I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Ukraine being "the most corrupted country in the world" at the time, had half or more of their officials, including their president, corrupted.

And out of ALL those corrupted people, this ONE prosecutor was so important to be fired, and was the ONLY one that had to be fired immediately, on request of US vice-president. If you're fighting corruption, why would you stop there?

Wha the commies are expecting us to believe is that Joe got the prosecutor fired because he was not doing enough to look into the corruption of the company that was paying his son 80K a month. They really think we believe that.

Who cares what you b'lieve? It's your inability to prove your beliefs are real that matters.
It has now come out that both Nunes & Jordan made trips to dig up dirt about Biden & the Ukraine.

So the two key Republicans were complicit in the effort to smear Biden.

Wow, the Republicans just get dirtier & dirtier as we go.

Correct. If we don't stop it now, the next thing you know, they will be laundering money through their lawyers to hire an agency to find dirt on Biden, even if they hire a foreign agent to obtain proof from the Russian government.

Then where will this country be?

Of pleeze Stop WHAT? You don’t have any fucking proof of that NONE. You are planting lies.

Do you want us to post here where Trump piece of shit corruptions?

Maybe you don’t even know Nunes, Guilliani and the rest of these goons are working with Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor general. It doesn’t gets worse than that. Is that supposed to be credible?
Sondland testified that Trump said “No quid pro quo”.


There is no corruption. This is all bullshit.
Trump's own acting chief of staff said there was quid pro quo...

"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney
No quid pro quo.

All bullshit.

Win at the polls, lefty losers.

Such pathetic losers.
Trump openly admitted to doing precisely that.
Multiple witnesses said he did precisely that, as well.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.

That is not what Sondland admitted at the hearing.
He did when one of the Republican ranking members told him to quote what the President told him. And after his memory had been refreshed by Jim Jordan, he parrotted the reading from the phone call replayed. The President said effectively, "I want nothing. I want nothing. No quid pro quo." You'd know that if you ever bothered to listen to the phone call that was also recorded and replayed on a conservative news program whihc your fellow democrats constantly diss, even when it is obvious the tape is authentic. Sondland parrotted exactly what the president said, and he remembered it well, but not until a Republican House member questioned him. That changed the entire morning arranged quotations by Democrats trying to conceal what the President Donald Trump actually said by avoiding it entirely and making certain it was not placed in Sondland's 22 pages of opening testimony papers, for which the Republicans jumped on this tangled web weaver like ugly on an ape, which Sondland a lot more than deserved for concealing the actual words of President Trump all morning long. But Jim Jordan wasn't worried. he had the actual tape, and he reminded everyone what the president said in a way they couldn't ignore it.
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Because Ukraine is corrupt and so is Biden. With no experience, Hunter got a multi-million dollar job with a corrupt company in a corrupt country. But as far as the left is concerned, nothing to see here folks!

You don’t have any evidence that Biden was corrupt.
But we have a very very clear evidence that Trump is very corrupt. That’s a fact jack.

This planet has 7.5 billion people on it. Do you mean to tell me there is nothing corrupt about a VP's son getting the job when he was the least qualified out of all these people? Not only that, but the highest paid member on the board?

Talking about corrupt. Why don’t you start with your Boi Trump?

The only idiots that keeps talking about Biden and his son committed corruption are Trump supporters. Nobody else.

As far as unqualified. Trump is inept and most unqualified president. The whole world knows that.

The requirements to be a US President are written within the US Constitution, and Trump meets those requirements. You don't have to be an establishment person to get to be President.

A two year 45 million dollar investigation that turned up nothing in regards to why it was started began over a joke Trump made about getting Hillary's emails. But a drug addict, kicked out of the military, in and out of rehabs three times, gets a job for 83,000 a year, and nobody is supposed to care.

Mueller did not exonerate Trump. It just they can’t indict a sitting president. That’s a fact jack. I’m not sure why you have to brought this up? Poorly informed?

We are talking about unqualified which I gave you several examples. Trump and Kushner.

So Hunter got a high paying job and unqualified? SO WHAT?
Another example. How many of Trump former cabinets that are unqualified, over paid, fired or corrupted?

If this is all you’ve got against Biden then it’s laughable. Hunter has nothing to do with all these lying propaganda that you and your buddies are spreading.

