Oh how we miss you, No Drama Obama.

What a load of utter bullshit. The only way a person could claim that there was no drama under obummer is if they were in a coma.
Or a Republican. Who have been so brainwashed, you could say their brains are in a coma.

Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

The Christian Science Monitor ran a very interesting piece in September comparing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's gun control records.

In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.


You can't make this sh!t up.
Reagan was bad enough with all the marines killed, the enormous transfer of wealth to the top 1% and the Iran Contra scandal. Worse, he was the start of the Great Deficit.

Then we had Bill Clinton and all the faux outrage over the BJ. OMG, he lied about getting a BJ. Something millions of Republican American men have done and continue to do. And still, he left the nation with close to a balanced budget. And then started a foundation that helped over 400,000,000 people world wide. Republicans investigated that foundation endlessly looking for something and could never find anything.

Then we had Bush. Mr. Incompetent. Name a part of the country he didn't damage. I can't. The economy, science, infrastructure, Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, race relations. He was like Midas. Only everything he touched turned to sh!t and was the overseer of the biggest transfer of wealth to the top 1% in the history of the world. Let America's worst mass murderer in history go scott free and stopped looking for him. He couldn't have caused more damage if that had been the GOP plan all along.

Then came Obama. No Drama Obama. Saved the car companies. Saved the economy. Presided over more than 75 straight months of economic growth. Took an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment peaked at over 10% down to over 5 million jobs unfilled with unemployment at 4.7%. Remember during the election Republicans said his saying he would take down Bin Laden no matter what showed his inexperience. So what did he do? Took down Bin Laden. Republicans had to blackmail him into extending the Bush Tax cuts. Republicans blocked him from investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf and he still got BP to pay 20 billion for clean up. Equal pay for equal work. Healthcare for millions more Americans. His list of achievements goes on and on. Even with Republicans calling him boy, tar baby, gay, attacking his children and calling his wife a transexual. Even with all that, he was successful. No scandal and no drama. The GOP tried, but like with everything else, thank God they failed.

And then came Trump. Trump. Worse than Bush. Barely over a hundred days in and impeachment seems a real possibility. Not for a BJ. But for obstruction of justice. Working with America's enemies. Even his charity foundation is under criminal investigation. Even if it isn't those things, there is still conflicts of interest, self dealing and on and on.

Republicans complain that Government doesn't work and then they give us Reagan, Bush and now Trump. Self fulfilling prophecy. But they still get Americans to vote for them. Sadly, the people they hurt the most are their supporters. But under Trump, Republicans will hurt all of America in newly unprecedented ways. Ways we never suspected. Brace yourself. The worst is yet to come.

Troll thread should go in conspiracy forum...

1st post
Reagan was bad enough with all the marines killed, the enormous transfer of wealth to the top 1% and the Iran Contra scandal. Worse, he was the start of the Great Deficit.

Then we had Bill Clinton and all the faux outrage over the BJ. OMG, he lied about getting a BJ. Something millions of Republican American men have done and continue to do. And still, he left the nation with close to a balanced budget. And then started a foundation that helped over 400,000,000 people world wide. Republicans investigated that foundation endlessly looking for something and could never find anything.

Then we had Bush. Mr. Incompetent. Name a part of the country he didn't damage. I can't. The economy, science, infrastructure, Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, race relations. He was like Midas. Only everything he touched turned to sh!t and was the overseer of the biggest transfer of wealth to the top 1% in the history of the world. Let America's worst mass murderer in history go scott free and stopped looking for him. He couldn't have caused more damage if that had been the GOP plan all along.

Then came Obama. No Drama Obama. Saved the car companies. Saved the economy. Presided over more than 75 straight months of economic growth. Took an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment peaked at over 10% down to over 5 million jobs unfilled with unemployment at 4.7%. Remember during the election Republicans said his saying he would take down Bin Laden no matter what showed his inexperience. So what did he do? Took down Bin Laden. Republicans had to blackmail him into extending the Bush Tax cuts. Republicans blocked him from investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf and he still got BP to pay 20 billion for clean up. Equal pay for equal work. Healthcare for millions more Americans. His list of achievements goes on and on. Even with Republicans calling him boy, tar baby, gay, attacking his children and calling his wife a transexual. Even with all that, he was successful. No scandal and no drama. The GOP tried, but like with everything else, thank God they failed.

And then came Trump. Trump. Worse than Bush. Barely over a hundred days in and impeachment seems a real possibility. Not for a BJ. But for obstruction of justice. Working with America's enemies. Even his charity foundation is under criminal investigation. Even if it isn't those things, there is still conflicts of interest, self dealing and on and on.

