For what?
You couldn't get the drift, then? So, drift away.

I want the congress to forward an impeachment hearing to the senate for investigation.

The left do not want to do that...

...but they have little choice now because the cray squad and their support is pushing for it.

They're being led... by Judas goats.

I get the drifting you are doing to avoid answering the question. Why is Alexandra Chalupa important? Trump is the one asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

Hunter Biden profited in Ukraine. He profited off of his father being VP...

That's going to reach the senate.

There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.
1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1) Yes, he can suspend funds for that reason, and Trump laid out several. It's the Democrats who claim to be able to read minds, and mind reading should not be grounds for impeachment.

2) Again, no evidence that Trump suspended anything for political reasons. Ukraine officials had no idea the funds were suspended until a month after the phone call. Obviously, they didn't drastically need them at the time. What Trump provided to them in the past was sufficient.

3)Yes, Biden was investigated by his bosses team. What did you really expect, a conviction?

4) The election is a little less than a year away. Trump nor anybody knows who the nominee will be. What is evident is that Biden has been losing ground since spring.
1) withholding funds for policial purpose is abuse of power. Or, asking another country to announce fake investigation of polical opponent also is abuse of power. Together its bribery.

2) "If you don't announce that it's a bank robbery, it's not a bank robbery!"

3) can you read? it says Ukraine investigated the Bidens

4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"

Then you are admitting that Obama and Kerry abused power by withholding funds from Iran for many years? That cost lives! They withheld aid from the Kurds for years! Abuse of power! That cost lives! How many more do you want? Where is the prosecution???!!!
Withholding funds because of good for America is not the same as withholding fund for political reasons. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this.

Then please point out where or when Trump said he's holding up the money for political reasons. It's all we are asking.

& that will probably be resolved on wednesday when sondland testifies yet again about how he forgot about the call to donny in kiev, when it comes out how sondland confess' that donny doesn't give a shit about ukraine. just getting biden.

  • Thanks
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You couldn't get the drift, then? So, drift away.

I want the congress to forward an impeachment hearing to the senate for investigation.

The left do not want to do that...

...but they have little choice now because the cray squad and their support is pushing for it.

They're being led... by Judas goats.

I get the drifting you are doing to avoid answering the question. Why is Alexandra Chalupa important? Trump is the one asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

Hunter Biden profited in Ukraine. He profited off of his father being VP...

That's going to reach the senate.

There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.

According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given.
So, in other words, there's no evidence that Trump or Giuliani smeared her.

Before you can legitimately claim that you have been smeared, you have to prove what was said about you isn't true.

I think all the awards she received for her work proves it.

are you saying she doesn't have a long history of impressive accomplishments that would most assuredly give her credibility?
It doesn't matter. You still have to prove that what is said about you isn't true.
It does matter. Those awards show exemplary job performance, which is the direct opposite of trumps lies.
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

wow - what kinda bubble do you live in, kitty cat?

Sondland, Trump's appointee, changes testimony to say there was clear quid pro quo
By Mike Lillis and Olivia Beavers - 11/05/19 02:02 PM EST

A top diplomat appointed by President Trump revised his testimony to lawmakers in the House's impeachment inquiry, saying in the latest version that the president’s dealings with Ukraine amounted to a clear quid pro quo.
Sondland, Trump's appointee, changes testimony to say there was clear quid pro quo

or choose any one of the multitudes of articles:

sundland changed testimony - Google Search

you're welcome.

From your link:

“After a large meeting, I now recall speaking individually with Mr. Yermak, where I said that resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks,” Sondland said.

Wow, how non-specific can you get? Was there a mention of the Bidens I missed in there somewhere? And that meeting happened more than a month after the call. Also both the Ukraine President and Foreign Minister said flat out they knew of no linkage to the aid.


there was quid pro quo as quoted by sondland after he changed his testimony. he will also be testifying openly on wednesday including the new info that came out about his underling overhearing his conversation with donny on unsecured cell phones,

in a restaurant,

in kiev,

that is crawling with roooskie commie spies.


Oh, ok, so the Ukraine President and Foreign Minister are lying, got it.


zelinsky is trying to save his people from being killed by the day.

Oh right, that's why he told Trump that they were ALMOST ready to buy more Javelins, because it was urgent, RIGHT? You commies just crack me up.

