Oh, Susan!

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Who would have guessed one of Barry's favorite liars would pop up in the middle of another scandal? But this isn't Susan's third rodeo....not by a long shot. We all know she lied through her teeth about Benghazi and Bo Bergdahl but it goes further back than that. It was Susan Rice who advised Willy Jeff not to go after bin-Laden in Sudan. And then further advised him not to pursue a stop to the slaughter in Rawanda. She's all about black identity politics same as the jug-earred mutt she helped okie-doke us for the last 8 years.


Susan Rice is not only a liar, but a national security risk who Barry wanted to replace Hillary as Sec of State but was told the Senate would never confirm her. National Security Advisor doesn't require Senate confirmation so that's where she ended up....great eh?
There was a pic on Iowntheworldreport I believe, old Mike is looking rough, really rough

She's been given a hefty advance for her autobiography but she probably can't get past the first page....what's she ever accomplished other than hiding her junk in a catcher's cup? :dunno:
There is no scandal here. Rice had every right to see the names and she committed crime in doing so. The scandal is that Russia interfered in our election and how Trump is trying so hard to distract everyone.
Oh, the bullets of sweat are popping out on the foreheads of the Neo-Fascist Alt Right as they realize they are being thrown from every bronc in this rodeo.

This is the real thing, buckaroos, and you are a step behind and a cut below.
Since the furniture started getting stuffed with top secret schematics as gifts for Putin.

Since all our weapons systems take several years to produce, I'd say the Russians already have them thanks to Scum Willy...we know he gave the Chi-Coms our missile telemetry secrets for campaign money.
Since the furniture started getting stuffed with top secret schematics as gifts for Putin.

Since all our weapons systems take several years to produce, I'd say the Russians already have them thanks to Scum Willy...we know he gave the Chi-Coms our missile telemetry secrets for campaign money.
Speaking of the Chinese, why do you think Xi's meeting Trump in Palm Beach instead of D.C.? It's so that top Chinese military scientists and engineers don't have to log their presence at the meeting as they sift through our classified military capabilities in the South China Sea and get briefed on how to replicate our top military technologies. Inside sources say huge land concessions have been promised to Trump in top realty markets in Hong Kong and Taipei in exchange for Taiwan.
Who would have guessed one of Barry's favorite liars would pop up in the middle of another scandal? But this isn't Susan's third rodeo....not by a long shot. We all know she lied through her teeth about Benghazi and Bo Bergdahl but it goes further back than that. It was Susan Rice who advised Willy Jeff not to go after bin-Laden in Sudan. And then further advised him not to pursue a stop to the slaughter in Rawanda. She's all about black identity politics same as the jug-earred mutt she helped okie-doke us for the last 8 years.

Susan Rice is not only a liar, but a national security risk who Barry wanted to replace Hillary as Sec of State but was told the Senate would never confirm her. National Security Advisor doesn't require Senate confirmation so that's where she ended up....great eh?
Speaking of the jug-earred guy... did you ever notice that Obama does not have any identifying markers of being a black man? No rear end, no kinky hair (click his photo and look closely at his hair - how straight it is) ears that stick out (black men have ears that are small / close to their head) no eyelashes (black men have curled lashes) lips that are more in line with Asian men.....and so forth. Someone mentioned recently that they thought Obama looked like he was from Thailand. I'd say that is a good call. Thailand / Cambodia..... Asian. I looked up some men from that region of the world and found one man that could pass for his brother. Here he is:

He's from Cambodia, 37 years old. Note the protruding ears (Asian trait) lips, jawline, thin physique, etc. Does Obama look more Asian or African?

He certainly doesn't look like his alleged father (interesting that the Obama's brother suspects that he isn't a member of the family at all and merely introduced himself as such in order to validate the story about being half black & Barrack (two r's not one) Obama being his father. Look at Barrack Obama here:


Obama looks nothing like this man.

Nor does he look like this one:

Could Obama be Asian?
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The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president’s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests.

Read more at: Susan Rice’s White House Unmasking: A Watergate-style Scandal
Who would have guessed one of Barry's favorite liars would pop up in the middle of another scandal? But this isn't Susan's third rodeo....not by a long shot. We all know she lied through her teeth about Benghazi and Bo Bergdahl but it goes further back than that. It was Susan Rice who advised Willy Jeff not to go after bin-Laden in Sudan. And then further advised him not to pursue a stop to the slaughter in Rawanda. She's all about black identity politics same as the jug-earred mutt she helped okie-doke us for the last 8 years.

Susan Rice is not only a liar, but a national security risk who Barry wanted to replace Hillary as Sec of State but was told the Senate would never confirm her. National Security Advisor doesn't require Senate confirmation so that's where she ended up....great eh?
Speaking of the jug-earred guy... did you ever notice that Obama does not have any identifying markers of being a black man? No rear end, ears that stick out (black men have ears that are small / close to their head) no eyelashes (black men have curled lashes) lips that are more in line with Asian men.....and so forth. Someone mentioned recently that they thought Obama looked like he was from Thailand. I'd say that is a good call. Thailand / Cambodia..... Asian. I looked up some men from that region of the world and found one man that could pass for his brother. Here he is:

He's from Cambodia, 37 years old. Note the protruding ears (Asian trait) lips, thin physique, etc. Does Obama look more Asian or African?

He certainly doesn't look like his alleged father (interesting that the Obama's brother suspects that he isn't a member of the family at all and merely introduced himself as such in order to validate the story about being half black & Barrack (two r's not one) Obama being his father. Look at Barrack Obama here:


Obama looks nothing like this man.

Nor does he look like this one:

Could Obama be Asian?
One more thing. Click the photo of Obama and note that the media forgot to retouch the photo of his hair. It's straight, no kink to it even though cut very close to his head. Have a look. Something is up.

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