Republicans complain that Government doesn't work and then they give us Reagan, Bush and now Trump. Self fulfilling prophecy. But they still get Americans to vote for them. Sadly, the people they hurt the most are their supporters. But under Trump, Republicans will hurt all of America in newly unprecedented ways. Ways we never suspected. Brace yourself. The worst is yet to come.
The presidency should not be dramatic. Doing a good job of running the government is not a theatrical presentation. Each day under Trump, is like an episode of a TV soap opera.
What a load of utter bullshit. The only way a person could claim that there was no drama under obummer is if they were in a coma.
Or a Republican. Who have been so brainwashed, you could say their brains are in a coma.

Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

The Christian Science Monitor ran a very interesting piece in September comparing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's gun control records.

In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.


You can't make this sh!t up.
In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.

Because every time he tried to constrict them, he got shot down.

Or did you forget the big attempt for gun control after Sandy Hook?
What a load of utter bullshit. The only way a person could claim that there was no drama under obummer is if they were in a coma.
Or a Republican. Who have been so brainwashed, you could say their brains are in a coma.

Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Don't scare it off,

I want to hear how Fast and Furious is a right wing conspiracy.
First of all, border agents in Arizona and other states bordering Mexico are total right wingers. They would never work with Obama nor Holder.

This entire conspiracy is that Obama would somehow get guns to Mexican Drug lords who would use those guns to kill unsuspecting Americans and then somehow leave proof they were the ones who committed the killings and somehow leave evidence it was the the guns they got from Obama but course you couldn't trace the guns to Obama. And then, after Americans were killed, guns would be outlawed.

Told it was tarded. If a right winger could kill dozens of babies in this country, why would America care who some Mexican Drug Lords killed? Even with that, the whole conspiracy is simply laughable.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal
Or a Republican. Who have been so brainwashed, you could say their brains are in a coma.

Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

The Christian Science Monitor ran a very interesting piece in September comparing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's gun control records.

In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.


You can't make this sh!t up.
In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.

Because every time he tried to constrict them, he got shot down.

Or did you forget the big attempt for gun control after Sandy Hook?
Well of course. Republicans see the fetus as very important. Because from a fetus, eventually, you get "target practice".
5th post
Reagan was bad enough with all the marines killed, the enormous transfer of wealth to the top 1% and the Iran Contra scandal. Worse, he was the start of the Great Deficit.

Then we had Bill Clinton and all the faux outrage over the BJ. OMG, he lied about getting a BJ. Something millions of Republican American men have done and continue to do. And still, he left the nation with close to a balanced budget. And then started a foundation that helped over 400,000,000 people world wide. Republicans investigated that foundation endlessly looking for something and could never find anything.

Then we had Bush. Mr. Incompetent. Name a part of the country he didn't damage. I can't. The economy, science, infrastructure, Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, race relations. He was like Midas. Only everything he touched turned to sh!t and was the overseer of the biggest transfer of wealth to the top 1% in the history of the world. Let America's worst mass murderer in history go scott free and stopped looking for him. He couldn't have caused more damage if that had been the GOP plan all along.

Then came Obama. No Drama Obama. Saved the car companies. Saved the economy. Presided over more than 75 straight months of economic growth. Took an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment peaked at over 10% down to over 5 million jobs unfilled with unemployment at 4.7%. Remember during the election Republicans said his saying he would take down Bin Laden no matter what showed his inexperience. So what did he do? Took down Bin Laden. Republicans had to blackmail him into extending the Bush Tax cuts. Republicans blocked him from investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf and he still got BP to pay 20 billion for clean up. Equal pay for equal work. Healthcare for millions more Americans. His list of achievements goes on and on. Even with Republicans calling him boy, tar baby, gay, attacking his children and calling his wife a transexual. Even with all that, he was successful. No scandal and no drama. The GOP tried, but like with everything else, thank God they failed.

And then came Trump. Trump. Worse than Bush. Barely over a hundred days in and impeachment seems a real possibility. Not for a BJ. But for obstruction of justice. Working with America's enemies. Even his charity foundation is under criminal investigation. Even if it isn't those things, there is still conflicts of interest, self dealing and on and on.

Republicans complain that Government doesn't work and then they give us Reagan, Bush and now Trump. Self fulfilling prophecy. But they still get Americans to vote for them. Sadly, the people they hurt the most are their supporters. But under Trump, Republicans will hurt all of America in newly unprecedented ways. Ways we never suspected. Brace yourself. The worst is yet to come.

All the drama over Trump is over your own devising.


The man got into your head and is literally driving you insane (or more so).
Last edited:
Or a Republican. Who have been so brainwashed, you could say their brains are in a coma.

Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Don't scare it off,

I want to hear how Fast and Furious is a right wing conspiracy.
First of all, border agents in Arizona and other states bordering Mexico are total right wingers. They would never work with Obama nor Holder.

This entire conspiracy is that Obama would somehow get guns to Mexican Drug lords who would use those guns to kill unsuspecting Americans and then somehow leave proof they were the ones who committed the killings and somehow leave evidence it was the the guns they got from Obama but course you couldn't trace the guns to Obama. And then, after Americans were killed, guns would be outlawed.

Told it was tarded. If a right winger could kill dozens of babies in this country, why would America care who some Mexican Drug Lords killed? Even with that, the whole conspiracy is simply laughable.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

You can't be serious.

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN.com

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

a right wing conspiracy?

too funny
Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

The Christian Science Monitor ran a very interesting piece in September comparing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's gun control records.

In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.


You can't make this sh!t up.
In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.

Because every time he tried to constrict them, he got shot down.

Or did you forget the big attempt for gun control after Sandy Hook?
Well of course. Republicans see the fetus as very important. Because from a fetus, eventually, you get "target practice".

off your neds?

what does your reply have to do with Obama getting slapped down for trying major gun control after Sandy Hook?
Reagan was bad enough with all the marines killed, the enormous transfer of wealth to the top 1% and the Iran Contra scandal. Worse, he was the start of the Great Deficit.

Then we had Bill Clinton and all the faux outrage over the BJ. OMG, he lied about getting a BJ. Something millions of Republican American men have done and continue to do. And still, he left the nation with close to a balanced budget. And then started a foundation that helped over 400,000,000 people world wide. Republicans investigated that foundation endlessly looking for something and could never find anything.

Then we had Bush. Mr. Incompetent. Name a part of the country he didn't damage. I can't. The economy, science, infrastructure, Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, race relations. He was like Midas. Only everything he touched turned to sh!t and was the overseer of the biggest transfer of wealth to the top 1% in the history of the world. Let America's worst mass murderer in history go scott free and stopped looking for him. He couldn't have caused more damage if that had been the GOP plan all along.

Then came Obama. No Drama Obama. Saved the car companies. Saved the economy. Presided over more than 75 straight months of economic growth. Took an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment peaked at over 10% down to over 5 million jobs unfilled with unemployment at 4.7%. Remember during the election Republicans said his saying he would take down Bin Laden no matter what showed his inexperience. So what did he do? Took down Bin Laden. Republicans had to blackmail him into extending the Bush Tax cuts. Republicans blocked him from investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf and he still got BP to pay 20 billion for clean up. Equal pay for equal work. Healthcare for millions more Americans. His list of achievements goes on and on. Even with Republicans calling him boy, tar baby, gay, attacking his children and calling his wife a transexual. Even with all that, he was successful. No scandal and no drama. The GOP tried, but like with everything else, thank God they failed.

And then came Trump. Trump. Worse than Bush. Barely over a hundred days in and impeachment seems a real possibility. Not for a BJ. But for obstruction of justice. Working with America's enemies. Even his charity foundation is under criminal investigation. Even if it isn't those things, there is still conflicts of interest, self dealing and on and on.

Republicans complain that Government doesn't work and then they give us Reagan, Bush and now Trump. Self fulfilling prophecy. But they still get Americans to vote for them. Sadly, the people they hurt the most are their supporters. But under Trump, Republicans will hurt all of America in newly unprecedented ways. Ways we never suspected. Brace yourself. The worst is yet to come.

Mark my words: That man will be lucky if he doesn't have his retirement stripped and is prosecuted for being a traitor..
He'll sign a book deal and sell his life story.

What a load of utter bullshit. The only way a person could claim that there was no drama under obummer is if they were in a coma.
Or a Republican. Who have been so brainwashed, you could say their brains are in a coma.

Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".

I wonder what the statute of limitations is on that.

Make no mistake deanrd Law and Order is back, and there's a backlog of egregious crimes against America to prosecute, many

perpetrated by the Obama administration. Some of them are still in the government, look for that to change sooner rather than later.

They would be prosecuted under Title 18, Sec 243 so there IS no stat of limitations.
"No Drama Obama"? Holy shit, I don't even know where to start when it comes to this globalist puppet. I guess we could start with his "apology tour" to muslim nations and bowing at the hip and his proclamation that this corporate entity that is still owned by the British Crown and the Vatican is no longer a "Christian nation". His push for a healthcare bill written for insurance companies by insurance companies funded by the stealing of other people's money through a plethora of innovative taxing schemes, stealing from medi-care and medi-caid that had a three year head start on the roll-out of the disastrous "Barrypuppetcare" and how he took his show on the road pushing this by saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" which he knew was a baldfaced lie because the ACA had to make sure each plan passed their particular "sniff test" and those that had really decent healthcare plans were going to be faced with a "Cadillac tax" for having such a good plan while taxing those that lost their healthcare plan but didn't qualify for subsidies...how is that for a start?

