Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?

Same party, same tactics, different actors.

Rich, white, liberal elites all support BLM and riots. They support Antifa and BLM burning down businesses in these big cities. Now all these businesses are gone or will flee if they were spared, no more jobs for lots of blacks. The “Detroitification” of America affects blacks first and foremost.

Then there is the fact that BLM specifically wants to eliminate fathers from families. Fatherless children have the worst chance of being successful in life compared to any other statistic, including race and income. So if you support modern feminism and having children out of wedlock for blacks, it’s practically condemning them to a shitty life. What is more racist than that? And what is the one party that promotes marriage and fathers raising their children? The GOP. The demonic Dems promote homosexuality, promiscuity, and the “women empowerment” lie.

Decades of “progressive” cultural influence on blacks has led them to be the leaders in single motherhood rates, drug use rates, poverty rates, illiteracy rates, unemployment, crime rates, prison incarceration, homosexuality, an HIV/AIDS rates. So who is destroying the black community? Dems are.

Meanwhile the Republicans are calling for more police to get the criminals off the streets, make those black neighborhoods safe again by keeping criminals locked up instead of releasing them, promote businesses and factories to open near them so they can get decent jobs, allow parents to choose a school for their kids, and have them grow up to be productive individuals that work and pay taxes. Oh the horror! Oh the systemic racism!
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?

Same party, same tactics, different actors.

Rich, white, liberal elites all support BLM and riots. They support Antifa and BLM burning down businesses in these big cities. Now all these businesses are gone or will flee if they were spared, no more jobs for lots of blacks. The “Detroitification” of America affects blacks first and foremost.

Then there is the fact that BLM specifically wants to eliminate fathers from families. Fatherless children have the worst chance of being successful in life compared to any other statistic, including race and income. So if you support modern feminism and having children out of wedlock for blacks, it’s practically condemning them to a shitty life. What is more racist than that? And what is the one party that promotes marriage and fathers raising their children? The GOP. The demonic Dems promote homosexuality, promiscuity, and the “women empowerment” lie.

Decades of “progressive” cultural influence on blacks has led them to be the leaders in single motherhood rates, drug use rates, poverty rates, illiteracy rates, unemployment, crime rates, prison incarceration, homosexuality, an HIV/AIDS rates. So who is destroying the black community? Dems are.

Meanwhile the Republicans are calling for more police to get the criminals off the streets, make those black neighborhoods safe again by keeping criminals locked up instead of releasing them, promote businesses and factories to open near them so they can get decent jobs, allow parents to choose a school for their kids, and have them grow up to be productive individuals that work and pay taxes. Oh the horror! Oh the systemic racism!
Total b*******. Cultural influence my butt, the Republicans have been in charge of national policy for 40 years and their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else hurts the blacks most of all period In every possible way...
I'll let minorities decide who are the racists etc. 90% say the gop, you know the guys that keep screwing them politically and socially....
Why think for yourself when you can anoint a class of de facto clergy and just have faith in what they tell you?
All the Republicans I know love n****r jokes in private. Like your orange clown. Don't give a crap about anybody.....
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?

Same party, same tactics, different actors.

Rich, white, liberal elites all support BLM and riots. They support Antifa and BLM burning down businesses in these big cities. Now all these businesses are gone or will flee if they were spared, no more jobs for lots of blacks. The “Detroitification” of America affects blacks first and foremost.

Then there is the fact that BLM specifically wants to eliminate fathers from families. Fatherless children have the worst chance of being successful in life compared to any other statistic, including race and income. So if you support modern feminism and having children out of wedlock for blacks, it’s practically condemning them to a shitty life. What is more racist than that? And what is the one party that promotes marriage and fathers raising their children? The GOP. The demonic Dems promote homosexuality, promiscuity, and the “women empowerment” lie.

Decades of “progressive” cultural influence on blacks has led them to be the leaders in single motherhood rates, drug use rates, poverty rates, illiteracy rates, unemployment, crime rates, prison incarceration, homosexuality, an HIV/AIDS rates. So who is destroying the black community? Dems are.

Meanwhile the Republicans are calling for more police to get the criminals off the streets, make those black neighborhoods safe again by keeping criminals locked up instead of releasing them, promote businesses and factories to open near them so they can get decent jobs, allow parents to choose a school for their kids, and have them grow up to be productive individuals that work and pay taxes. Oh the horror! Oh the systemic racism!
Total b*******. Cultural influence my butt, the Republicans have been in charge of national policy for 40 years and their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else hurts the blacks most of all period In every possible way...

