They are both running for president, along with a slew of others. Seriously, you did not know this?

The only people running for president are the nominees of the party, an incumbent, or a third party candidate. Trump is not running against Biden or anybody else at this point. Therefore Biden is not his political opponent.

LOL, man you really are dumb if you believe anyone believes your posts.

There is nothing to disbelieve. Trump's opponent will be known after the commies vote in their primary. Until that time, Trump has no political opponent in the presidential race.

You really expect anyone to believe that shit. Why the fuck is your orange buddy trashing Biden on the campaign trail?

Uhhhh, because Biden trashed him first???

Who told you this? Even if VP Biden "trashed him first", Biden would not have been the first. Trump has created all alone to get criticized.

Postscript: Did Putin tell you Biden trashed The Donald first?
There is no difference between a Socialist and a Democrat Socialist. They threw the name Democrat in there to edge into the party, which will be totally Socialist within the next two decades.

And since you don't read posts before you reply, I'll state it again: the only stance of Trump that the that the white supremacists like is his southern border policy, because it keeps Hispanics out of the country. They don't care what his reasons are. It benefits them as far as they're concerned.


Lenin was Social-Democrat. There is no difference in between Russian Marxist philosophy from today's so called Social Democrats.

Lenin: The Tasks of the Russian Social-Democrats

Lenin’s Conception of Socialism

View attachment 291321

Forward anyone?

It's how they will ease it in.

It went from Democrat to progressive.
From progressive to liberalism.
From liberalism to Democrat socialism. \

Down the road.

Democrat socialism to socialism.
From socialism to socialist communism.
From socialist communism to plain communism.

From Republicans who stood for fiscal responsibility
To Republicans who run up the debt
To Republicans who take us to recessions
To Republicans who trash military veterans
To Republicans that cheat to win elections
To Republicans who legislate religion
To Republicans that stand for lying.
To Republicans that became the party of stupid, the party of anti-science. the party of hate.

We still stand for fiscal responsiblity...but between that and losing our freedom to hilary....we took Trump.

Running up the debt...again...Trump or hilary, freedom or the debt...easy choice until we can actually get a decent candidate.

Recessions? You mean Trump's booming moron.

Trash military veterans? McCain? Who attacked Trump first, and the Gold Star family, who attacked Trump Vindeman...who lied and leaked to the CIA operative....while Trump is defending our Troops?

The only election cheats are the democrats who, after failing to steal the election, initiated a coup...

Legislate religion? From the party that says boys aren't boys and girls aren't girls....and let boys compete in girls sports and use girl's bathrooms....? And who belong to the man made global warming cult?
"Who Is Eric Ciaramella?"

  • The so-called “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella is a Democrat who had a “professional” tie to a 2020 Democrat.
  • Ciaramella coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.
  • Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”
  • Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.
  • Trump-hater Ciaramella was behind the fake story that Putin told Trump to fire Comey — a COMPLETE FAKE NEWS STORY from 2017!
  • Ciaramella’s attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.
  • An attorney for Ciaramella is a member of the #Resistance.
  • Ciaramella worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.
  • Ciaramella had no problem with the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s million dollar pay-for-play scandal with Ukraine.
  • Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.
  • Ciaramella worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
  • A former associate of James Clapper, Charles McCullough, assisted Ciaramella with his complaint against Trump.
  • And Adam Schiff’s aides, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko worked with Ciaramella in the White House.
  • Eric Ciaramella was a guest of Joe Biden to a luncheon with the Italian Prime Minister in 2016.
  • And as The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today Eric Ciaramella hosted the White House meeting in January 2016 when Ukrainian officials were told to get rid of the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma.

This is why Adam Schiff does not want Eric Ciaramella’s name mentioned during the public impeachment testimony.
We already know this Ukraine election meddling has been debunked.

But Putin thanks you for it.

Debunked? LOL

Ukraine placed bet on Hillary, and worked against Trump.

Here is Financial Times article from 2016. They proclaimed that Trump is "pro-Russian" without anything to support it and supported Hillary who was "pro-Ukrainian", because Barry send them blankets and MREs.