Then we have Benghazi, we have the fake killing of Osama bin Laden that had been dead since December of 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome and then the downing of the Seal Team Six that were shoved into a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter that broke every rule of protocol concerning members of the Seals of which at least one million dollars worth of training is involved.....30 die in one felled swoop...move along folks...nothing to see here.

Then we have the bugging of the congressional rooms, we have "Fast and Furious", we have the IRS targeting groups that are not on board with Barrypuppet's commie agenda. We have the NDAA with indefinite detention of an American without due process.....how about those false flag "Operation Gladio" events like the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernadino????? Such pathetically pulled off FEMA/DHS events that even Stevie Wonder could see right through it. The garnering of the phone records of reporters ILLEGALLY so they could find "leakers" of the illegal doings of the Barrypuppet? The UNBELIEVABLY bad fraud that was his certificate of live birth that has been proven to be a forgery of the most despicable attempt at deception and then the death of Loretta Fuddy, the one that signed off on it? "No Drama Obama", my ass.......this "I will have the most transparent administration ever" was the most deviant admin that makes even Bushpuppet and his pedophile father's admin seem tame by comparison. I am no fan of Trump since his signing off on the bombing of Syria....but the Barrypuppet? I would LOVE to get this slimy sack of shit in front of a TV camera and debate his sorry ass sans a teleprompter...I would LOVE the opportunity to look him in the eye and debate him......I would have that puppet stuttering and stammering within minutes. He has got a big ol bag of nothin'....
10th post
Sure thing derpy. Fast and furious, benghazi, etc. etc. etc. One thing I will give you progressives. You're as dumb as fence posts.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Don't scare it off,

I want to hear how Fast and Furious is a right wing conspiracy.
First of all, border agents in Arizona and other states bordering Mexico are total right wingers. They would never work with Obama nor Holder.

This entire conspiracy is that Obama would somehow get guns to Mexican Drug lords who would use those guns to kill unsuspecting Americans and then somehow leave proof they were the ones who committed the killings and somehow leave evidence it was the the guns they got from Obama but course you couldn't trace the guns to Obama. And then, after Americans were killed, guns would be outlawed.

Told it was tarded. If a right winger could kill dozens of babies in this country, why would America care who some Mexican Drug Lords killed? Even with that, the whole conspiracy is simply laughable.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

You can't be serious.

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN.com

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

a right wing conspiracy?

too funny
Yea, a right wing conspiracy.

My favorite part from you links:

Attorney General Eric Holder testifies for the first time before the House Judiciary Committee that he had first heard of Operation Fast and Furious only over the past few weeks.

If you are going to accuse someone of a nutty conspiracy, better make sure they have heard of it first.
"No Drama Obama"? Holy shit, I don't even know where to start when it comes to this globalist puppet. I guess we could start with his "apology tour" to muslim nations and bowing at the hip and his proclamation that this corporate entity that is still owned by the British Crown and the Vatican is no longer a "Christian nation". His push for a healthcare bill written for insurance companies by insurance companies funded by the stealing of other people's money through a plethora of innovative taxing schemes, stealing from medi-care and medi-caid that had a three year head start on the roll-out of the disastrous "Barrypuppetcare" and how he took his show on the road pushing this by saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" which he knew was a baldfaced lie because the ACA had to make sure each plan passed their particular "sniff test" and those that had really decent healthcare plans were going to be faced with a "Cadillac tax" for having such a good plan while taxing those that lost their healthcare plan but didn't qualify for subsidies...how is that for a start?

Then we have Benghazi, we have the fake killing of Osama bin Laden that had been dead since December of 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome and then the downing of the Seal Team Six that were shoved into a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter that broke every rule of protocol concerning members of the Seals of which at least one million dollars worth of training is involved.....30 die in one felled swoop...move along folks...nothing to see here.

Then we have the bugging of the congressional rooms, we have "Fast and Furious", we have the IRS targeting groups that are not on board with Barrypuppet's commie agenda. We have the NDAA with indefinite detention of an American without due process.....how about those false flag "Operation Gladio" events like the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernadino????? Such pathetically pulled off FEMA/DHS events that even Stevie Wonder could see right through it. The garnering of the phone records of reporters ILLEGALLY so they could find "leakers" of the illegal doings of the Barrypuppet? The UNBELIEVABLY bad fraud that was his certificate of live birth that has been proven to be a forgery of the most despicable attempt at deception and then the death of Loretta Fuddy, the one that signed off on it? "No Drama Obama", my ass.......this "I will have the most transparent administration ever" was the most deviant admin that makes even Bushpuppet and his pedophile father's admin seem tame by comparison. I am no fan of Trump since his signing off on the bombing of Syria....but the Barrypuppet? I would LOVE to get this slimy sack of shit in front of a TV camera and debate his sorry ass sans a teleprompter...I would LOVE the opportunity to look him in the eye and debate him......I would have that puppet stuttering and stammering within minutes. He has got a big ol bag of nothin'....
The drooling idiot speaks.

