Oh that rascally Pat Robertson....

Pat Robertson is a candidate? He's relevant?

Why should I care what a senile man with no power says? Let the man love our the rest of his life without giving hi k any free publicity. No point hating him.
Because that 'senile old man' is expressing opinions held by a significant number of Americans; a minority in America as a whole, yes – but in many jurisdictions across the country such ignorance, fear, and hate manifest as a majority, a majority that would seek to disadvantage gay Americans through force of law if not prohibited from doing so by the Constitution.

How many Americans actually hold any of his views? They are foreign even among evangelicals.

Not so foreign among the base of the Republican party....
This leaves little doubt that the religious right wing nuts have completely lost their fucking minds!

Sandy Rios: Putin Is Promoting 'God's Way' While Obama Leads US On 'Horrifying' Path Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 11/10/2015 1:12 pm

In comments last week, the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios joined the many Religious Right figures who have heaped praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin as he has attempted to paint himself as a hero of the Russian Orthodox Church, including backing a series of harsh anti-LGBT laws. On Thursday, Rios broadcast an interview that she had conducted at the recent World Congress of Families in Salt Lake City with Vladimir Mischenko who works at a prominent Russian “pro-family” group. Rios told Mischenko how impressed she was by Putin’s embrace of “God’s way” and the “natural family,” even as President Obama is leading America “on a trajectory that many of us find extremely horrifying.” - See more at: Sandy Rios: Putin Is Promoting 'God's Way' While Obama Leads US On 'Horrifying' Path
Good idea, Pat. You can borrow this:

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