Contrary to Democrat belief....
All you need to see and understand to Comprehend the genesis Of the systemic racism alive and present in this nation:

Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?

Same party, same tactics, different actors.

Rich, white, liberal elites all support BLM and riots. They support Antifa and BLM burning down businesses in these big cities. Now all these businesses are gone or will flee if they were spared, no more jobs for lots of blacks. The “Detroitification” of America affects blacks first and foremost.

Then there is the fact that BLM specifically wants to eliminate fathers from families. Fatherless children have the worst chance of being successful in life compared to any other statistic, including race and income. So if you support modern feminism and having children out of wedlock for blacks, it’s practically condemning them to a shitty life. What is more racist than that? And what is the one party that promotes marriage and fathers raising their children? The GOP. The demonic Dems promote homosexuality, promiscuity, and the “women empowerment” lie.

Decades of “progressive” cultural influence on blacks has led them to be the leaders in single motherhood rates, drug use rates, poverty rates, illiteracy rates, unemployment, crime rates, prison incarceration, homosexuality, an HIV/AIDS rates. So who is destroying the black community? Dems are.

Meanwhile the Republicans are calling for more police to get the criminals off the streets, make those black neighborhoods safe again by keeping criminals locked up instead of releasing them, promote businesses and factories to open near them so they can get decent jobs, allow parents to choose a school for their kids, and have them grow up to be productive individuals that work and pay taxes. Oh the horror! Oh the systemic racism!
Total b*******. Cultural influence my butt, the Republicans have been in charge of national policy for 40 years and their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else hurts the blacks most of all period In every possible way...
Flat out lie. Republicans are barely ever in charge of both Congress and the White House for more than a few consecutive years, and Dems still control many states during those times. Rather pathetic attempt to deflect, Francis.
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?

I know it better than you, yet I can find historical comparisons of the repeated actions of "Democrats" in their failed attempts of violence, segregation and hate to minorities through the years.
20th Century Democrats’ bigoted history
Especially when the most momentous and character revealing civil rights actions were taken during the height of America’s racial tensions:

  • Until the Supreme Court’s Smith v. Allwright ruling of 1944, only whites were allowed to vote in Democratic Party primary contests. The Democratic Party argued that it was an independent organization that could include or exclude as a part of its organization anyone it pleased.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was the first federal civil rights legislation passed by the United States Congress since the Civil Rights Act of 1875. The House passed the bill by a 285-126 vote, with 48% of Democrats but only 10% of Republicans voting against it. The Senate passed the bill by a 72-18 vote, with 100% of all votes against cast by Democrats.
  • Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period.
  • The Southern Manifesto of 1956 declared the signatories’ opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which ruled racial segregation in public schools as unconstitutional. From the House of Representatives, 99 Democrats but only 2 Republicans signed it.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1960 established federal inspection of local voter registration polls and introduced penalties for anyone who obstructed someone’s (primarily Blacks) attempt to register to vote. The House passed the bill by a 311-109 vote, with 34% of Democrats but only 10% of Republicans voting against it.
  • The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door of 1963 took place at Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama. George Wallace, the Democratic Governor of Alabama, in a symbolic attempt to keep his inaugural promise of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” and stop the desegregation of schools, stood at the door of the auditorium to try to block the entry of two African American students.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and prohibited unequal application of voter registration requirements, and racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations. In the House, 61% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans supported the legislation. In the Senate, 69% of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82% of Republicans.
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a landmark piece of federal legislation that prohibited racial discrimination in voting. The House passed the bill by a 333-85 vote, with 22% of Democrats but only 18% of Republicans voting against it. The Senate passed the bill by a 77-19 vote, with 25% of Democrats but only 6% of Republicans voting against it.
  • State laws prohibiting interracial marriage (“miscegenation”) had been enforced throughout the South and in many Northern states since the Colonial era. During Reconstruction, such laws were repealed in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Texas and South Carolina. However, those states reinstated miscegenation laws after the DemocraticRedeemers” came to power. The Supreme Court declared such laws constitutional in 1883. This verdict was finally overturned in 1967 by Loving v. Virginia.
Source: THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S RACIST PAST – Factual Harassment
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Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?