I love it when right wingers accuse our men in the service, such as a Seal Team, of being liars. Once they are hooked into one of their idiot conspiracies, that's it. That's all they know. Any space that was availible for learning has already been permanently filled.
Fast and Furious is a hilarious right wing nut conspiracy Republicans tried and failed to make stick. When you hear it explained, you can only laugh. It makes as much sense as their hilarious fixation on Obama's birth certificate.

And even with more investigations than 9/11, Republicans finally had to give up on Benghazi.

It is, and was, a Holder bullshit attempt to try to get the American people to demand gun control. Only complete asshats, like you, give this crap a pass. If Sessions can get it I would love to see a REAL investigation of this "operation".
Don't scare it off,

I want to hear how Fast and Furious is a right wing conspiracy.
First of all, border agents in Arizona and other states bordering Mexico are total right wingers. They would never work with Obama nor Holder.

This entire conspiracy is that Obama would somehow get guns to Mexican Drug lords who would use those guns to kill unsuspecting Americans and then somehow leave proof they were the ones who committed the killings and somehow leave evidence it was the the guns they got from Obama but course you couldn't trace the guns to Obama. And then, after Americans were killed, guns would be outlawed.

Told it was tarded. If a right winger could kill dozens of babies in this country, why would America care who some Mexican Drug Lords killed? Even with that, the whole conspiracy is simply laughable.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

You can't be serious.

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN.com

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

a right wing conspiracy?

too funny
Yea, a right wing conspiracy.

My favorite part from you links:

Attorney General Eric Holder testifies for the first time before the House Judiciary Committee that he had first heard of Operation Fast and Furious only over the past few weeks.

If you are going to accuse someone of a nutty conspiracy, better make sure they have heard of it first.

are you claiming that Fast and Furious never happened?

That, somehow, the out-of-power Republicans created and implemented the program?

Even Obama got burned on his statements about it.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration
"No Drama Obama"? Holy shit, I don't even know where to start when it comes to this globalist puppet. I guess we could start with his "apology tour" to muslim nations and bowing at the hip and his proclamation that this corporate entity that is still owned by the British Crown and the Vatican is no longer a "Christian nation". His push for a healthcare bill written for insurance companies by insurance companies funded by the stealing of other people's money through a plethora of innovative taxing schemes, stealing from medi-care and medi-caid that had a three year head start on the roll-out of the disastrous "Barrypuppetcare" and how he took his show on the road pushing this by saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" which he knew was a baldfaced lie because the ACA had to make sure each plan passed their particular "sniff test" and those that had really decent healthcare plans were going to be faced with a "Cadillac tax" for having such a good plan while taxing those that lost their healthcare plan but didn't qualify for subsidies...how is that for a start?

Then we have Benghazi, we have the fake killing of Osama bin Laden that had been dead since December of 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome and then the downing of the Seal Team Six that were shoved into a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter that broke every rule of protocol concerning members of the Seals of which at least one million dollars worth of training is involved.....30 die in one felled swoop...move along folks...nothing to see here.

Then we have the bugging of the congressional rooms, we have "Fast and Furious", we have the IRS targeting groups that are not on board with Barrypuppet's commie agenda. We have the NDAA with indefinite detention of an American without due process.....how about those false flag "Operation Gladio" events like the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernadino????? Such pathetically pulled off FEMA/DHS events that even Stevie Wonder could see right through it. The garnering of the phone records of reporters ILLEGALLY so they could find "leakers" of the illegal doings of the Barrypuppet? The UNBELIEVABLY bad fraud that was his certificate of live birth that has been proven to be a forgery of the most despicable attempt at deception and then the death of Loretta Fuddy, the one that signed off on it? "No Drama Obama", my ass.......this "I will have the most transparent administration ever" was the most deviant admin that makes even Bushpuppet and his pedophile father's admin seem tame by comparison. I am no fan of Trump since his signing off on the bombing of Syria....but the Barrypuppet? I would LOVE to get this slimy sack of shit in front of a TV camera and debate his sorry ass sans a teleprompter...I would LOVE the opportunity to look him in the eye and debate him......I would have that puppet stuttering and stammering within minutes. He has got a big ol bag of nothin'....
The drooling idiot speaks.