Ukraine’s leaders campaign against ‘pro-Putin’ Trump

Mr Leshchenko and Ukraine’s anti-corruption bureau published a secret ledger this month that authorities claim show millions of dollars of off-the-book cash payments to Paul Manafort, Mr Trump’s campaign director, while he was advising Mr Yanukovich’s Regions party from 2005.
No support for their claim that Trump was pro-Russia?

Okay, Never mind his statement that he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and lifting the sanctions against Russia if he were elected. :290968001256257790-final:

It's all moot now anyway. Trump is clearly all the way up inside Putin's Russian ass.

Other than releasing the American energy industry....which hurts putin

Telling NATO to pay for their militaries...which hurts putin.

Telling Germany to stop building a pipeline to Russia...which hurts putin.

Supplying the Ukraine with actual military weapons to fight russia...which hurts putin.

Killing russian soldiers in Syria...which hurts putin.

There are others, but those are off the top of my head.
Believed Putin over US Intel agencies
Pulled out of Syria giving it to Putin
Wants Putin back in the G7
Offered Putin a free penthouse in Trump Tower Moscow.
Left the Russian election interference wide open for 2020
Ended a nuclear agreement to give Putin a green light to build new nukes
Ending a mutual fly over agreement to verify nuke agreements so Putin can make more nukes

Are you really this dumb?

The same U.S. intelligence agencies that tried to frame him with false documents and FISA warrants?

He still has American troops in Syria, and ran on getting our troops out of middle east dope.

Putin used to be in the G7 and his being there isn't a big deal.

In Russia, as corrupt at it is, you have to pay off their officials, you dope.

Russian election mean when they paid hilary, the one who was supposed to win, 140 million dollars and then she destroyed her email server? And the election interference? About 130,000 dollars in ad buys attacking both candidates, in a close to a billion dollar each election cycle? Really, are you this dumb?

The nuclear agreement he left was due to the fact, the fact, that Russia was ignoring it, and we were the only ones following dope.

Mutual flyover agreement? Are you really this dumb?

I gave you specific, detrimental things Trump has actually done to gave that need to try harder....

How about you prove these documents were false? So the intel agencies have wire taps on Russian operatives. One of Trump's advisors is picked up on one of these wiretaps. We know the Russians were interfering. So, you, being as brilliant as you are, think that the intel agencies should just ignore it? Yet here you are having a fit that the Trump guy was tapped instead of wondering why he was contacting the Russians. Odd isn't it.,

Why did so many in the Trump campaign have contact with the Russians & lied about it You have a reason for this?

And I see you call our intel agencies liars just like your fat assed orange buddy. Trump has you fucking morons trashing the CIA & FBI & our veterans. How duped are you people?

And you know nothing overf the fly over agreements.

First, the lying fuck said he pulled troops out & he just moved them. Then he said he was withdrawing our troops, then he said he was sending them back it to guard Syrian oil. The stupid fuck has no clue. He got Kurds killed as a favor to Turkey & Russia.

140 million? To Hillary? Really?

Did Putin withdraw from the Ukraine? That is why he is not in the G7.

So instead of Putin supposedly breaking this agreement, Trump said "Fuck it Vlad, make all you want". What did we gain? What did Trump gain?
"Who Is Eric Ciaramella?"

  • The so-called “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella is a Democrat who had a “professional” tie to a 2020 Democrat.
  • Ciaramella coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.
  • Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”
  • Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.
  • Trump-hater Ciaramella was behind the fake story that Putin told Trump to fire Comey — a COMPLETE FAKE NEWS STORY from 2017!
  • Ciaramella’s attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.
  • An attorney for Ciaramella is a member of the #Resistance.
  • Ciaramella worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.
  • Ciaramella had no problem with the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s million dollar pay-for-play scandal with Ukraine.
  • Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.
  • Ciaramella worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
  • A former associate of James Clapper, Charles McCullough, assisted Ciaramella with his complaint against Trump.
  • And Adam Schiff’s aides, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko worked with Ciaramella in the White House.
  • Eric Ciaramella was a guest of Joe Biden to a luncheon with the Italian Prime Minister in 2016.
  • And as The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today Eric Ciaramella hosted the White House meeting in January 2016 when Ukrainian officials were told to get rid of the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma.