Here is Hunter Biden Wikipedia. You may want to update yourself. He is paid $50,000 not $83,000 that you are lying.

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia

FACT CHECK: Was Hunter Biden Paid As Much As $50,000 A Month For His Work With Burisma?

Federal court documents prove Biden and Archer was paid 186,000 a month for at least 2 years. And the DOJ is looking into your conspiracy theory. We'll see what Durham turns up.

John Durham investigating Ukraine in Trump-Russia origins probe

I will ask again..............Why didn't Obama and Biden give weapons to Ukraine when their people were dying.............

And again............I've that had been me they would have gotten the weapons and told good hunting.........

And 3 years of Russian BS from the left..............No wonder the world laughs at us.

1. Ukraine has enough fire power to protect themselves. Russia only stayed in Crimea its like a big island vital to Russian for military shipping lanes.
They did not advanced after that.

2. On top of that there is a US military presence in Black Sea if needed.

3. After 3 years BS from the left? None from the left are saying BS. You and Trump and the rest are very busy spreading lies.

4. Do you want to go to WW3 with Russia because of Crimea?

Selling anti tank to Ukraine. BFD.
GFY, you and your ilk are the best tools Putin has in the US. We had an election, you lost, deal with it.


Just pointing out the corruption that Rump does for his buddy Putin and the misinformation that you repeat from the GRU trying to cover that up.

In other words, LYING! Good job commie, your comrade Putin is proud of you.


Considering you are repeating Putins....er.....what Rump says, looks to me that you are the commie Putin loving commie. How's the weather in Moscow these days.

GFY, I gave you links and facts, now run along you're wasting my time repeating yourself.


You gave me links to rwfruitcake sites that all register as conspiracy sites. They are doing what you are doing and just repeating what the Russians tell them to say. Comon, Comrade, come up with something better. But in your world, that's all you got. Rump follows the Russian Propoganda to the letter and you just repeat what he says. We need a real President. And that's going to be hard to find.

And all quoted sources, not a bunch of anonymous crap.

Try this link on for size commie, it's sourced also.

John Durham investigating Ukraine in Trump-Russia origins probe

I will ask again..............Why didn't Obama and Biden give weapons to Ukraine when their people were dying.............

And again............I've that had been me they would have gotten the weapons and told good hunting.........

And 3 years of Russian BS from the left..............No wonder the world laughs at us.

The Grandstanding by the Dimms during the hearings about aid being delayed while Ukrainians were dying from being attacked by Putin was absolutely fucking laughable when Obama didn’t give any weapons for 8 years!

What did Obama do when PUTIN ANNEXED CRIMEA? Jack fucking squat.

Yes he did. Poorly informed trump supporters like you don’t know shit.

Obama applied crippling economic sanctions against Putin and kick him out of G8. That his lover Trump trying to reinstate.
I will ask again..............Why didn't Obama and Biden give weapons to Ukraine when their people were dying.............

And again............I've that had been me they would have gotten the weapons and told good hunting.........

And 3 years of Russian BS from the left..............No wonder the world laughs at us.

1. Ukraine has enough fire power to protect themselves. Russia only stayed in Crimea its like a big island vital to Russian for military shipping lanes.
They did not advanced after that.

2. On top of that there is a US military presence in Black Sea if needed.

3. After 3 years BS from the left? None from the left are saying BS. You and Trump and the rest are very busy spreading lies.

4. Do you want to go to WW3 with Russia because of Crimea?

Selling anti tank to Ukraine. BFD.
Who the hell said I wanted WWIII ...........the voices in your head.....

And if they had enough fire power to stop it why were they begging NATO for help.........

It is the left that has lost it's minds over Russia...........And in regards to the Ukraine and Lethal weapons I was all for it to kill Russians if need be...........

But on one day it's we are Putin's puppet.........and the next do you want War with them...

One day your side will make up it's damned minds.
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.

Admitted by who?
In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to pressure Ukraine's government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 US election.

In other words, he acknowledged doing the very thing he could be impeached for and has repeatedly denied.

Here's the interview. Portions relevant to this article start around the 5:50 mark.

I’ll just leave this here...

Politico: Ukraine interfered in 2016 election against Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton | Sharyl Attkisson

I already blasted and trashed this link. Look at the dates idiots.

This is exactly what Fiona was blasting at the hearing planted by Russian operatives.

