Ok, lefties, now that obama remains in office.....


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Do you really think that raising taxes on people who make $250 plus will reduce the deficit?

Let's be honest and stop saying that obama wants to tax "millionaires and billionaires" or "The Super Rich". $250K/years is not a million or a billion or "super". You won so stop the bull shit ok?

You people realize that the percentage of the US that makes over 250k is pretty small right? You realize that our yearly deficit is insanely huge right?

So now that you won, what IS the plan? We are headed for fiscal disaster and obama has no plan? At least none other than a job-killing tax increase.

Or do you just not care? You won and that's all that matters?
You realize that having those high taxes kick in at $250,000 means that it will be impossible to expand beyond that magic number so that there is no way a small business could ever become a big business again.
Do you really think that raising taxes on people who make $250 plus will reduce the deficit?

Let's be honest and stop saying that obama wants to tax "millionaires and billionaires" or "The Super Rich". $250K/years is not a million or a billion or "super". You won so stop the bull shit ok?

You people realize that the percentage of the US that makes over 250k is pretty small right? You realize that our yearly deficit is insanely huge right?

So now that you won, what IS the plan? We are headed for fiscal disaster and obama has no plan? At least none other than a job-killing tax increase.

Or do you just not care? You won and that's all that matters?

To most folks, 250K would be a lot of money. If I made that amount, I could pay off my mortgage, my credit cards, and STILL have 100K to spare.

And, yes, raising taxes on them WOULD reduce the deficit.

We are going to have to cut government spending, we are going to have to raise taxes. Period.

You ran on the "I need more money for my Dressage Pony" platform and you lost. Deal with it.
Do you really think that raising taxes on people who make $250 plus will reduce the deficit?

Let's be honest and stop saying that obama wants to tax "millionaires and billionaires" or "The Super Rich". $250K/years is not a million or a billion or "super". You won so stop the bull shit ok?

You people realize that the percentage of the US that makes over 250k is pretty small right? You realize that our yearly deficit is insanely huge right?

So now that you won, what IS the plan? We are headed for fiscal disaster and obama has no plan? At least none other than a job-killing tax increase.

Or do you just not care? You won and that's all that matters?

It's never just been about tax increases. It's the Republicans that have had the one-track mind on that. It's a matter of appropriate budget cuts to be hammered out by both sides, reform of the tax code to eliminate some of the more egregious deductions and a modest increase in rates on the highest earners. The problem has been Republican intransigence and, if the deficit continues to rise, they have no one but themselves to blame. Fiscal matters start in the House Constitutionally and they control it. They may consider it a "trump" card, but it's really a "ball's in your court" situation. The American people are watching and will be deciding who's really to blame in two years. Don't waste the time with posturing. DO SOMETHING.
Do you really think that raising taxes on people who make $250 plus will reduce the deficit?

Let's be honest and stop saying that obama wants to tax "millionaires and billionaires" or "The Super Rich". $250K/years is not a million or a billion or "super". You won so stop the bull shit ok?

You people realize that the percentage of the US that makes over 250k is pretty small right? You realize that our yearly deficit is insanely huge right?

So now that you won, what IS the plan? We are headed for fiscal disaster and obama has no plan? At least none other than a job-killing tax increase.

Or do you just not care? You won and that's all that matters?

Restoring the tax rates to the wildly successful Clinton plan is just common sense.

You go with what works. Pay your fair share has proven to be a massive success, where right wing "give everything to the rich" a massive disaster.
Now you people are all upset that the President might actually get some minor tax reform passed.

I am a high middle class earner. Just barely crack 100K a year. Nobody making above 250K should pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than I do. Definately not if they are making above 1 million. And all income should be taxed at that rate. Earned and unearned.
Raising taxes on those who make $250,000 and more won't decrease the deficit by in large any more than eliminating the grants for the arts and PBS. Raising taxes on those making $250,000 won't reduce their freedoms any more than eliminating Pell Grants for low income college students.