This is why Adam Schiff does not want Eric Ciaramella’s name mentioned during the public impeachment testimony.
You just like to make up shit.

The Gateway Pundit? Why not throw in some Rish Linmbaugh or Glenn Beck.
Debunked? LOL

Ukraine placed bet on Hillary, and worked against Trump.

Here is Financial Times article from 2016. They proclaimed that Trump is "pro-Russian" without anything to support it and supported Hillary who was "pro-Ukrainian", because Barry send them blankets and MREs.

Ukraine’s leaders campaign against ‘pro-Putin’ Trump
No support for their claim that Trump was pro-Russia?

Okay, Never mind his statement that he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and lifting the sanctions against Russia if he were elected. :290968001256257790-final:

It's all moot now anyway. Trump is clearly all the way up inside Putin's Russian ass.

Other than releasing the American energy industry....which hurts putin

Telling NATO to pay for their militaries...which hurts putin.

Telling Germany to stop building a pipeline to Russia...which hurts putin.

Supplying the Ukraine with actual military weapons to fight russia...which hurts putin.

Killing russian soldiers in Syria...which hurts putin.

There are others, but those are off the top of my head.
Believed Putin over US Intel agencies
Pulled out of Syria giving it to Putin
Wants Putin back in the G7
Offered Putin a free penthouse in Trump Tower Moscow.
Left the Russian election interference wide open for 2020
Ended a nuclear agreement to give Putin a green light to build new nukes
Ending a mutual fly over agreement to verify nuke agreements so Putin can make more nukes

Are you really this dumb?

The same U.S. intelligence agencies that tried to frame him with false documents and FISA warrants?

He still has American troops in Syria, and ran on getting our troops out of middle east dope.

Putin used to be in the G7 and his being there isn't a big deal.

In Russia, as corrupt at it is, you have to pay off their officials, you dope.

Russian election mean when they paid hilary, the one who was supposed to win, 140 million dollars and then she destroyed her email server? And the election interference? About 130,000 dollars in ad buys attacking both candidates, in a close to a billion dollar each election cycle? Really, are you this dumb?

The nuclear agreement he left was due to the fact, the fact, that Russia was ignoring it, and we were the only ones following dope.

Mutual flyover agreement? Are you really this dumb?

I gave you specific, detrimental things Trump has actually done to gave that need to try harder....

How about you prove these documents were false? So the intel agencies have wire taps on Russian operatives. One of Trump's advisors is picked up on one of these wiretaps. We know the Russians were interfering. So, you, being as brilliant as you are, think that the intel agencies should just ignore it? Yet here you are having a fit that the Trump guy was tapped instead of wondering why he was contacting the Russians. Odd isn't it.,

Why did so many in the Trump campaign have contact with the Russians & lied about it You have a reason for this?

And I see you call our intel agencies liars just like your fat assed orange buddy. Trump has you fucking morons trashing the CIA & FBI & our veterans. How duped are you people?

And you know nothing overf the fly over agreements.

First, the lying fuck said he pulled troops out & he just moved them. Then he said he was withdrawing our troops, then he said he was sending them back it to guard Syrian oil. The stupid fuck has no clue. He got Kurds killed as a favor to Turkey & Russia.

140 million? To Hillary? Really?

Did Putin withdraw from the Ukraine? That is why he is not in the G7.

So instead of Putin supposedly breaking this agreement, Trump said "Fuck it Vlad, make all you want". What did we gain? What did Trump gain?

Moron....they got the wire taps through the fake Steele dossier, you moron........they used it to get FISA warrants.
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

Just as we know the orange babyman abused the power of his office to extort a foreign leader for personal gain. Just as we know he blockaded Qatar for his family's personal gain. Just as we know he abused his office to get Ivanka her Chinese trademarks.

Really? What did Ukraine do for his personal gain? I've heard the Ukraine parliament, which was seated after the call, is asking for investigations in the US and Ukraine.