Why traitors like you people love these garbages?
Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.
It all started with Trump when on July 25, he ask Zelensky for this little favor of investigating the Bidens. The most shocking part of this is that Trump saw absolutely nothing wrong in asking a foreign goverment to investigate a candidate for president that he will most likely face in the next election. If the Senate fails to convict Trump which is almost certain, the biggest celebration will not be in the White House but in Moscow.

So because slow Joe is running for President, he's insulated from any suspicion of wrong doing? This is the problem: in spite of their beliefs, there is no Thought Police in the US. You cannot read minds or tell the future. Nobody, including Trump, knows who he's going to run against. Furthermore, Joe is so washed up that Biden getting the nomination would guarantee a Trump win.

This happened the other night. Slow Joe claimed to have the support from the only black woman in the Senate. Problem was, he was standing right next to Harris when he made the claim.

Whether "Slow Joe" is guilty of any wrong doing is totally irrelevant in the Trump impeachment and here's why. A president running for re-election can not ask a foreign government to open an investigation against another candidate without violating our election laws as well as Article 1 Section 9 of the constitution and thus a violation of oath of office, unless his intent has nothing to do with discrediting his political opponent.

What it all boils down to is the intent of the president. If his sole reason for pressuring the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens is his desire to eliminate corruption in the Ukraine, then his actions are justified. However, from the direct evidence presented in the House investigation as well as comments by Trump himself, it makes it doubtful that his real intent is cleaning up corruption in the Ukraine and not to discrediting Biden.

Biden is not the nominee, and it's likely he won't be. This charge that Trump stalled the aid for political advantage requires a crystal ball that tells us Biden will be the nominee.

Trump gave several reasons for stopping the aid, including the lack of funds from other UN countries. You can't make the case it's a false concern given the fact he ran on the UN skipping out on their equal share during the Republican debates. Nor can you make the case that it was the rat who forced Trump to act, when it's clear and documented that Congress critters from both sides were applying the pressure.

I don't recall Trump ever using the term "start an investigation" The key words he used were "look into it" and "favor." The dictionary term for favor is doing something out of good will without remuneration.

EU countries have provide the Ukraine 16.4 billion dollars over the last 4 years. They are certainly providing their share of the cost.

There is no doubt that Zelensky understood Trump wanted an investigation. 6 times in the phone conversation he refers to an investigation.

When Trump began the following discussion of Biden in his request for investigation, he gave democrats the ammunition they needed for an impeachment. "There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

If Trump had just ask Zelensky for an investigation of corruption, then there would be no evidence for impeachment in the call. Once he made it clear he wanted Biden investigated, he gave the democrats an article of impeachment. A president can't ask a foreign country to investigate a candidate for president, That's a violation of election law and a violation of the constitution.

Had Trump simply ask Zelensky to open an investigation of corruption, talk to Rudy about it, and not mentioned Biden, we would not be discussing this call and there would have been no impeachment investigation. Giuliani could have directed Zelensky to focus on Biden, make public statements and give Trump exactly what he wanted.

Was Bidens name mentioned in the call ???
It all started with Trump when on July 25, he ask Zelensky for this little favor of investigating the Bidens. The most shocking part of this is that Trump saw absolutely nothing wrong in asking a foreign goverment to investigate a candidate for president that he will most likely face in the next election. If the Senate fails to convict Trump which is almost certain, the biggest celebration will not be in the White House but in Moscow.

So because slow Joe is running for President, he's insulated from any suspicion of wrong doing? This is the problem: in spite of their beliefs, there is no Thought Police in the US. You cannot read minds or tell the future. Nobody, including Trump, knows who he's going to run against. Furthermore, Joe is so washed up that Biden getting the nomination would guarantee a Trump win.

This happened the other night. Slow Joe claimed to have the support from the only black woman in the Senate. Problem was, he was standing right next to Harris when he made the claim.

Whether "Slow Joe" is guilty of any wrong doing is totally irrelevant in the Trump impeachment and here's why. A president running for re-election can not ask a foreign government to open an investigation against another candidate without violating our election laws as well as Article 1 Section 9 of the constitution and thus a violation of oath of office, unless his intent has nothing to do with discrediting his political opponent.