I love it when right wingers accuse our men in the service, such as a Seal Team, of being liars. Once they are hooked into one of their idiot conspiracies, that's it. That's all they know. Any space that was availible for learning has already been permanently filled.
sounds like self analysis
"No Drama Obama"? Holy shit, I don't even know where to start when it comes to this globalist puppet. I guess we could start with his "apology tour" to muslim nations and bowing at the hip and his proclamation that this corporate entity that is still owned by the British Crown and the Vatican is no longer a "Christian nation". His push for a healthcare bill written for insurance companies by insurance companies funded by the stealing of other people's money through a plethora of innovative taxing schemes, stealing from medi-care and medi-caid that had a three year head start on the roll-out of the disastrous "Barrypuppetcare" and how he took his show on the road pushing this by saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" which he knew was a baldfaced lie because the ACA had to make sure each plan passed their particular "sniff test" and those that had really decent healthcare plans were going to be faced with a "Cadillac tax" for having such a good plan while taxing those that lost their healthcare plan but didn't qualify for subsidies...how is that for a start?

Then we have Benghazi, we have the fake killing of Osama bin Laden that had been dead since December of 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome and then the downing of the Seal Team Six that were shoved into a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter that broke every rule of protocol concerning members of the Seals of which at least one million dollars worth of training is involved.....30 die in one felled swoop...move along folks...nothing to see here.

Then we have the bugging of the congressional rooms, we have "Fast and Furious", we have the IRS targeting groups that are not on board with Barrypuppet's commie agenda. We have the NDAA with indefinite detention of an American without due process.....how about those false flag "Operation Gladio" events like the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernadino????? Such pathetically pulled off FEMA/DHS events that even Stevie Wonder could see right through it. The garnering of the phone records of reporters ILLEGALLY so they could find "leakers" of the illegal doings of the Barrypuppet? The UNBELIEVABLY bad fraud that was his certificate of live birth that has been proven to be a forgery of the most despicable attempt at deception and then the death of Loretta Fuddy, the one that signed off on it? "No Drama Obama", my ass.......this "I will have the most transparent administration ever" was the most deviant admin that makes even Bushpuppet and his pedophile father's admin seem tame by comparison. I am no fan of Trump since his signing off on the bombing of Syria....but the Barrypuppet? I would LOVE to get this slimy sack of shit in front of a TV camera and debate his sorry ass sans a teleprompter...I would LOVE the opportunity to look him in the eye and debate him......I would have that puppet stuttering and stammering within minutes. He has got a big ol bag of nothin'....
The drooling idiot speaks.

I love it when right wingers accuse our men in the service, such as a Seal Team, of being liars. Once they are hooked into one of their idiot conspiracies, that's it. That's all they know. Any space that was availible for learning has already been permanently filled.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You chew up the lies and propaganda the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media feeds you like a dung beetle chews up shit. I KNOW exactly of what I speak. I have spent thousands of hours learning the things I know. Any time you wish to take me on in a debate, all you have to do is ask. I am not left OR right so don't try and categorize in a lame attempt to marginalize. Honestly, I thank my heavenly Father that I am not stupid and gullible like you are.
15th post
"No Drama Obama"? Holy shit, I don't even know where to start when it comes to this globalist puppet. I guess we could start with his "apology tour" to muslim nations and bowing at the hip and his proclamation that this corporate entity that is still owned by the British Crown and the Vatican is no longer a "Christian nation". His push for a healthcare bill written for insurance companies by insurance companies funded by the stealing of other people's money through a plethora of innovative taxing schemes, stealing from medi-care and medi-caid that had a three year head start on the roll-out of the disastrous "Barrypuppetcare" and how he took his show on the road pushing this by saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" which he knew was a baldfaced lie because the ACA had to make sure each plan passed their particular "sniff test" and those that had really decent healthcare plans were going to be faced with a "Cadillac tax" for having such a good plan while taxing those that lost their healthcare plan but didn't qualify for subsidies...how is that for a start?

Then we have Benghazi, we have the fake killing of Osama bin Laden that had been dead since December of 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome and then the downing of the Seal Team Six that were shoved into a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter that broke every rule of protocol concerning members of the Seals of which at least one million dollars worth of training is involved.....30 die in one felled swoop...move along folks...nothing to see here.