But a combination of spending cuts which do not eliminate opportunity for the poorest and tax hikes on those who have had every opportunity in American society will reduce the deficit.

What Conservatives need to realize is we can never reduce the deficit by spending cuts alone. We had a surplus before the Bush tax cuts went into effect. Before we fought two wars without raising taxes, yet financed those wars by increasing our foreign debt. Why should the few get the gravy while the many get the axe?
Why dont we quit with that sharing the wealth BS and tax everyone the same? Cut out the handouts(not all of them. Some people need it). We, as a country, CANNOT afford it!
Do you really think that raising taxes on people who make $250 plus will reduce the deficit?

Let's be honest and stop saying that obama wants to tax "millionaires and billionaires" or "The Super Rich". $250K/years is not a million or a billion or "super". You won so stop the bull shit ok?

You people realize that the percentage of the US that makes over 250k is pretty small right? You realize that our yearly deficit is insanely huge right?

So now that you won, what IS the plan? We are headed for fiscal disaster and obama has no plan? At least none other than a job-killing tax increase.

Or do you just not care? You won and that's all that matters?

Restoring the tax rates to the wildly successful Clinton plan is just common sense.

You go with what works. Pay your fair share has proven to be a massive success, where right wing "give everything to the rich" a massive disaster.

You forget about the peace dividend, and the incipent dot com boom, which would have raised the revenues of the government even at the pre clinton tax rates. Silly you.
Why dont we quit with that sharing the wealth BS and tax everyone the same? Cut out the handouts(not all of them. Some people need it). We, as a country, CANNOT afford it!

I'd love to see the Military Budget cut back from 700 Billion to 100 Billion.

That would go a real long way into cutting debt.

The "Fiscal cliff" doesn't do anything close to that dramatic.

And they are calling it a cliff..

Why dont we quit with that sharing the wealth BS and tax everyone the same? Cut out the handouts(not all of them. Some people need it). We, as a country, CANNOT afford it!

That's the question isn't it? Where do we cut? The Republicans have to sit down and hammer out a deal, not expect it to be "my way or the highway" because in '14, if nothing's changed, they're the ones likely to hit the road. We also "can't afford" to keep giving tax breaks to the "job creators", if they're not creating jobs.
Why dont we quit with that sharing the wealth BS and tax everyone the same? Cut out the handouts(not all of them. Some people need it). We, as a country, CANNOT afford it!

I'd love to see the Military Budget cut back from 700 Billion to 100 Billion.

That would go a real long way into cutting debt.

The "Fiscal cliff" doesn't do anything close to that dramatic.

And they are calling it a cliff..


We are already weak. Everyone sees that. Thats why every other country was rejoicing. Muslim takeover is near. But hey, thats what you wanted, RIGHT?
Why dont we quit with that sharing the wealth BS and tax everyone the same? Cut out the handouts(not all of them. Some people need it). We, as a country, CANNOT afford it!

That's the question isn't it? Where do we cut? The Republicans have to sit down and hammer out a deal, not expect it to be "my way or the highway" because in '14, if nothing's changed, they're the ones likely to hit the road. We also "can't afford" to keep giving tax breaks to the "job creators", if they're not creating jobs.

They are not creatingjobs because they cant afford it! Now just wait for even more taxes to hit them. Pay attention the unemployment rate then! Also, pay attention the the fulltime workers cut back to part time. Its already happening
You realize that having those high taxes kick in at $250,000 means that it will be impossible to expand beyond that magic number so that there is no way a small business could ever become a big business again.

Yes I do but I'm asking the lefties if they think that this will help the economy.
Why dont we quit with that sharing the wealth BS and tax everyone the same? Cut out the handouts(not all of them. Some people need it). We, as a country, CANNOT afford it!

I'd love to see the Military Budget cut back from 700 Billion to 100 Billion.

That would go a real long way into cutting debt.

The "Fiscal cliff" doesn't do anything close to that dramatic.