I've seen no proof of your other propaganda, so carry on commie.

The bribe was our funds for his announcement of an investigation into Joe Biden. They got caught before it could happen.

Can you translate that gibberish to english?


If you can't get that, then it is no wonder you art that fucking stupid.
Sucks for the Dems that they cannot override the Executive Powers..............Equal Branches of the Gov't.............They DO NOT HAVE THAT AUTHORITY..............

If they say THEY DO...........then they must go to the Judicial Branch and Challenge it............You can cry .......scream...........and demand all you doesn't change a thing...........

In regards to election tampering and corruption in Ukraine.........Trump has every right to ask for cooperation with our DOJ for ongoing investigations.............It's NOT A CRIME to do so...............In regards to his's his JOB to defend Trump......and finding information to defend him from this Endless attack by the Dems is a part of that Job......

One huge problem. Barr blindly supports anything Rump does and says. Barr isn't representing the United States of America. He's Rumps personal lawyer. So with that in mind, exactly who in the Judicial Branch should Congress take their grievance to? The Top Cop is corrupt as hell. Rump has seized control over about 3/5ths of the government. It should be 1/3rd but he's bot a lock on more like 2/3rds with his criminal Moscow Mitch at his Back. This looks very similar to Italy in 1933 that propelled Mussolini into absolute power. Obviously, Rump read the playbook leading up to the power grab in Italy by 1933. If I thought you had the capability to actually read history I would suggest some good reading for you. But you only listen to Rush and Hannity and the Extreme Right wing part of Fox along with some conspiracy sites.

One huge problem, the DOJ did not have an open case looking into the Bidens. If they had, it would have been unwise but not illegal. And even Barr wouldn't touch that hot potato. But would it have been found to be illegal? Probably not. Just damaging but not any worse than Rump on any given Tuesday. But Rump doing it back channel trying to blackmail another head of state to announce they are starting an investigation into the Bidens when Biden was beating him in the polls by refusing funds that were already authorized to go to Ukraine and dangling a face to face meeting to help Ukraine with it's face problem with Russia is downright criminal. And don't give me that crap that he didn't do any of it. Everyone from the dog catcher to the lead Diplomat was aware of it after certain date. But even a Professional Diplomat can only take so much corruption before they say enough. And that is pretty well what has happened.
Long winded Lie bro.....

Biden didn't go to Ukraine to save it from Russia...........Apple Pie...........and the American way.........He did it to take advantage of the Chaos.......He takes his son on Air Force 2 to the Ukraine while thousands are dying from the Ruskies..........And a week later his son is WOW on the Board of the Largest Gas Producer in the Ukraine.............

If your concern is for the Ukraine with Russia on their door step back then.........Then Biden should have been there to meet with Ukraine military officials to discuss WHAT THEY NEED to PROTECT THEMSELVES...........

Like Lethal aid.............the ability to kill Russian armor.......aka tanks...........Did Joe and Obama do that........they gave a bunch of NON MILITARY AID.............but didn't give Ukraine weapons to stop the Russians on the battlefield...........

Biden CASHED in on his position during a time of Crisis and Chaos..............for his son.......Ray Charles can see that.

Trump on the other hand gave Ukraine Lethal weapons to help them KILL RUSSIANS if need be.........Why didn't that happen when Obama was in power..........hmmmm..........As thousands of Ukrainians were dying......

The DOJ has been looking at 2016 election meddling for years now, but have ignored the DNC's role in this and the courts of Ukraine in this.............Because it has been a Partisan Investigation that ignores the other sides dealings from the Deep State............who are attempting a COUP on Trump.

I'll use what the Dems have been using for years..............IF BIDEN is innocent...........then he should want this investigated to CLEAR HIS NAME.............If he did no crime .............Then he should WELCOME BEING INVESTIGATED.............

The Biden's will not be taken down..............Graham calling for an investigation will in the end do NOTHING.........It's a Show.............Biden and Graham are friends......and behind closed doors laugh about it and rehearse the next SHOW to cover their butts from all the corruption they have done as career politicains.