Same party, same tactics, different actors.

Rich, white, liberal elites all support BLM and riots. They support Antifa and BLM burning down businesses in these big cities. Now all these businesses are gone or will flee if they were spared, no more jobs for lots of blacks. The “Detroitification” of America affects blacks first and foremost.

Then there is the fact that BLM specifically wants to eliminate fathers from families. Fatherless children have the worst chance of being successful in life compared to any other statistic, including race and income. So if you support modern feminism and having children out of wedlock for blacks, it’s practically condemning them to a shitty life. What is more racist than that? And what is the one party that promotes marriage and fathers raising their children? The GOP. The demonic Dems promote homosexuality, promiscuity, and the “women empowerment” lie.

Decades of “progressive” cultural influence on blacks has led them to be the leaders in single motherhood rates, drug use rates, poverty rates, illiteracy rates, unemployment, crime rates, prison incarceration, homosexuality, an HIV/AIDS rates. So who is destroying the black community? Dems are.

Meanwhile the Republicans are calling for more police to get the criminals off the streets, make those black neighborhoods safe again by keeping criminals locked up instead of releasing them, promote businesses and factories to open near them so they can get decent jobs, allow parents to choose a school for their kids, and have them grow up to be productive individuals that work and pay taxes. Oh the horror! Oh the systemic racism!
Total b*******. Cultural influence my butt, the Republicans have been in charge of national policy for 40 years and their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else hurts the blacks most of all period In every possible way...
Flat out lie. Republicans are barely ever in charge of both Congress and the White House for more than a few consecutive years, and Dems still control many states during those times. Rather pathetic attempt to deflect, Francis.

the Republicans have been in charge of national policy for 40 years and their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else hurts the blacks most of all period In every possible way...

Damn. All these years, I had NO Idea the GOP set " national " policy for 40 years.

When the Dems were not passing Immigration Laws that decimated the border and flooded the nation with immigrants., we had RINOs going along with them.

The last truly conservative POTUS, enacting conservative policies was Reagan. The rest produced lesser gains in Dem policies.

Bush 41 started the abdication, and was fired for it. Bush 43 was busy presiding over an open border as Texas governor before going to DC and furthering the Globalists' world view.

But the welfare heroin which really truly represented the cynical exploitation of race for votes and continues to this day was 100% Dem policy enabled by GOP benign neglect and unfortunate indifference.
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
Give it a break. We all know that this is bullshit.
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
You do realize it's not 1861 189 0 19 30 or 1958, don't you?

Same party, same tactics, different actors.

Rich, white, liberal elites all support BLM and riots. They support Antifa and BLM burning down businesses in these big cities. Now all these businesses are gone or will flee if they were spared, no more jobs for lots of blacks. The “Detroitification” of America affects blacks first and foremost.

Then there is the fact that BLM specifically wants to eliminate fathers from families. Fatherless children have the worst chance of being successful in life compared to any other statistic, including race and income. So if you support modern feminism and having children out of wedlock for blacks, it’s practically condemning them to a shitty life. What is more racist than that? And what is the one party that promotes marriage and fathers raising their children? The GOP. The demonic Dems promote homosexuality, promiscuity, and the “women empowerment” lie.

Decades of “progressive” cultural influence on blacks has led them to be the leaders in single motherhood rates, drug use rates, poverty rates, illiteracy rates, unemployment, crime rates, prison incarceration, homosexuality, an HIV/AIDS rates. So who is destroying the black community? Dems are.

Meanwhile the Republicans are calling for more police to get the criminals off the streets, make those black neighborhoods safe again by keeping criminals locked up instead of releasing them, promote businesses and factories to open near them so they can get decent jobs, allow parents to choose a school for their kids, and have them grow up to be productive individuals that work and pay taxes. Oh the horror! Oh the systemic racism!
Total b*******. Cultural influence my butt, the Republicans have been in charge of national policy for 40 years and their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else hurts the blacks most of all period In every possible way...
Flat out lie. Republicans are barely ever in charge of both Congress and the White House for more than a few consecutive years, and Dems still control many states during those times. Rather pathetic attempt to deflect, Francis.

the Republicans have been in charge of national policy for 40 years and their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else hurts the blacks most of all period In every possible way...

Damn. All these years, I had NO Idea the GOP set " national " policy for 40 years.

