Oh no, Psycho, Don't Rock That Boat!!!


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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North Missisippi
Oh no, Psycho, Don't Rock That Boat!!!!!!!!!

I've heard that a lot in my time here on the planet Earth. But it's my nature, I can't and don't apologize for that. As I was promised as just a child and a grade school kid, my ideas and perceptions and contributions and understanding of task assignment are important and can't or shouldn't be held against me. I've lived my life believing that.

I could go on and on about faulty corporate mindset and philosphy or good ol' boy favoritism and business tactics but for now I won't. I just think it's time that I said out loud, or at least in this cyber environment, that although I don't particularly relish "boat-rocking" but that I've seen much more good come from diverse and comprehensive issue examination and decision making than could ever be achieved within the "Don't Rock The Boat" crowd.

I dunno? Maybe I'm just Psycho?
Sometimes I eat icecream when I'm hungry. :)
Yes rocking the boat=destroying people's lies they tell themselves.
Exactly, dmp!!!!! Maybe it's mindset's like you have but can't imagine that offend me so, can you dig it?
That's been suggested, MtnBiker, and for a while I tried it. I'm still a rebel but with a cause, but maybe you don't dig that.
Maybe we can communicate, MtnBiker. Shovels are generally rated at 60% of their actual capacity. They don't generally break due to overloading but due to improper storage, handling or longevity expectation. What are you trying to say here, MtnBiker?
I once got so stoned that I thought I was rocking on a boat. In reality I was just watching re-runs of Our Gang. Don't drink the milk. Why? It's spoiled!
Originally posted by jimnyc
I once got so stoned that I thought I was rocking on a boat. In reality I was just watching re-runs of Our Gang. Don't drink the milk. Why? It's spoiled!
Wasn't Spanky on that show?
The Pittsburgh Steelers, although they are 8 hours away and actually a football team. :D
Ha, ha ha. You guys are such comedians. I run a little booking agency here in the Mid-South and I promise I can get you some tips-only gigs entertaining the drunks and stoners that might enjoy your clever senses of humor. Care to sign a contract?
My great uncle always warned me about signing contracts with the devil.

I did skate backwards once. It's a little harder to see the oncoming trees that way.
PSYCHO IS THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!! But you're just a punk. Thanks for the promotion. Now, other than jammin' about zero can we get on with the substance of my original ideology? Or are you scared to address the subject seriously?
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