever served public office! Can he not walk and chew gum at the same time either? Typical clueless democrats.

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