One more hero bashed

About this website


Trump threatens smear campaign against Alexander Vindman, the Purple Heart recipient who said the White House left out some phrases from its Ukraine call memo
President Donald Trump has claimed without evidence that Vindman is a "Never Trumper," referring to a GOP movement against Trump.

If it walks like a duck....
Not close Bashing heroes seems to be a new mode of republican attacks Maybe not so new but renewing it

Past performance doesn't make one sacrosanct or immune from counter punches.

You scumbag leftists can't stand it that we have a President who when hit, hits back.
And now that my fellow Republicans are seeing how well it works they are doing the same.

I can't wait for it to get real.
Our government is set up for the administrative, judicial and legislative branches have equal power and all can have the same power to to back their punches. Trump is breaking the rules and purpose of our Constitution to give the President excessive power.
There are very stupid people like you that cannot think for yourself and let Trump define your world. You appear to be a loser who is looking to revenge those who make you feel like a loser. That is why you have an image of a gun in your bio and you like hard punches Trump lands in support of losers like you.

Trump hasn't broken any rules.
He sets policy.
State, intelligence, military all work for him.
They follow his policy, resign, or get fired.
I get the drifting you are doing to avoid answering the question. Why is Alexandra Chalupa important? Trump is the one asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

Hunter Biden profited in Ukraine. He profited off of his father being VP...

That's going to reach the senate.

There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.

According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

I guess when you live according to alternative facts...
I guess when you live according to alternative facts...

Keep guessing.

While as entertaining as this impeachment scam is, it is also serving a very useful and necessary purpose. It is showing the WORLD how corrupt and untrustworthy the democrats have become. Nancy lost control, and now the squad don't know how to claw their way out of this.


They earned their misery and they're deep sixed in their wallow.
So, in other words, there's no evidence that Trump or Giuliani smeared her.

Before you can legitimately claim that you have been smeared, you have to prove what was said about you isn't true.

I think all the awards she received for her work proves it.

are you saying she doesn't have a long history of impressive accomplishments that would most assuredly give her credibility?
It doesn't matter. You still have to prove that what is said about you isn't true.
It does matter. Those awards show exemplary job performance, which is the direct opposite of trumps lies.
They don't prove she's telling the truth, you witless git.

You Dims sure are hung up on this "credibility" thing, as if it's ironclad proof that someone is telling the truth. In a court of law it doesn't prove jack shit.
Mueller was mainly focused on Trump. Biden was not in the cross hairs of his investigation. Mueller's investigation did not look at any "Tampering with (the) election" if it had democrat fingerprints. Hell, he didn't even recognize the name Fusion GPS when he testified before congress.
Mueller was a joke. It was an investigation looking for a crime, same as this Adam ScHITt show impeachment inquiry, an impeachment LOOKING FOR A CRIME.

Democrats are the party of TRASH. They are corrupt to the core, along with their DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING that carries the water and covers for them.
Mueller did the job he was supposed to do -- find the truth. Do you disagree he found the truth?
Mueller produced nothing we didn't already know.
Yep, that Russia helped the trump campaign, that his campaign had 140 meetings with Russians and he obstructed justice.
There were no 140 meetings, you fucking moron.

actually it was more than that you little asswipe.

Dispatch, Explainers, Reports April 30, 2019
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 272 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 38 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

now go ahead & lie that there's a paywall on this site too.
Mueller was a joke. It was an investigation looking for a crime, same as this Adam ScHITt show impeachment inquiry, an impeachment LOOKING FOR A CRIME.

Democrats are the party of TRASH. They are corrupt to the core, along with their DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING that carries the water and covers for them.
Mueller did the job he was supposed to do -- find the truth. Do you disagree he found the truth?
Mueller produced nothing we didn't already know.
Yep, that Russia helped the trump campaign, that his campaign had 140 meetings with Russians and he obstructed justice.
There were no 140 meetings, you fucking moron.

actually it was more than that you little asswipe.

Dispatch, Explainers, Reports April 30, 2019
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 272 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 38 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

now go ahead & lie that there's a paywall on this site too.
The election was three years ago. Get over it!
Why did Turmp have to do a smear job on Yovanovitch to get her out of the way?
Who says he did? That was simply Yovanovitch ans Schiff's interpretation of what happened.
Oh sorry, I thought you watched the testimony yesterday.
I did. I watched Schiff and Yovanovitch claim that Trump smeared her.

