OK, so here's the thing.

I agree that what the repubs are doing is silly. They look disorganized and unprofessional. However, I can’t decide which is worse, a party that will disagree with themselves and have different ideas and thought processes, or a party who will line up in behind a person with no variation of thought and will just follow whatever they say with no questions asked.
You mean like the tRumpers?
I think the most delicious part of all this is watching the partisan hacks try to blame the Democrats for the GOP's total dysfunction. :lol:

I don't even know what kind of weird hole in one's brain it takes to do that!

Where did you see that?

I got this from your link...

Is the Republican Party ‘broken’?

As Republican lawmakers celebrated finally getting a speaker, Republican strategists in Washington said Wednesday that they felt that something irreparable has happened to the party. Healthy parties don’t completely freeze an entire legislative chamber and struggle among themselves to reopen it.

“They fought so hard to be a governing majority,” said strategist Alice Stewart, referring to House Republicans, “and they can’t even agree among themselves. And that’s bad.”

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