What it all boils down to is the intent of the president. If his sole reason for pressuring the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens is his desire to eliminate corruption in the Ukraine, then his actions are justified. However, from the direct evidence presented in the House investigation as well as comments by Trump himself, it makes it doubtful that his real intent is cleaning up corruption in the Ukraine and not to discrediting Biden.

Biden is not the nominee, and it's likely he won't be. This charge that Trump stalled the aid for political advantage requires a crystal ball that tells us Biden will be the nominee.

Trump gave several reasons for stopping the aid, including the lack of funds from other UN countries. You can't make the case it's a false concern given the fact he ran on the UN skipping out on their equal share during the Republican debates. Nor can you make the case that it was the rat who forced Trump to act, when it's clear and documented that Congress critters from both sides were applying the pressure.

I don't recall Trump ever using the term "start an investigation" The key words he used were "look into it" and "favor." The dictionary term for favor is doing something out of good will without remuneration.

EU countries have provide the Ukraine 16.4 billion dollars over the last 4 years. They are certainly providing their share of the cost.

There is no doubt that Zelensky understood Trump wanted an investigation. 6 times in the phone conversation he refers to an investigation.

When Trump began the following discussion of Biden in his request for investigation, he gave democrats the ammunition they for an impeachment. "There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

If Trump had just ask Zelensky for an investigation of corruption, then there would be no evidence for impeachment in the call. Once he made it clear he wanted Biden investigated, he gave the democrats an article of impeachment. A president can't ask a foreign country to investigate a candidate for president, That's a violation of election law and if the request is coming from president, it's violation of constitution.

Had Trump simply ask Zelensky to open an investigation of corruption, talk to Rudy about it, and not mentioned Biden, we would not be discussing this call and there would have been no impeachment investigation. Giuliani could have directed Zelensky to focus on Biden, make public statements and give Trump exactly what he wanted. There would been no case of impeachment.

Then what you are saying is that even if Biden exercised corruption, he is immune from requests of an investigation simply because he is one of 30 people running for the nomination????? How ridiculous is that?

Now find me the word "investigation" in that phone transcript please. Trump never said anything about Biden's candidacy nor election. The commies just decided to use it as an excuse to conduct a phony impeachment hearing. When you on the left can come up with empirical evidence as to why Trump asked that favor, then bring impeachment charges. But they can't legitimately bring such charges based on what the commies thought Trump meant.

Again, this is a Thought Police impeachment.

Trump should not be asking the Ukraine or any country for an investigation targeting any presidential candidate because it’s violates our election laws. It is perfectly legal for him to ask the Ukraine to investigate corruption in their country as long as he does not include any presidential candidate in that request.

Whether Biden violated Ukraine law is a Ukrainian issue, not a US issue. Had Trump simply ask for an investigation of corruption in the Ukraine and left it to Guilana to pressure Zenlinsky to make a public statement and focus on Biden, we wouldn’t be discussing this now.

Again, there is no doubt that Trump conveyed his desire for an investigation to Zelensky. Zelensky mention the investigation 6 times in their July 25 phone conversation in response to Trump’s request. Equally clear is the fact that Trump wanted that investigation to include Biden. In that phone conversation Trump said, “There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.” This is not hearsay evidence and there is no need to guess at what Trump meant or is asking for because he's telling us. If you're claiming Trump was not asking for an investigation of Biden or Trump's intent is unclear, you're see this through GOP colored glasses.

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics
One huge problem. Barr blindly supports anything Rump does and says. Barr isn't representing the United States of America. He's Rumps personal lawyer. So with that in mind, exactly who in the Judicial Branch should Congress take their grievance to? The Top Cop is corrupt as hell. Rump has seized control over about 3/5ths of the government. It should be 1/3rd but he's bot a lock on more like 2/3rds with his criminal Moscow Mitch at his Back. This looks very similar to Italy in 1933 that propelled Mussolini into absolute power. Obviously, Rump read the playbook leading up to the power grab in Italy by 1933. If I thought you had the capability to actually read history I would suggest some good reading for you. But you only listen to Rush and Hannity and the Extreme Right wing part of Fox along with some conspiracy sites.