When the Dems were not passing Immigration Laws that decimated the border and flooded the nation with immigrants., we had RINOs going along with them.

The last truly conservative POTUS, enacting conservative policies was Reagan. The rest produced lesser gains in Dem policies.

Bush 41 started the abdication, and was fired for it. Bush 43 was busy presiding over an open border as Texas governor before going to DC and furthering the Globalists' world view.

But the welfare heroin which really truly represented the cynical exploitation of race for votes and continues to this day was 100% Dem policy enabled by GOP benign neglect and unfortunate indifference.
People like Francis are incapable of holding their own party responsible. We do, the GOP had short times with a super majority in Congress and could had passed new amendments to the constitution, but never did. The GOP also for many years worked with Dems to promote “free trade”, which was code speak for shipping jobs overseas.
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
Give it a break. We all know that this is bullshit.
^^ You’ve gotta love this articulate responses from brain dead lefties.
I'll let minorities decide who are the racists etc. 90% say the gop, you know the guys that keep screwing them politically and socially....
Why think for yourself when you can anoint a class of de facto clergy and just have faith in what they tell you?
All the Republicans I know love n****r jokes in private. Like your orange clown. Don't give a crap about anybody.....
Plenty of democrats enjoy racist humor, as well. A lot of people do. Cracking racist jokes does not a racist make.

Plenty of people also like gallows humor. Most of them aren't murderers.
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.
Give it a break. We all know that this is bullshit.
^^ You’ve gotta love this articulate responses from brain dead lefties.

Speaking of brain dead, I would like to see a reply in proper English.
Shines: Of Course There Is Systemic Racism in America and It’s in the Democratic Party

Bishop Aubre Shines writes in the Washington Times about systemic racism in America, which he attributes to the historical Democrat Party dating back to the post-Civil War era, the Jim Crow laws, and their enforcer: The Ku Klux Klan:
These past couple of weeks have been some of the saddest I’ve seen in my lifetime as an African-American. It began with the tragic, needless, death of George Floyd, but then quickly escalated into some of the most vicious, violent rioting our country has seen in decades.​
The Democratic Party, true to form, never lets a crisis go to waste. It has seized on what should be a time of healing and instead made the conversation more divisive by lecturing us all about how systemic racism is supposedly rampant in the United States. The great irony here is that yes, there’s plenty of systemic racism in our country; it’s all wrapped up in the history of the Democratic Party.​
The rot goes deep, back to the post-Civil War era. Former slaves and their children were forced for decades to endure the cruel, wretched Jim Crow laws that kept them from advancing in the South. And who was all too happy to keep those laws in place? The Democrats.​
The Republican Party had planks in its party platforms addressing the rights of African-Americans in the early 20th century. The Democrats, meanwhile, used the KKK as their stormtroopers, lynching and terrorizing blacks in the South beginning just after the Civil War and continued this practice for a century.​
Read the rest of the editorial here.

Despite everything they say today, the Democatic Party is and has always been the party of racial hatred and divide, they just changed the color of the people they hate!
When asked do you believe there is systemic racism in America? The answer is an emphatic Yes in the Democratic party. They governed the confederacy in the civil war, and they govern the most oppressed Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities in America today.
The death of George Floyd was indeed tragic and needless. However, it was also self inflected. Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose. He was already suffering from the overdose when he was arrested for buying cigarettes with counterfeit money. This was demonstrated by his stating "I can't breathe" while simply standing in the road. His lungs were already filling with foam due to the fentanyl. He was restrained for resisting arrest. The restraint did not cause his death.
Though most of you already know this, it should be repeated EVERY time the story of Floyd is told.

Is SYSTEMIC RACISM or mental health issues causing ProBlack community HOSTILITY toward citizens whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is peaceably living their lives?

"C00N - Willie D Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash"

ProBlack/BLM Pathology:


Hello. I am trying to figure out why Systemic Racism affects citizens populating America's large emotionally troubled, Female dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation-minded Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE practicing ProBlack/BLM community:

Yet conservative minded citizens of African descent appear to have no problem achieving success and enjoying their own unique vision for life, liberty, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Can someone explain this strange phenomena?

I look forward to reading intelligent replies accompanied by facts & evidence explaining why SYSTEMIC RACISM affects some people but not others.

THUGLIFE = "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everyone" ~Tupac Shakur, Childhood Trauma (ACEs) Victim



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