Career politicians from both parties...........keep the people at each other so they don't come after them for their corruption..............It's a designed strategy

I used proven facts. You just make it up as you go to support your lies. Again, if Barr want's to open up an investigation into the Bidens and Ukraine, he has my blessing. As stupid as that would be at least it would be legal but even Barr isn't that stupid.

Fact, boy, Facts. They do get in the way of a good conspiracy don't they.
Common Sense escapes really think the Dems can sell it as a Conspiracy.....the people aren't as stupid as they think they are...............They know Biden used Pay to Play and hooked up his boy there................and Biden is such an idiot............He Bragged about his actions in Ukraine..........

Biden is mouthpiece that the Dems wish knew when to shut up.............LOL

Barr isn't gonna take down the Big Boys.........Pawns will fall.........because the Establishment is too entrenched..........That is just Reality.

The reality is, how is the weather in Moscow these days, comrade. The word is out. This is just another batch of crap coming from the GRU that you are just repeating. I wonder how many Russian Operatives are in USMB. But it's a pretty sure thing you are one of them.
Well your side has a habit of being wrong all the surprise there.
The only people running for president are the nominees of the party, an incumbent, or a third party candidate. Trump is not running against Biden or anybody else at this point. Therefore Biden is not his political opponent.

LOL, man you really are dumb if you believe anyone believes your posts.

There is nothing to disbelieve. Trump's opponent will be known after the commies vote in their primary. Until that time, Trump has no political opponent in the presidential race.

You really expect anyone to believe that shit. Why the fuck is your orange buddy trashing Biden on the campaign trail?

Uhhhh, because Biden trashed him first???

Who told you this? Even if VP Biden "trashed him first", Biden would not have been the first. Trump has created all alone to get criticized.

Postscript: Did Putin tell you Biden trashed The Donald first?

WTF are you talking about? Biden has been trashing him since he entered the race. Of course Trump is going to trash him right back. When you call somebody a racist with no backing to your claim, those are fighting words. Biden deserves whatever he gets from Trump.
One huge problem. Barr blindly supports anything Rump does and says. Barr isn't representing the United States of America. He's Rumps personal lawyer. So with that in mind, exactly who in the Judicial Branch should Congress take their grievance to? The Top Cop is corrupt as hell. Rump has seized control over about 3/5ths of the government. It should be 1/3rd but he's bot a lock on more like 2/3rds with his criminal Moscow Mitch at his Back. This looks very similar to Italy in 1933 that propelled Mussolini into absolute power. Obviously, Rump read the playbook leading up to the power grab in Italy by 1933. If I thought you had the capability to actually read history I would suggest some good reading for you. But you only listen to Rush and Hannity and the Extreme Right wing part of Fox along with some conspiracy sites.

One huge problem, the DOJ did not have an open case looking into the Bidens. If they had, it would have been unwise but not illegal. And even Barr wouldn't touch that hot potato. But would it have been found to be illegal? Probably not. Just damaging but not any worse than Rump on any given Tuesday. But Rump doing it back channel trying to blackmail another head of state to announce they are starting an investigation into the Bidens when Biden was beating him in the polls by refusing funds that were already authorized to go to Ukraine and dangling a face to face meeting to help Ukraine with it's face problem with Russia is downright criminal. And don't give me that crap that he didn't do any of it. Everyone from the dog catcher to the lead Diplomat was aware of it after certain date. But even a Professional Diplomat can only take so much corruption before they say enough. And that is pretty well what has happened.
Long winded Lie bro.....

Biden didn't go to Ukraine to save it from Russia...........Apple Pie...........and the American way.........He did it to take advantage of the Chaos.......He takes his son on Air Force 2 to the Ukraine while thousands are dying from the Ruskies..........And a week later his son is WOW on the Board of the Largest Gas Producer in the Ukraine.............

If your concern is for the Ukraine with Russia on their door step back then.........Then Biden should have been there to meet with Ukraine military officials to discuss WHAT THEY NEED to PROTECT THEMSELVES...........