One huge problem, the DOJ did not have an open case looking into the Bidens. If they had, it would have been unwise but not illegal. And even Barr wouldn't touch that hot potato. But would it have been found to be illegal? Probably not. Just damaging but not any worse than Rump on any given Tuesday. But Rump doing it back channel trying to blackmail another head of state to announce they are starting an investigation into the Bidens when Biden was beating him in the polls by refusing funds that were already authorized to go to Ukraine and dangling a face to face meeting to help Ukraine with it's face problem with Russia is downright criminal. And don't give me that crap that he didn't do any of it. Everyone from the dog catcher to the lead Diplomat was aware of it after certain date. But even a Professional Diplomat can only take so much corruption before they say enough. And that is pretty well what has happened.
Long winded Lie bro.....

Biden didn't go to Ukraine to save it from Russia...........Apple Pie...........and the American way.........He did it to take advantage of the Chaos.......He takes his son on Air Force 2 to the Ukraine while thousands are dying from the Ruskies..........And a week later his son is WOW on the Board of the Largest Gas Producer in the Ukraine.............

If your concern is for the Ukraine with Russia on their door step back then.........Then Biden should have been there to meet with Ukraine military officials to discuss WHAT THEY NEED to PROTECT THEMSELVES...........

Like Lethal aid.............the ability to kill Russian armor.......aka tanks...........Did Joe and Obama do that........they gave a bunch of NON MILITARY AID.............but didn't give Ukraine weapons to stop the Russians on the battlefield...........

Biden CASHED in on his position during a time of Crisis and Chaos..............for his son.......Ray Charles can see that.

Trump on the other hand gave Ukraine Lethal weapons to help them KILL RUSSIANS if need be.........Why didn't that happen when Obama was in power..........hmmmm..........As thousands of Ukrainians were dying......

The DOJ has been looking at 2016 election meddling for years now, but have ignored the DNC's role in this and the courts of Ukraine in this.............Because it has been a Partisan Investigation that ignores the other sides dealings from the Deep State............who are attempting a COUP on Trump.

I'll use what the Dems have been using for years..............IF BIDEN is innocent...........then he should want this investigated to CLEAR HIS NAME.............If he did no crime .............Then he should WELCOME BEING INVESTIGATED.............

The Biden's will not be taken down..............Graham calling for an investigation will in the end do NOTHING.........It's a Show.............Biden and Graham are friends......and behind closed doors laugh about it and rehearse the next SHOW to cover their butts from all the corruption they have done as career politicains.

Career politicians from both parties...........keep the people at each other so they don't come after them for their corruption..............It's a designed strategy
Jesus fuck you people are dumnber than shit.

How often has Ivanka or Jared ride on AF1? When Trump was dealing with China, both Donnie & Ivanka were getting copyrights for their businesses.

That is corruption.

Joe Biden acted along with other countries to remove a prosecutor. (there was no active barisma investigation at that time)

Hunter Biden was never being investigated.

You God damn stupid fucks need to start caring more about Amerca than that Conman you elected President.
When I want your advice I'll ask for it.................Biden is dirty...........He was hooking up his son with his position while Ukrainians were dying in the field against Russia............

If he's so great, why wasn't he there arranging anti tank missiles to KILL RUSSIANS............You have for years said TRUMP RUSSIA..............yet your own side sent MRE's instead of weapons while people were dying........

Your party is a JOKE...........Biden is a Joke........and so is this investigation............
Wow, whje caught lying, you just increase the lying. Joe Biden had nothing to do with Hunter getting that job.

You are a joke, Trump Boy.

Correct, Hunter just answered a want ad in the paper:


You are just unbelievable full of crap.

Drug problems of Hunter was way before he became a board members and work prestigious companies here in US ..... before he joined Burisma.

Like I told you before board member of a company like Gas or Coal, Exxon, Gold..... it’s very very easy. You don’t have to mix chemicals.
It all started with Trump when on July 25, he ask Zelensky for this little favor of investigating the Bidens. The most shocking part of this is that Trump saw absolutely nothing wrong in asking a foreign goverment to investigate a candidate for president that he will most likely face in the next election. If the Senate fails to convict Trump which is almost certain, the biggest celebration will not be in the White House but in Moscow.

So because slow Joe is running for President, he's insulated from any suspicion of wrong doing? This is the problem: in spite of their beliefs, there is no Thought Police in the US. You cannot read minds or tell the future. Nobody, including Trump, knows who he's going to run against. Furthermore, Joe is so washed up that Biden getting the nomination would guarantee a Trump win.