Then we have the bugging of the congressional rooms, we have "Fast and Furious", we have the IRS targeting groups that are not on board with Barrypuppet's commie agenda. We have the NDAA with indefinite detention of an American without due process.....how about those false flag "Operation Gladio" events like the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernadino????? Such pathetically pulled off FEMA/DHS events that even Stevie Wonder could see right through it. The garnering of the phone records of reporters ILLEGALLY so they could find "leakers" of the illegal doings of the Barrypuppet? The UNBELIEVABLY bad fraud that was his certificate of live birth that has been proven to be a forgery of the most despicable attempt at deception and then the death of Loretta Fuddy, the one that signed off on it? "No Drama Obama", my ass.......this "I will have the most transparent administration ever" was the most deviant admin that makes even Bushpuppet and his pedophile father's admin seem tame by comparison. I am no fan of Trump since his signing off on the bombing of Syria....but the Barrypuppet? I would LOVE to get this slimy sack of shit in front of a TV camera and debate his sorry ass sans a teleprompter...I would LOVE the opportunity to look him in the eye and debate him......I would have that puppet stuttering and stammering within minutes. He has got a big ol bag of nothin'....
The drooling idiot speaks.

I love it when right wingers accuse our men in the service, such as a Seal Team, of being liars. Once they are hooked into one of their idiot conspiracies, that's it. That's all they know. Any space that was availible for learning has already been permanently filled.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You chew up the lies and propaganda the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media feeds you like a dung beetle chews up shit. I KNOW exactly of what I speak. I have spent thousands of hours learning the things I know. Any time you wish to take me on in a debate, all you have to do is ask. I am not left OR right so don't try and categorize in a lame attempt to marginalize. Honestly, I thank my heavenly Father that I am not stupid and gullible like you are.
You spent thousands of hours learning everything you know? And yet, it only took 15 minutes to tell your friend everything you know. I guess for you learning takes a lot more time. Imagine how long it would take for you to learn something of value.
"No Drama Obama"? Holy shit, I don't even know where to start when it comes to this globalist puppet. I guess we could start with his "apology tour" to muslim nations and bowing at the hip and his proclamation that this corporate entity that is still owned by the British Crown and the Vatican is no longer a "Christian nation". His push for a healthcare bill written for insurance companies by insurance companies funded by the stealing of other people's money through a plethora of innovative taxing schemes, stealing from medi-care and medi-caid that had a three year head start on the roll-out of the disastrous "Barrypuppetcare" and how he took his show on the road pushing this by saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" which he knew was a baldfaced lie because the ACA had to make sure each plan passed their particular "sniff test" and those that had really decent healthcare plans were going to be faced with a "Cadillac tax" for having such a good plan while taxing those that lost their healthcare plan but didn't qualify for subsidies...how is that for a start?

Then we have Benghazi, we have the fake killing of Osama bin Laden that had been dead since December of 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome and then the downing of the Seal Team Six that were shoved into a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter that broke every rule of protocol concerning members of the Seals of which at least one million dollars worth of training is involved.....30 die in one felled swoop...move along folks...nothing to see here.

Then we have the bugging of the congressional rooms, we have "Fast and Furious", we have the IRS targeting groups that are not on board with Barrypuppet's commie agenda. We have the NDAA with indefinite detention of an American without due process.....how about those false flag "Operation Gladio" events like the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernadino????? Such pathetically pulled off FEMA/DHS events that even Stevie Wonder could see right through it. The garnering of the phone records of reporters ILLEGALLY so they could find "leakers" of the illegal doings of the Barrypuppet? The UNBELIEVABLY bad fraud that was his certificate of live birth that has been proven to be a forgery of the most despicable attempt at deception and then the death of Loretta Fuddy, the one that signed off on it? "No Drama Obama", my ass.......this "I will have the most transparent administration ever" was the most deviant admin that makes even Bushpuppet and his pedophile father's admin seem tame by comparison. I am no fan of Trump since his signing off on the bombing of Syria....but the Barrypuppet? I would LOVE to get this slimy sack of shit in front of a TV camera and debate his sorry ass sans a teleprompter...I would LOVE the opportunity to look him in the eye and debate him......I would have that puppet stuttering and stammering within minutes. He has got a big ol bag of nothin'....
The drooling idiot speaks.

I love it when right wingers accuse our men in the service, such as a Seal Team, of being liars. Once they are hooked into one of their idiot conspiracies, that's it. That's all they know. Any space that was availible for learning has already been permanently filled.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You chew up the lies and propaganda the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media feeds you like a dung beetle chews up shit. I KNOW exactly of what I speak. I have spent thousands of hours learning the things I know. Any time you wish to take me on in a debate, all you have to do is ask. I am not left OR right so don't try and categorize in a lame attempt to marginalize. Honestly, I thank my heavenly Father that I am not stupid and gullible like you are.
You spent thousands of hours learning everything you know? And yet, it only took 15 minutes to tell your friend everything you know. I guess for you learning takes a lot more time. Imagine how long it would take for you to learn something of value.