Like Lethal aid.............the ability to kill Russian armor.......aka tanks...........Did Joe and Obama do that........they gave a bunch of NON MILITARY AID.............but didn't give Ukraine weapons to stop the Russians on the battlefield...........

Biden CASHED in on his position during a time of Crisis and Chaos..............for his son.......Ray Charles can see that.

Trump on the other hand gave Ukraine Lethal weapons to help them KILL RUSSIANS if need be.........Why didn't that happen when Obama was in power..........hmmmm..........As thousands of Ukrainians were dying......

The DOJ has been looking at 2016 election meddling for years now, but have ignored the DNC's role in this and the courts of Ukraine in this.............Because it has been a Partisan Investigation that ignores the other sides dealings from the Deep State............who are attempting a COUP on Trump.

I'll use what the Dems have been using for years..............IF BIDEN is innocent...........then he should want this investigated to CLEAR HIS NAME.............If he did no crime .............Then he should WELCOME BEING INVESTIGATED.............

The Biden's will not be taken down..............Graham calling for an investigation will in the end do NOTHING.........It's a Show.............Biden and Graham are friends......and behind closed doors laugh about it and rehearse the next SHOW to cover their butts from all the corruption they have done as career politicains.

Career politicians from both parties...........keep the people at each other so they don't come after them for their corruption..............It's a designed strategy

I used proven facts. You just make it up as you go to support your lies. Again, if Barr want's to open up an investigation into the Bidens and Ukraine, he has my blessing. As stupid as that would be at least it would be legal but even Barr isn't that stupid.

Fact, boy, Facts. They do get in the way of a good conspiracy don't they.
Common Sense escapes really think the Dems can sell it as a Conspiracy.....the people aren't as stupid as they think they are...............They know Biden used Pay to Play and hooked up his boy there................and Biden is such an idiot............He Bragged about his actions in Ukraine..........

Biden is mouthpiece that the Dems wish knew when to shut up.............LOL

Barr isn't gonna take down the Big Boys.........Pawns will fall.........because the Establishment is too entrenched..........That is just Reality.

The reality is, how is the weather in Moscow these days, comrade. The word is out. This is just another batch of crap coming from the GRU that you are just repeating. I wonder how many Russian Operatives are in USMB. But it's a pretty sure thing you are one of them.
Well your side has a habit of being wrong all the surprise there.

I would answer you using your native language but USMB won't allow crylic symbols.
LOL, man you really are dumb if you believe anyone believes your posts.

There is nothing to disbelieve. Trump's opponent will be known after the commies vote in their primary. Until that time, Trump has no political opponent in the presidential race.

You really expect anyone to believe that shit. Why the fuck is your orange buddy trashing Biden on the campaign trail?

Uhhhh, because Biden trashed him first???

Who told you this? Even if VP Biden "trashed him first", Biden would not have been the first. Trump has created all alone to get criticized.

Postscript: Did Putin tell you Biden trashed The Donald first?

WTF are you talking about? Biden has been trashing him since he entered the race. Of course Trump is going to trash him right back. When you call somebody a racist with no backing to your claim, those are fighting words. Biden deserves whatever he gets from Trump.

Yes, I agree, Biden deserves what he gets without Rump using his position of President to manufacture and blackmail other Heads of States to do his bidding.
Long winded Lie bro.....

Biden didn't go to Ukraine to save it from Russia...........Apple Pie...........and the American way.........He did it to take advantage of the Chaos.......He takes his son on Air Force 2 to the Ukraine while thousands are dying from the Ruskies..........And a week later his son is WOW on the Board of the Largest Gas Producer in the Ukraine.............

If your concern is for the Ukraine with Russia on their door step back then.........Then Biden should have been there to meet with Ukraine military officials to discuss WHAT THEY NEED to PROTECT THEMSELVES...........

Like Lethal aid.............the ability to kill Russian armor.......aka tanks...........Did Joe and Obama do that........they gave a bunch of NON MILITARY AID.............but didn't give Ukraine weapons to stop the Russians on the battlefield...........

Biden CASHED in on his position during a time of Crisis and Chaos..............for his son.......Ray Charles can see that.