This happened the other night. Slow Joe claimed to have the support from the only black woman in the Senate. Problem was, he was standing right next to Harris when he made the claim.

Whether "Slow Joe" is guilty of any wrong doing is totally irrelevant in the Trump impeachment and here's why. A president running for re-election can not ask a foreign government to open an investigation against another candidate without violating our election laws as well as Article 1 Section 9 of the constitution and thus a violation of oath of office, unless his intent has nothing to do with discrediting his political opponent.

What it all boils down to is the intent of the president. If his sole reason for pressuring the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens is his desire to eliminate corruption in the Ukraine, then his actions are justified. However, from the direct evidence presented in the House investigation as well as comments by Trump himself, it makes it doubtful that his real intent is cleaning up corruption in the Ukraine and not to discrediting Biden.

Biden is not the nominee, and it's likely he won't be. This charge that Trump stalled the aid for political advantage requires a crystal ball that tells us Biden will be the nominee.

Trump gave several reasons for stopping the aid, including the lack of funds from other UN countries. You can't make the case it's a false concern given the fact he ran on the UN skipping out on their equal share during the Republican debates. Nor can you make the case that it was the rat who forced Trump to act, when it's clear and documented that Congress critters from both sides were applying the pressure.

I don't recall Trump ever using the term "start an investigation" The key words he used were "look into it" and "favor." The dictionary term for favor is doing something out of good will without remuneration.

EU countries have provide the Ukraine 16.4 billion dollars over the last 4 years. They are certainly providing their share of the cost.

There is no doubt that Zelensky understood Trump wanted an investigation. 6 times in the phone conversation he refers to an investigation.

When Trump began the following discussion of Biden in his request for investigation, he gave democrats the ammunition they needed for an impeachment. "There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

If Trump had just ask Zelensky for an investigation of corruption, then there would be no evidence for impeachment in the call. Once he made it clear he wanted Biden investigated, he gave the democrats an article of impeachment. A president can't ask a foreign country to investigate a candidate for president, That's a violation of election law and a violation of the constitution.

Had Trump simply ask Zelensky to open an investigation of corruption, talk to Rudy about it, and not mentioned Biden, we would not be discussing this call and there would have been no impeachment investigation. Giuliani could have directed Zelensky to focus on Biden, make public statements and give Trump exactly what he wanted.

Was Bidens name mentioned in the call ???

Of course it was.
Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics
I will ask again..............Why didn't Obama and Biden give weapons to Ukraine when their people were dying.............

And again............I've that had been me they would have gotten the weapons and told good hunting.........

And 3 years of Russian BS from the left..............No wonder the world laughs at us.

1. Ukraine has enough fire power to protect themselves. Russia only stayed in Crimea its like a big island vital to Russian for military shipping lanes.
They did not advanced after that.

2. On top of that there is a US military presence in Black Sea if needed.

3. After 3 years BS from the left? None from the left are saying BS. You and Trump and the rest are very busy spreading lies.

4. Do you want to go to WW3 with Russia because of Crimea?

Selling anti tank to Ukraine. BFD.
Who the hell said I wanted WWIII ...........the voices in your head.....

And if they had enough fire power to stop it why were they begging NATO for help.........

It is the left that has lost it's minds over Russia...........And in regards to the Ukraine and Lethal weapons I was all for it to kill Russians if need be...........

But on one day it's we are Putin's puppet.........and the next do you want War with them...

One day your side will make up it's damned minds.

In short you don’t know what you are talking about.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A low-ranking FBI lawyer altered a document that was somehow related to the Obama Justice Department’s application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for a national-security surveillance warrant. The application, approved by the FISC in October 2016, targeted former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page — an American citizen, former naval intelligence officer, and apparent FBI cooperating witness — as a clandestine agent of Russia.


Apparently, the document tampering made at least one of the application’s factual assertions seem more damning than it actually was. The FBI attorney, who has not been identified, is also said to have falsified an email in an effort to provide back-up support for the fabricated claim. The lawyer, who was reportedly pushed out of the bureau when the tampering incident came to light, was interviewed in Horowitz’s inquiry and is said to be a subject of the related criminal investigation being conducted by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham.