And they are calling it a cliff..


We are already weak. Everyone sees that. Thats why every other country was rejoicing. Muslim takeover is near. But hey, thats what you wanted, RIGHT?

We aren't weak at all.

In fact, quite the opposite.

We are so powerful we are exporting our vision of the world to other countries. We have 700 bases all over the world. We have and still are putting our notion of what governments should be into other people's countries.

Would you put up with a Chinese base in your backyard? Would you put up with a President and Congress chosen by China?

Simple question.

Yes or No.
I'd love to see the Military Budget cut back from 700 Billion to 100 Billion.

That would go a real long way into cutting debt.

The "Fiscal cliff" doesn't do anything close to that dramatic.

And they are calling it a cliff..


We are already weak. Everyone sees that. Thats why every other country was rejoicing. Muslim takeover is near. But hey, thats what you wanted, RIGHT?

We aren't weak at all.

In fact, quite the opposite.

We are so powerful we are exporting our vision of the world to other countries. We have 700 bases all over the world. We have and still are putting our notion of what governments should be into other people's countries.

Would you put up with a Chinese base in your backyard? Would you put up with a President and Congress chosen by China?

Simple question.

Yes or No.

NO. We are not weak? Look at Benghazi. Oh yea, it was not a big deal to you. My bad
You realize that having those high taxes kick in at $250,000 means that it will be impossible to expand beyond that magic number so that there is no way a small business could ever become a big business again.

Yes I do but I'm asking the lefties if they think that this will help the economy.

High taxes? It means an extra $40 on every thousand over $250,000! If the "job creators" had really been doing what was promised when the cuts went into effect, we wouldn't have a problem. What happened? Taxes weren't raised. Health care costs mainly fall on the individual. Where are the jobs?
Do you really think that raising taxes on people who make $250 plus will reduce the deficit?

Let's be honest and stop saying that obama wants to tax "millionaires and billionaires" or "The Super Rich". $250K/years is not a million or a billion or "super". You won so stop the bull shit ok?

You people realize that the percentage of the US that makes over 250k is pretty small right? You realize that our yearly deficit is insanely huge right?

So now that you won, what IS the plan? We are headed for fiscal disaster and obama has no plan? At least none other than a job-killing tax increase.

Or do you just not care? You won and that's all that matters?

And, yes, raising taxes on them WOULD reduce the deficit.

Do you relize that there are very few people makuing over $250K? Do you realize that our yearly defecit is insanely huge? How can you make that statement?

We are going to have to cut government spending, we are going to have to raise taxes.

Yes we will have to cut spending, that's what we conservatives have been saying all along. Obama won't do it so how do you justify your statements here with your support for obama?

You ran on the "I need more money for my Dressage Pony" platform and you lost. Deal with it.

You know, you were doing pretty good there for a second, I actually thought i was dealing with someone of intelligence. Now i see you're an idiot. Have a good day.

Are there any intelligent lefties out there who want to give us some info?
Do you really think that raising taxes on people who make $250 plus will reduce the deficit?

Let's be honest and stop saying that obama wants to tax "millionaires and billionaires" or "The Super Rich". $250K/years is not a million or a billion or "super". You won so stop the bull shit ok?

You people realize that the percentage of the US that makes over 250k is pretty small right? You realize that our yearly deficit is insanely huge right?

So now that you won, what IS the plan? We are headed for fiscal disaster and obama has no plan? At least none other than a job-killing tax increase.

Or do you just not care? You won and that's all that matters?

To most folks, 250K would be a lot of money. If I made that amount, I could pay off my mortgage, my credit cards, and STILL have 100K to spare.

And, yes, raising taxes on them WOULD reduce the deficit.

We are going to have to cut government spending, we are going to have to raise taxes. Period.

You ran on the "I need more money for my Dressage Pony" platform and you lost. Deal with it.

And we need to raise taxes on EVERYONE!! Yes, you can pay more taxes too. Let the Bush tax cuts expire.

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