Trump on the other hand gave Ukraine Lethal weapons to help them KILL RUSSIANS if need be.........Why didn't that happen when Obama was in power..........hmmmm..........As thousands of Ukrainians were dying......

The DOJ has been looking at 2016 election meddling for years now, but have ignored the DNC's role in this and the courts of Ukraine in this.............Because it has been a Partisan Investigation that ignores the other sides dealings from the Deep State............who are attempting a COUP on Trump.

I'll use what the Dems have been using for years..............IF BIDEN is innocent...........then he should want this investigated to CLEAR HIS NAME.............If he did no crime .............Then he should WELCOME BEING INVESTIGATED.............

The Biden's will not be taken down..............Graham calling for an investigation will in the end do NOTHING.........It's a Show.............Biden and Graham are friends......and behind closed doors laugh about it and rehearse the next SHOW to cover their butts from all the corruption they have done as career politicains.

Career politicians from both parties...........keep the people at each other so they don't come after them for their corruption..............It's a designed strategy

I used proven facts. You just make it up as you go to support your lies. Again, if Barr want's to open up an investigation into the Bidens and Ukraine, he has my blessing. As stupid as that would be at least it would be legal but even Barr isn't that stupid.

Fact, boy, Facts. They do get in the way of a good conspiracy don't they.
Common Sense escapes really think the Dems can sell it as a Conspiracy.....the people aren't as stupid as they think they are...............They know Biden used Pay to Play and hooked up his boy there................and Biden is such an idiot............He Bragged about his actions in Ukraine..........

Biden is mouthpiece that the Dems wish knew when to shut up.............LOL

Barr isn't gonna take down the Big Boys.........Pawns will fall.........because the Establishment is too entrenched..........That is just Reality.

The reality is, how is the weather in Moscow these days, comrade. The word is out. This is just another batch of crap coming from the GRU that you are just repeating. I wonder how many Russian Operatives are in USMB. But it's a pretty sure thing you are one of them.
Well your side has a habit of being wrong all the surprise there.

I would answer you using your native language but USMB won't allow crylic symbols.
Whatever floats your boat................Seems you are still stuck in Act one of this saga..............RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA........

Seek professional need it.
I used proven facts. You just make it up as you go to support your lies. Again, if Barr want's to open up an investigation into the Bidens and Ukraine, he has my blessing. As stupid as that would be at least it would be legal but even Barr isn't that stupid.

Fact, boy, Facts. They do get in the way of a good conspiracy don't they.
Common Sense escapes really think the Dems can sell it as a Conspiracy.....the people aren't as stupid as they think they are...............They know Biden used Pay to Play and hooked up his boy there................and Biden is such an idiot............He Bragged about his actions in Ukraine..........

Biden is mouthpiece that the Dems wish knew when to shut up.............LOL

Barr isn't gonna take down the Big Boys.........Pawns will fall.........because the Establishment is too entrenched..........That is just Reality.

The reality is, how is the weather in Moscow these days, comrade. The word is out. This is just another batch of crap coming from the GRU that you are just repeating. I wonder how many Russian Operatives are in USMB. But it's a pretty sure thing you are one of them.
Well your side has a habit of being wrong all the surprise there.

I would answer you using your native language but USMB won't allow crylic symbols.
Whatever floats your boat................Seems you are still stuck in Act one of this saga..............RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA........

Seek professional need it.

When you keep repeating phrases right out of the GRU conspiracy list, what should you expect, Comrade.
Common Sense escapes really think the Dems can sell it as a Conspiracy.....the people aren't as stupid as they think they are...............They know Biden used Pay to Play and hooked up his boy there................and Biden is such an idiot............He Bragged about his actions in Ukraine..........

Biden is mouthpiece that the Dems wish knew when to shut up.............LOL

Barr isn't gonna take down the Big Boys.........Pawns will fall.........because the Establishment is too entrenched..........That is just Reality.

The reality is, how is the weather in Moscow these days, comrade. The word is out. This is just another batch of crap coming from the GRU that you are just repeating. I wonder how many Russian Operatives are in USMB. But it's a pretty sure thing you are one of them.
Well your side has a habit of being wrong all the surprise there.