The news was broken on Thursday night by CNN. That in itself is noteworthy. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is a CNN contributor, and former FBI General Counsel James Baker is a frequent CNN guest. The IG’s probe has scrutinized the conduct of both.

CNN commentators also include other former federal law-enforcement officials, who have ties to the bureau and to some of the former officials under scrutiny. CNN’s news story about the evidence tampering is sourced to “several people briefed on the matter,” who were not identified. The IG report is scheduled to be released on Dec. 9, and witnesses have recently been permitted to review a draft of it under tight restrictions.

It's going to get bad Dave.
This is what happens when you have brainwashing that led straight up to electing a racist in the Obama saga who was going to finally fix it all. Who knew what his fundemental change was going to mean, but many did know, and they were spot on to reject his racial/social justice bullcrap, otherwise in which blanketly labeled white conservatives as racist who were responsible for all the ills of society. What a joke it all was, and now the fall out is having to be dealt with.
You don’t have any evidence that Biden was corrupt.
But we have a very very clear evidence that Trump is very corrupt. That’s a fact jack.

This planet has 7.5 billion people on it. Do you mean to tell me there is nothing corrupt about a VP's son getting the job when he was the least qualified out of all these people? Not only that, but the highest paid member on the board?

Talking about corrupt. Why don’t you start with your Boi Trump?

The only idiots that keeps talking about Biden and his son committed corruption are Trump supporters. Nobody else.

As far as unqualified. Trump is inept and most unqualified president. The whole world knows that.

The requirements to be a US President are written within the US Constitution, and Trump meets those requirements. You don't have to be an establishment person to get to be President.

A two year 45 million dollar investigation that turned up nothing in regards to why it was started began over a joke Trump made about getting Hillary's emails. But a drug addict, kicked out of the military, in and out of rehabs three times, gets a job for 83,000 a year, and nobody is supposed to care.

Mueller did not exonerate Trump. It just they can’t indict a sitting president. That’s a fact jack. I’m not sure why you have to brought this up? Poorly informed?

We are talking about unqualified which I gave you several examples. Trump and Kushner.

So Hunter got a high paying job and unqualified? SO WHAT?
Another example. How many of Trump former cabinets that are unqualified, over paid, fired or corrupted?

If this is all you’ve got against Biden then it’s laughable. Hunter has nothing to do with all these lying propaganda that you and your buddies are spreading.

Here is Hunter Biden Wikipedia. You may want to update yourself. He is paid $50,000 not $83,000 that you are lying.

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia

FACT CHECK: Was Hunter Biden Paid As Much As $50,000 A Month For His Work With Burisma?

Federal court documents prove Biden and Archer was paid 186,000 a month for at least 2 years. And the DOJ is looking into your conspiracy theory. We'll see what Durham turns up.

John Durham investigating Ukraine in Trump-Russia origins probe


Coming from these goons? Absolutely. Those were planted by Russian operatives to that was already debunked.

Don’t ever mentioned Barr to me here.He is no different from Guilliani personal lawyer... These are the REJECTS of the US government.
It all started with Trump when on July 25, he ask Zelensky for this little favor of investigating the Bidens. The most shocking part of this is that Trump saw absolutely nothing wrong in asking a foreign goverment to investigate a candidate for president that he will most likely face in the next election. If the Senate fails to convict Trump which is almost certain, the biggest celebration will not be in the White House but in Moscow.

So because slow Joe is running for President, he's insulated from any suspicion of wrong doing? This is the problem: in spite of their beliefs, there is no Thought Police in the US. You cannot read minds or tell the future. Nobody, including Trump, knows who he's going to run against. Furthermore, Joe is so washed up that Biden getting the nomination would guarantee a Trump win.

This happened the other night. Slow Joe claimed to have the support from the only black woman in the Senate. Problem was, he was standing right next to Harris when he made the claim.

Whether "Slow Joe" is guilty of any wrong doing is totally irrelevant in the Trump impeachment and here's why. A president running for re-election can not ask a foreign government to open an investigation against another candidate without violating our election laws as well as Article 1 Section 9 of the constitution and thus a violation of oath of office, unless his intent has nothing to do with discrediting his political opponent.

What it all boils down to is the intent of the president. If his sole reason for pressuring the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens is his desire to eliminate corruption in the Ukraine, then his actions are justified. However, from the direct evidence presented in the House investigation as well as comments by Trump himself, it makes it doubtful that his real intent is cleaning up corruption in the Ukraine and not to discrediting Biden.