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given.
So, in other words, there's no evidence that Trump or Giuliani smeared her.

Before you can legitimately claim that you have been smeared, you have to prove what was said about you isn't true.

everyone working with her or had worked with her disagreeing is certainly notable & when ambassador taylor found out about the smear campaign ---- he quit.
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given.
So, in other words, there's no evidence that Trump or Giuliani smeared her.

Before you can legitimately claim that you have been smeared, you have to prove what was said about you isn't true.

I think all the awards she received for her work proves it.

are you saying she doesn't have a long history of impressive accomplishments that would most assuredly give her credibility?
It doesn't matter. You still have to prove that what is said about you isn't true.

donny's very stooooooooopid idea of tweeting in real time, besmirching her record is gonna get him another article you know. he's really cooking himself good.
I can think of a couple of dems that may as well.


literally only 2.

You've already had 2, I'm talking in the Senate.


i already said that doesn't matter at this point - but i hope you aren't betting on a rock solid united front from all the (R)s, are you?

At this point, yep, with some defections from the Ds. Right now I don't even see this crap making it to the senate. Like I said before, this is nothing but a commie campaign trick, pulling anything they can to try to effect public opinion.



it will go to trial. being removed is a whole other animal - but he'll get a trial.

Don't bet the farm on it child. LMAO

Here's my question: has every president or politician done the same thing in recent times, used the power and authority they have for political purposes? Since WWII say. I think there's just as much evidence against Joe Biden for doing the same thing when he was the VP, or those 3 Dem Senators that sent a letter to the Ukrainians last year asking them to look for any dirt they could find on Trump. I look at the phone call transcript, and the bribery charge is just not there; insinuation maybe, but it ain't obvious and certainly not stated as such. Was the 'quid' withheld to coerce the Ukrainians, or were there other considerations? Asking here, not implying anything but also not assuming anything either.

My perspective here is that the Dems are taking the worst possible standpoint as truth, enough to impeach a president on. Impeachment is a very serious business, the voters elected Trump according to the existing laws of the land, like it or not. Negating that election should not be taken lightly, and whatever crimes and misdemeanors should be both provable and warrant such action. To date I do not see either one as sufficient. And on top of that, the manner in which the Deemss have conducted this so-called inquiry is highly suspect. First it was behind closed doors, and they leaked what they wanted the press to see, WTF is up with that? Then it's an open hearing but the Dems have total control over who the Repubs can subpoena and what questions they may ask and who may ask them. That's bullshit IMHO, not the way we ought to be doing business in this country. And don't give me this crap that it's not a trial per se; bullshit, it certainly is in every way but name only, and there will be serious consequences against the accused if the vote goes against him.
So the Great Douche should be able to dig in the WHOLE file system Federal deals made
and prove Obama or others did the 'Missiles for Dirt-Gate' thang. Or close to it.
Mueller did the job he was supposed to do -- find the truth. Do you disagree he found the truth?
Mueller produced nothing we didn't already know.
Yep, that Russia helped the trump campaign, that his campaign had 140 meetings with Russians and he obstructed justice.
There were no 140 meetings, you fucking moron.

actually it was more than that you little asswipe.

Dispatch, Explainers, Reports April 30, 2019
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 272 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 38 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

now go ahead & lie that there's a paywall on this site too.
The election was three years ago. Get over it!

get a new excuse as to why donny will be held accountable.
I get the drifting you are doing to avoid answering the question. Why is Alexandra Chalupa important? Trump is the one asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

Hunter Biden profited in Ukraine. He profited off of his father being VP...

That's going to reach the senate.

There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.

According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
literally only 2.

You've already had 2, I'm talking in the Senate.


i already said that doesn't matter at this point - but i hope you aren't betting on a rock solid united front from all the (R)s, are you?

At this point, yep, with some defections from the Ds. Right now I don't even see this crap making it to the senate. Like I said before, this is nothing but a commie campaign trick, pulling anything they can to try to effect public opinion.



it will go to trial. being removed is a whole other animal - but he'll get a trial.

Don't bet the farm on it child. LMAO

McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles, Says Senate Will ‘Have to Have a Trial’
By Mairead McArdle
November 13, 2019 4:10 PM
Trump Impeachment -- Mitch McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles | National Review

is devon nunes' cow on that there farm?



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