I would answer you using your native language but USMB won't allow crylic symbols.
Whatever floats your boat................Seems you are still stuck in Act one of this saga..............RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA........

Seek professional need it.

When you keep repeating phrases right out of the GRU conspiracy list, what should you expect, Comrade.
Never seen that list................where the hell is it............

Just like I have never seen the proof and evidence of what Trump called..............did...........

No Quid.............

No Pro.............

No Quo............

There is nothing to disbelieve. Trump's opponent will be known after the commies vote in their primary. Until that time, Trump has no political opponent in the presidential race.

You really expect anyone to believe that shit. Why the fuck is your orange buddy trashing Biden on the campaign trail?

Uhhhh, because Biden trashed him first???

Who told you this? Even if VP Biden "trashed him first", Biden would not have been the first. Trump has created all alone to get criticized.

Postscript: Did Putin tell you Biden trashed The Donald first?

WTF are you talking about? Biden has been trashing him since he entered the race. Of course Trump is going to trash him right back. When you call somebody a racist with no backing to your claim, those are fighting words. Biden deserves whatever he gets from Trump.

Yes, I agree, Biden deserves what he gets without Rump using his position of President to manufacture and blackmail other Heads of States to do his bidding.

If Trump ever does that, let me know, and we'll discuss it then.
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

Just as we know the orange babyman abused the power of his office to extort a foreign leader for personal gain. Just as we know he blockaded Qatar for his family's personal gain. Just as we know he abused his office to get Ivanka her Chinese trademarks.

Really? What did Ukraine do for his personal gain? I've heard the Ukraine parliament, which was seated after the call, is asking for investigations in the US and Ukraine.

I've seen no proof of your other propaganda, so carry on commie.

The bribe was our funds for his announcement of an investigation into Joe Biden. They got caught before it could happen.

Can you translate that gibberish to english?


Yeah, they claimed a call from the president and a meeting with the president were included also. The call happened in Jul and a meeting in NY and Ukraine didn't announce anything. You got any more fantasies you want to espouse?

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

Years you've been a member here? Your stats show you're a rookie that just joined Thursday. How many non-contributing accounts do you have? That right there says you're a commie, expecting others to keep the site running so you can spew your propaganda. Carry on commie. LMAO



See my post:

Rye Catcher is the one and only Wry Catcher"

posted in "Introduced yourself" yesterday morning at 0745

View attachment 291317
Your honor, I rest my case.

BTW no one reads the introduce yourself BS.


Yeah some did, and for the record I am the one and only Wry Catcher.
There is no difference between a Socialist and a Democrat Socialist. They threw the name Democrat in there to edge into the party, which will be totally Socialist within the next two decades.

And since you don't read posts before you reply, I'll state it again: the only stance of Trump that the that the white supremacists like is his southern border policy, because it keeps Hispanics out of the country. They don't care what his reasons are. It benefits them as far as they're concerned.


Lenin was Social-Democrat. There is no difference in between Russian Marxist philosophy from today's so called Social Democrats.

Lenin: The Tasks of the Russian Social-Democrats

Lenin’s Conception of Socialism

View attachment 291321

Forward anyone?

Social Democrats support reforms within the structure of Capitalism. Socialist's seek to end Capitalism.

I see Sanders and Warren as demagogues, telling people what they want to hear, but what will never be in the United States. I see Trump and the ultar conservative Republicans seeking lassiez fair capitalism, seeking to prioritize much of the jobs for profit, i.e. Crony Capitalism.

So where ya been, in jail? Why the need to change your handle?

brothers and sisters: Trump tells regular americans he has their backs. democrats stab regular americans in the back!
What scares me schittless is how the right-winger support Trump. He really could go in the middle of time square and shoot someone and would not lose their support. Trump is a liar, a criminal, a thug, etc. He will not throw Rudy under the bus because and I quote Rudy. "I have too much insurance."How the FUK does he get people to do these dirty things for him???

The Actual Laws Trump Has Broken Amount to 10 Years in Prison

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