Biden is not the nominee, and it's likely he won't be. This charge that Trump stalled the aid for political advantage requires a crystal ball that tells us Biden will be the nominee.

Trump gave several reasons for stopping the aid, including the lack of funds from other UN countries. You can't make the case it's a false concern given the fact he ran on the UN skipping out on their equal share during the Republican debates. Nor can you make the case that it was the rat who forced Trump to act, when it's clear and documented that Congress critters from both sides were applying the pressure.

I don't recall Trump ever using the term "start an investigation" The key words he used were "look into it" and "favor." The dictionary term for favor is doing something out of good will without remuneration.

EU countries have provide the Ukraine 16.4 billion dollars over the last 4 years. They are certainly providing their share of the cost.

There is no doubt that Zelensky understood Trump wanted an investigation. 6 times in the phone conversation he refers to an investigation.

When Trump began the following discussion of Biden in his request for investigation, he gave democrats the ammunition they needed for an impeachment. "There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

If Trump had just ask Zelensky for an investigation of corruption, then there would be no evidence for impeachment in the call. Once he made it clear he wanted Biden investigated, he gave the democrats an article of impeachment. A president can't ask a foreign country to investigate a candidate for president, That's a violation of election law and a violation of the constitution.

Had Trump simply ask Zelensky to open an investigation of corruption, talk to Rudy about it, and not mentioned Biden, we would not be discussing this call and there would have been no impeachment investigation. Giuliani could have directed Zelensky to focus on Biden, make public statements and give Trump exactly what he wanted.

And when he mentioned the Bidens he said a lot of people want to know, he wasn't asking for himself. Of course you commies don't want that pointed out.


Regardless of who want's to know, Donald Trump, a presidential candidate is asking a president of a foreign country to open an investigation of another presidential candidate. That is a violation of our election laws and a violation of article 1 section 9 of the constitution.
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Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.
It all started with Trump when on July 25, he ask Zelensky for this little favor of investigating the Bidens. The most shocking part of this is that Trump saw absolutely nothing wrong in asking a foreign goverment to investigate a candidate for president that he will most likely face in the next election. If the Senate fails to convict Trump which is almost certain, the biggest celebration will not be in the White House but in Moscow.

So because slow Joe is running for President, he's insulated from any suspicion of wrong doing? This is the problem: in spite of their beliefs, there is no Thought Police in the US. You cannot read minds or tell the future. Nobody, including Trump, knows who he's going to run against. Furthermore, Joe is so washed up that Biden getting the nomination would guarantee a Trump win.

This happened the other night. Slow Joe claimed to have the support from the only black woman in the Senate. Problem was, he was standing right next to Harris when he made the claim.

Whether "Slow Joe" is guilty of any wrong doing is totally irrelevant in the Trump impeachment and here's why. A president running for re-election can not ask a foreign government to open an investigation against another candidate without violating our election laws as well as Article 1 Section 9 of the constitution and thus a violation of oath of office, unless his intent has nothing to do with discrediting his political opponent.

What it all boils down to is the intent of the president. If his sole reason for pressuring the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens is his desire to eliminate corruption in the Ukraine, then his actions are justified. However, from the direct evidence presented in the House investigation as well as comments by Trump himself, it makes it doubtful that his real intent is cleaning up corruption in the Ukraine and not to discrediting Biden.

Damn, you're full of crap, if quid pro joe withheld US loan guarantees to interfere in the internal affairs of a foreign government, which he publicly admitted to BTW, he is as guilty of bribery as you claim Trump to be. That would make Trumps request justified and blow the shit out your narrative.


There’s a very big difference.

Joe fired a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin. Or you don’t get the money.

Trump asking a favor from a foreign leader to dig dirt against his political enemies is totally WRONG or you don’t get the money.

Big difference.

You obviously lack an understanding of english. Trump told Zelensky that a lot of people want to know about the Bidens activities in Ukraine, he didn't say I want to know. There's a difference there you and most of your commie ilk don't seem to understand. So run along fool and learn the language.


I agree, Schiff has consistantly ignored how ridiculous this process is under his leadership...NO serious person would do to this country what he is doing.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.
Nunes is doing his job regardless, and this is his job to investigate corruption.

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