LOL! You are simply a fool and a shill. "Learn something of value"? Like learning how to be a good commie leftard such as yourself? That would be easy....just get a frontal lobotomy. You avoid the crimes and treason of the Barrypuppet like a Hollywood vampire avoids sunlight. The end justifies the means, right, "comrade"????
"No Drama Obama"? Holy shit, I don't even know where to start when it comes to this globalist puppet. I guess we could start with his "apology tour" to muslim nations and bowing at the hip and his proclamation that this corporate entity that is still owned by the British Crown and the Vatican is no longer a "Christian nation". His push for a healthcare bill written for insurance companies by insurance companies funded by the stealing of other people's money through a plethora of innovative taxing schemes, stealing from medi-care and medi-caid that had a three year head start on the roll-out of the disastrous "Barrypuppetcare" and how he took his show on the road pushing this by saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" which he knew was a baldfaced lie because the ACA had to make sure each plan passed their particular "sniff test" and those that had really decent healthcare plans were going to be faced with a "Cadillac tax" for having such a good plan while taxing those that lost their healthcare plan but didn't qualify for subsidies...how is that for a start?

Then we have Benghazi, we have the fake killing of Osama bin Laden that had been dead since December of 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome and then the downing of the Seal Team Six that were shoved into a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter that broke every rule of protocol concerning members of the Seals of which at least one million dollars worth of training is involved.....30 die in one felled swoop...move along folks...nothing to see here.

Then we have the bugging of the congressional rooms, we have "Fast and Furious", we have the IRS targeting groups that are not on board with Barrypuppet's commie agenda. We have the NDAA with indefinite detention of an American without due process.....how about those false flag "Operation Gladio" events like the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernadino????? Such pathetically pulled off FEMA/DHS events that even Stevie Wonder could see right through it. The garnering of the phone records of reporters ILLEGALLY so they could find "leakers" of the illegal doings of the Barrypuppet? The UNBELIEVABLY bad fraud that was his certificate of live birth that has been proven to be a forgery of the most despicable attempt at deception and then the death of Loretta Fuddy, the one that signed off on it? "No Drama Obama", my ass.......this "I will have the most transparent administration ever" was the most deviant admin that makes even Bushpuppet and his pedophile father's admin seem tame by comparison. I am no fan of Trump since his signing off on the bombing of Syria....but the Barrypuppet? I would LOVE to get this slimy sack of shit in front of a TV camera and debate his sorry ass sans a teleprompter...I would LOVE the opportunity to look him in the eye and debate him......I would have that puppet stuttering and stammering within minutes. He has got a big ol bag of nothin'....
The drooling idiot speaks.

I love it when right wingers accuse our men in the service, such as a Seal Team, of being liars. Once they are hooked into one of their idiot conspiracies, that's it. That's all they know. Any space that was availible for learning has already been permanently filled.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You chew up the lies and propaganda the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media feeds you like a dung beetle chews up shit. I KNOW exactly of what I speak. I have spent thousands of hours learning the things I know. Any time you wish to take me on in a debate, all you have to do is ask. I am not left OR right so don't try and categorize in a lame attempt to marginalize. Honestly, I thank my heavenly Father that I am not stupid and gullible like you are.
You spent thousands of hours learning everything you know? And yet, it only took 15 minutes to tell your friend everything you know. I guess for you learning takes a lot more time. Imagine how long it would take for you to learn something of value.
It took Less than 15 minutes to realize that you are a jester of the same temper as Obama.

With all the fake news about Trump's alleged Russian connection, everyone conveniently forgot that draft dodger Bill Clinton received a tour of mother Russia courtesy of the KGB when as a student in England he was spotted demonstrating against his own Country. In his first term he dismissed the first attempt to blow up the World Trade Center as a "stupid act by stupid people". President Clinton sold or gave nuclear technology to North Korea in an apparent misguided effort to civilize the regime and gain a Nobel Prize. The effort failed big time and the crazy regime is now a nuclear power. China was just an economic threat to the U.S. until Clinton decided to pay off a big campaign contributor and sell rocket technology that China turned into ICBM hardware. While Clinton was busy engaging in sodomy in the Oval Office his leaderless federal cops used a search warrant that was so faulty that it was laughable to ultimately use tanks and poison gas to kill about 80 men, women and children in Waco, Texas. When he was finally caught with his pants down, Clinton decided to bomb freaking Europe (5,000 civilian casualties?) while the 9-11 terrorist gang that attempted to blow up the WTC during his first term were attending flight school in Florida. The only thing the Clinton's ever had going for them was the drooling support of the liberal media.

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